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PRAKATA PEMBUKA Dengan mengucap Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘aalamin kami haturkan rasa syukur yang sebesar-besarnya kehadirat ALLAH SWT yang telah memberikan Rahmat dan Taufiknya kepada kami sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan Buku Leadership In Digital Era ini. Kami ucapkan terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang telah berkontribusi dalam penulisan buku ini, khususnya kepada beliau Dr.Firman Nugraha, M. Ag. Selaku Dosen Pengampu mata kuliah Leadership In Digital Era yang telah rela mencurahkan pengetahuannya kepada kami semua, semoga menjadi amal bapak yang tidak pernah terputus ilaa yaumil qiyaamah. Aamin. Semoga setelah diterbitkannya buku ini, mampu untuk menjadi bahan bacaan dan bahan referensi para pembaca sekalian. Dalam penyusunan buku ini tentunya kami menyadari bahwa masih ada kekurangan-kekurangan yang perlu kami benahi. Sebagaimana batas kami hanyalah sebagai insan semata yang dalam maqolah diterangkan Al-Insaanu Mahallul Khoto’ wa Annisyaan. Maka dari itu kritik saran yang bersifat konstruktif dan solitif akan sangat berharga bagi kami. Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Kelas A IAI BUNGA BANGSA CIREBON 2021
LEMBAR HASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEERREVIEW KARYA ILMIAH : JURNAL ILMIAH Judul Jurnal Ilmiah (Artikel) : Development of Geographic Information System For Searching Shortest Trip Route on Online Taxi Penulis Jurnal Ilmiah/ : otong saeful Bachri, Rasta, Brama saputra Budiatmaja dan Agus subagio Jumlah penulis : / 4 Orang
The theory, methods, and practices needed to build molecules and supramolecular systems Using a synthetic approach to organic materials chemistry, this book sets forth tested and proven methods and practices that make it possible to engineer organic molecules offering special properties and functions. Throughout the book, plenty of real-world examples demonstrate the countless possibilities of creating one-of-a-kind molecules and supramolecular systems to support a broad range of applications. The book explores applications in both materials and bioorganic chemistry, including molecular electronics, energy storage, sensors, nanomedicine, and enzyme engineering. Organic Synthesis and Molecula...
Educators are the leading contributors to the progression of our society! It begins with mom and dad, then the baton is transferred to teachers. The teaching profession is a huge responsibility that's taken very seriously by instructors at all levels! Imagine our society without great teachers. Ignorance and illiteracy would ensue. We created this notebook in support of great teachers!
Presents a cookbook for busy people that focuses on gluten-free lifestyles and seasonal vegetables, sharing practical tips for stocking a pantry and baking without gluten while providing a variety of options.
Linux Security Fundamentals provides basic foundational concepts of securing a Linux environment. The focus is the digital self-defense of an individual user. This includes a general understanding of major threats against individual computing systems, networks, services and identity as well as approaches to prevent and mitigate them. This book is useful for anyone considering a career as a Linux administrator or for those administrators who need to learn more about Linux security issues. Topics include: Security Concepts Encryption Node, Device and Storage Security Network and Service Security Identity and Privacy Readers will also have access to Sybex's superior online interactive learning environment and test bank, including chapter tests, a practice exam, electronic flashcards, a glossary of key terms.
Episode 8 of Cassanova's escapades, starts with a meeting of Countess Coronini - a Lover's Pique - Reconciliation - The First Meeting - a Philosophical Parenthesis. A scholar, an adventurer, perhaps a Cabalist, a busy stirrer in politics, a gamester, one born for the fairer sex, as he tells us, and born also to be a vagabond; this man, who is remembered now for his written account of his own life, was that rarest kind of autobiographer, one who did not live to write, but wrote because he had lived...
MANAGEMENT OF GENETIC SYNDROMES THE MOST RECENT UPDATE TO ONE OF THE MOST ESSENTIAL REFERENCES ON MEDICAL GENETICS Cassidy and Allanson’s Management of Genetic Syndromes, Fourth Edition is the latest version of a classic text in medical genetics. With newly covered disorders and cutting-edge, up-to-date information, this resource remains the most crucial reference on the management of genetic syndromes in the field of medical genetics for students, clinicians, caregivers, and researchers. The fourth edition includes current information on the identification of genetic syndromes (including newly developed diagnostic criteria), the genetic basis (including diagnostic testing), and the routin...