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This book aims to bring together a series of analyses on international development assistance in the BRICS, the group of countries that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The BRICS states comprise approximately 3 billion people (~40% of the World’s population) and in terms of GDP account for 16.8 trillion dollars (~22% of the World’s economy). Over the last decade the loose coalition has evolved to become a formal partnership on both economic and political fronts. The first formal meeting of the then-four BRIC countries took place in 2006 during the United Nations General Assembly. This was followed in 2009 by the first summit of BRICS' heads of state, an event which has been convened annually ever since. On 3-5 September 2017, the ninth BRICS Summit was hosted in Xiamen, China. This book, an anthology of scholars based in BRICS countries, provides invaluable insights into the emerging global south coalition, and will be of interest to scholars, employees of NGOs, and China watchers.
São Petersburgo. Doze anos se passaram desde a última vez que os Águias Sem Medo deixaram a Cerberus e seguiram a pista do portal mãe. A academia russa AUZ será sua nova casa e, antes uma academia respeitada e símbolo de disciplina entre as outras, encontra-se em estado deplorável. Konovaloff, seu diretor, um cão de guerra da velha guarda tenta de todas as formas criar um ambiente de coexistência entre os padres e os pagãos, mas sem sucesso,precisa tomar medidas drásticas. Nesse ambiente mais tenebroso que o da própria Cerberus João salva uma garota e descobre algo que não conhecia, mas o bando das Valkírias não tem a menor chance de sobrevivência e os Águias aceitam o desafio de prepará-las. Quando a hora de partir chega, Renan precisa enfrentar a responsabilidade de levá-las consigo para a missão mais perigosa de todas. O desfecho da série promete ser forte, surpreendente e mexer com o leitor. Para muitos tudo acabará... para outros estará apenas começando.
Os Informais (Grupo de Pesquisa "Trabalho, Interseccionalidades e Direitos") são um grupo de pesquisadores e pesquisadoras da Universidade Federal da Bahia e da Universidade de Brasília, reunidos/as desde 2020 para pensar o direito do trabalho na "zona do não ser" (Fanon, 2012). Esse grupo se formou a partir de uma inquietação elementar: quais as conexões e possibilidades do estudo do direito do trabalho desde a perspectiva do trabalho informal? O momento que desemboca na produção coletiva que é agora apresentada se volta a uma análise aprofundada das estruturas de poder complexas e sobrepostas que concorrem para a construção de posições diversas no mundo do trabalho e na socie...
Addresses the global turn toward human rights-based litigation to push governments and corporations to ambitiously address the climate emergency.
Suitable for bankers, development analysts, policymakers, NGOs and students, this book offers crucial insights into the evolving landscape of global development finance.
This book offers a comprehensive comparative perspective on the increasingly significant development cooperation activities of the BRICS. Providing a powerful set of insights into the drivers for engagement within each country, it brings together leading experts from Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and OECD countries. The authors review the empirical evidence for the BRICS’ modes of development cooperation and their geographical reach, and explore the historical background and patterns of international development engagement of each country. They also present a cutting-edge analysis of the broader geopolitical shifts, distinctive ideologies and normative discourses that are influencing and informing their engagement in increasingly ambitious joint projects such as the New Development Bank. This collection is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the rapidly changing landscape of international development.
Jews and Judaism played a significant role in the history of the expansion of Europe to the west as well as in the history of the economic, social, and religious development of the New World. They played an important role in the discovery, colonization, and eventually exploitation of the resources of the New World. Alone among the European peoples who came to the Americas in the colonial period, Jews were dispersed throughout the hemisphere; indeed, they were the only cohesive European ethnic or religious group that lived under both Catholic and Protestant regimes, which makes their study particularly fruitful from a comparative perspective. As distinguished from other religious or ethnic minorities, the Jewish struggle was not only against an overpowering and fierce nature but also against the political regimes that ruled over the various colonies of the Americas and often looked unfavorably upon the establishment and tleration of Jewish communities in their own territory. Jews managed to survive and occasionally to flourish against all odds, and their history in the Americas is one of the more fascinating chapters in the early modern history of European expansion.
This ground-breaking volume provides analyses from experts around the globe on the part played by national and international law, through legislation and the courts, in advancing efforts to tackle climate change, and what needs to be done in the future. Published under the auspices of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), the volume builds on an event convened at BIICL, which brought together academics, legal practitioners and NGO representatives. The volume offers not only the insights from that event, but also additional materials, sollicited to offer the reader a more complete picture of how climate change litigation is evolving in a global perspective, highl...