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Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. Research and teaching activities in the fields of language, literature and culture are still being carried out even during the Covid -19 era that hit the world. It is undeniable that the results of research and learning of language, literature and culture at this time were a bit hindered because most activities were carried out from home. During the Covid-19 period, which started in early 2020, practically more activities were done at home. Likewise, institutions during the Covid-19 era were carried out online. For example, the Language Agency continues to carry out activities, but it is carried out online, such as online webinars that contribute...
English teacher of SMKN Kudu would like to thanks the following for their support and assistance with this anthology project. Allah SWT who blessed the editor to finish this project, Students of APHP/Agribusiness Processing of Agricultural Products who write their Private Letters at the main actor, Bapak Drs. Suyono, M.M as the Supervisor of SMK in Jombang Region, Bapak Drs. Khasanuddin, MMPd as the Head Master of SMKN Kudu, Ibu Ida Setyowati, MPd, the collaborator English Teacher in this Project also all English Teachers of SMKN Kudu who gave me deal to discuss about the project. The purpose of this anthology is to develop of KI/KD : 3.17 Membedakan fungsisosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Means how to divide the social function, text structure and the language content in some special texts at the form of private letter that asking and giving information of habitual action and people surrounding as the context and use for.
Sebuah antologi cerpen yang memuat kisah-kisah penuh inspirasi dari siswa kelas X F SMA Negeri 4 Kota Bengkulu. Buku ini menjadi potret suara remaja yang hidup dalam berbagai dinamika kehidupan, mulai dari persahabatan yang hangat, perjuangan meraih mimpi, hingga perjalanan menemukan jati diri. Setiap cerpen membawa pembaca pada perjalanan emosional yang mendalam. Ada kisah tentang persahabatan sejati yang tetap bertahan meski terpisahkan oleh jarak dan waktu, seperti yang dialami oleh Arip, Intan, dan Sintia. Di sisi lain, ada pula cerita tentang Fira, seorang gadis dari desa yang berjuang mewujudkan cita-citanya menjadi dokter di tengah segala keterbatasan ekonomi dan kondisi hidupnya. Cer...
The passing of the Genesis Wave has damaged hundreds of worlds in the newly named "Genesis Sector." A group of extraordinary men and women are assigned the task to get these devastated planets back on their feet.
This voluminous work, a store house of information about the Epics, Puranas and allied literature, was originally composed and published in Malayalam. It constituted the results of the author's devoted study and research extending over fourteen years. This English version of the same is to meet the growing demand of scholars interested in the study of Puranas. This stupendous work, in the form of an exhaustive descriptive index, covers the vast and varied field of ancient Indian culture in all aspects-history geography, religion, philosophy, myths, beliefs and practices as depicted in the Epics and Puranas. The work is planned on scientific lines. The material compiled is arranged systematically. Citations have been inserted in support of stated facts; at places they have been substituted by reference. Obsolete and obscure words, denoting objects such as a particular tree or plant have been explained by their scientific or vernacular equivalents. All modern critical apparatus has been utilized in the preparation of this comprehensive work.
Śivakōṭyācārya’s Vaḍḍārādhane (Veneration to the Elders) is the earliest extant prose work in Kannada language written by Śivakōṭyācārya during 940 CE. This classical text reflects the oral tradition of narrating stories of legendary religious ascetics based on the gāhās which were taken from Bhagavatī Ārādhanā. This is a peculiar but commendable way of presenting stories of the senior and respectable ascetics combining oral and written styles of narration. Thus, Vaḍḍārādhane stands as an excellent example for an ancient classical text, fit for linguistic and cultural study. Each story in this collection, is wonderful in its own way. Generally, religious stori...
Buku Eksplorasi Bahasa menghadirkan berbagai kajian mendalam mengenai aspek-aspek kebahasaan yang menghubungkan antara teori dan praktik. Setiap bab dalam buku ini menyajikan eksplorasi kritis terhadap penggunaan bahasa dalam beragam konteks, mulai dari karya sastra hingga interaksi sehari-hari. Bagian pertama buku ini menganalisis puisi Kuajak Kau ke Hutan dan Tersesat, sebuah karya yang mengajak pembaca untuk menelusuri keindahan bahasa puisi sekaligus menggali pesan-pesan mendalam yang tersembunyi di balik kata-kata. Bagian selanjutnya mengkaji tindak tutur ilokusi dalam film Meraih Mimpi, yang memperlihatkan bagaimana dialog film dapat menyampaikan makna yang lebih dari sekadar kata-kata...
Tuntun Aku Menuju Surga-Nya PENULIS: Rara Martina Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-7953-86-9 Terbit : Mei 2020 Sinopsis: Akbar Mahendra, mahasiswa beken di Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Naina Maharani, putri kesayangan Pak Burhan dosen senior di kampus. Dan Sonia perempuan manis putri pengusaha sukses. Akbar mencintai Naina, begitu pula Naina. Naina Maharani adalah seorang perempuan salehah. Tetapi, suatu hari Sonia datang dengan sejuta pesonanya. Yang berhasil membuat Akbar membagi perasaannya. ''Aku jatuh cinta, Bar,'' kata Sonia tepat di hadapan Akbar. Pernyataan Sonia membuat Akbar pilon. ''Sama Islam.'' Akbar cengengesan mendengar penuturan Sona selanjutnya. Tetapi, hatinya senang bukan main. Akankah ini akan menjadi awal kisah mereka dalam jalan yang sama. Dalam kepercayaan yang sama? Atau justru Akbar memilih Naina yang sudah pasti akan menjadi istri salehah idamannya? Email : WA di 081287602508 Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys