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For a Better Worldliness is not only a statement of Abraham Kuyper's and Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theological concept and historical practice of discipleship. It is also--and perhaps more importantly--a call to engage in the fullness of the Christian life here and now. While this book goes to great efforts to establish sound historical and theological insights specifically in regards to Kuyper and Bonhoeffer, there is a strong underlying current that these particular insights deeply matter to the life of discipleship in the world today. History shows us that discipleship is not a singular journey; because of Jesus Christ it is not a description of one set path with one set of guidelines. A disciple can be a prime minister who unabashedly and successfully campaigned on his Calvinistic principles, just as he can be a participant in a coup d'etat launched against a tyrant, leading to the disciple's own imprisonment and death. Jesus Christ calls--whether to the height of political office, or to the dank prison cell, or (more likely for us) to somewhere in between.
Faith, Life, and Learning Online is an invitation for faith-based institutions to take bold steps toward integrating a holistic mission of spiritual formation into the online learning environment. For Christian higher education, faith integration is a matter of mission, not modality. Regardless of whether learning happens in the traditional classroom, through hybrid models, or exclusively online, Christian universities have a missional mandate to continue their long legacy of forming students of competence and character. While traditional campuses continue to provide unique and meaningful opportunities for students to grow in their faith, online learning has opened new avenues for engagement and development of spiritual formation. As such, all Christian higher education institutions are now called to take advantage of this unique technological moment to continue to offer transformative opportunities for the holistic integration of faith, life, and learning in the online environment.
This book is a collection of scholarly essays that place Dietrich Bonhoeffer in conversation with the Dutch Neo-Calvinist tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck. The essays engage in theological ethics and historical theology in an effort to frame ongoing dialogue in relation to issues of public theology. While Bonhoeffer and Neo-Calvinism represent distinct theological traditions, there is value in placing their respective ideas in conversation for the purposes of creative insight, theological understanding, and practical application. Contributors represent perspectives from North America and the Netherlands. Taken together, the essays offer an important contribution to this unique field of theological inquiry.
Serving a Crucified King speaks to a growing crisis within the contemporary church, one of misplaced allegiance and misguided discipleship. If Jesus Christ is who we claim him to be, then we must ask ourselves: Are we truly conducting our lives and constructing our communities in light of that astonishing reality? But, as long as the contemporary church continues to act in a manner so seemingly at odds with the mission and message of Jesus, it remains in a state of emergency. Albeit a serious charge, solving this crisis is of the utmost importance if we are to live once again in faithful obedience to Jesus Christ as king. The magnitude of the problem necessitates the establishment of a movement of kingdom citizens devoted to the cruciform reign of Christ and committed to a wholesale transformation in thinking and practice within the church. To this end, Serving a Crucified King is a clarion call back to the real work of being a disciple of Jesus in our society. Expect to have your thinking challenged, your heart moved, and your action re-oriented.
The Reformed tradition in the twenty-first century is increasingly diverse, dynamic, and deeply engaged in a wide variety of global and public issues, from the arts and business to immigration and race to poetry and politics. This book brings together the insights of a diverse group of leading Reformed thinkers--including Nicholas Wolterstorff, Makoto Fujimura, Bruce Ashford, John Witvliet, Ruben Rosario Rodriguez, and James K. A. Smith--to offer a contemporary vision of the depth and diversity of the Reformed faith and its global public impact.
Kuyper on the Positive Potential of Business In his vast treasury of writings, Abraham Kuyper addressed nearly every sphere of society, including politics, science, and the arts. But his views on business and economics are often overlooked because he rarely engaged with that sphere directly. Still, his doctrine of common grace has great significance for showing how Christ is at work in the workplace. In this anthology of essays, speeches, and reflections, we see Kuyper's attempts to think positively and creatively about the calling and potential of business. Included are his ideas about economic freedom, the eternal value of earthly work, stewardship and philanthropy, economic globalization, the workings of God's grace in business, and the social function of money.
Kuyper on a Theological Approach to Justice The practical outworking of Kuyper's doctrine of common grace demanded a commitment to seeking Christ's glory in every sphere of human life. Christians are called to witness to the lordship of Christ through sacrificial service, not domination, and such service calls us to seek charity and justice for all people. In this anthology of articles and reflections, Kuyper articulates a Christian vision for engaging with society. Though his analysis was intended for his late-nineteenth-century Dutch context, his thoughts remain strikingly relevant for Christians living in the modern world. For Kuyper, God's law preserved civil justice, making humane life possible. However, the law itself could not save society—only the gospel can transform the heart. But the gospel is for all of life. Kuyper elaborated a social Christian approach to politics, resulting in a distinct perspective on property, human dignity, democracy, and justice.
Com tantas vozes e opiniões distintas, nunca foi tão necessário desenvolver uma cosmovisão bíblica que englobe todas as áreas da vida. Assim, surgiu a teologia pública: uma área de estudo que se dedica a pensar sobre os temas mais complexos da sociedade à luz das Escrituras. O livro Teologia pública reformada reúne 23 artigos acerca de uma grande variedade de questões globais e públicas: das artes aos negócios, da imigração à poesia, de questões étnicas à política. São textos escritos por grandes pensadores da tradição reformada, como Nicholas Wolterstorff, Makoto Fujimura, Bruce Ashford, John Witvliet, Ruben Rosario Rodriguez e James K. A. Smith, os quais oferecem uma visão contemporânea de como a fé reformada dialoga com questões prementes da sociedade. ,
Dieser Band versammelt acht Beiträge eines Studientages, der im Vorfeld des 100. Todestages Abraham Kuypers (1837-1920) in Göttingen stattfand. In Auseinandersetzungen mit dem "Modernismus" beanspruchte Kuyper, den Calvinismus als ein der Freiheit besonders verpflichtetes Format des christlichen Glaubens zu reformulieren, das eine enorme Kraft zur Weltgestaltung freisetzt. Vier deutsche Autor:innen, drei Autor:innen aus den Niederlanden und eine Autorin aus der Schweiz mit profanhistorischen, kirchengeschichtlichen und systematisch-theologischen Fokussierungen gehen der gemeinsamen Frage nach, ob ein neuer Blick auf diese niederländische Jahrhundertgestalt unabgegoltene Einsichten und überraschende Perspektiven für die gegenwärtigen Herausforderungen in Kirche, Theologie und Gesellschaft eröffnen kann. Ausgewiesene Kuyper-Kenner:innen kommen ins Gespräch mit dezidierten Kritiker:innen. Dieser Band bietet in seiner vielstimmigen Beschäftigung mit Kuyper neue Anstöße und Anregungen.
This volume of essays is a new step by the Abraham Kuyper Center for Public Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary to stimulate new work in the broad area of Reformed theology and public life. The contributions here deal largely with political themes ― some contemporary, some historical.