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Discover how easy it is to create the healthiest, tastiest pizza this side of Naples. Pizza can be thin, thick, crisp, chewy, round, square, filled, fried or sweet - but the quality of the pizza is always defined by the quality of the flour, dough and toppings. Stefano Manfredi, Sydney's award-winning pizza maestro, takes the world's favourite fast food back to its origins - as a deliciously healthy and simple meal for everyone to enjoy.
The perfect pesto. The best bouillabaisse. The purest paella. The perfect pesto. The best bouillabaisse. The purest paella. A river of gold flows through western Italy, southern France and eastern Spain. It's the olive oil that links three great cuisines, along with a love of garlic, anchovies, peppers, fresh herbs and seasonal vegetables. In stories and recipes, and beautiful location photography, Coastline explores the legacy of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and the Vikings, who left the gift of a 'cuisine of the sun' flavoured with generosity and conviviality.
'As enticing as a soft breeze through Galle, and equally delectable, Weligama is spice-scented, evocative and the perfect introduction to Sri Lankan Cooking.'- Tom Parker Bowles 'Emily is one of the best cooks I know and Sri Lanka is one of my favourite countries - so this is a mind blowing combination.' - Meera Sodha, author of Made in India 'This book has all the brightness and vibrancy of the author, with recipes for dishes that whet the appetite mightily. An urgent need to visit Sri Lanka is inevitable after reading this book.'- Jeremy Lee, Quo Vadis 'The food of Ceylon so deserves to be better known and - as Emily says of the hopper she introduced to the streets of London with great acc...
High quality critical care medicine is a crucial component of advanced health care. Completely revised and updated, Key Topics in Critical Care, Second Edition provides a broad knowledge base in the major areas of critical care, enabling readers to rapidly acquire an understanding of the principles and practice of this area of modern clinical medicine. Expanded to include the latest hot topics, the new edition puts an increased emphasis on recent reviews and contains added references to key landmark papers. Using the trademark Key Topics style, each topic has been written by an expert in the field and includes a succinct overview of the subject with references to current publications for further reading. The book provides a framework for candidates of postgraduate medical examinations such as FRCS, MRCP, and FRCA and a reference that can be consulted in emergency situations. New topics include: Critical illness polyneuromyopathy End of life care Inotropes and vasopressors Medical emergency team (outreach critical care) Status epilepticus Venous thromboembolism
Autogēnais treniņš peldētāju psiholoģiskajā sagatavošanā. 2005.Peldēšanas trenera kvalifikācijas diplomprojekts. 2006.Prakse. “Maxima Latvija”. 2012.SIA “Maxima Latvija”, kas ir liels daudzprofilu uzņēmums ar 20 gadu darbības pieredzi. Uzņēmums nodarbojas ar ikdienas vajadzības preču un pakalpojumu apmierināšanu.Šrilanka. 2017.Valsts atrodas tropu joslā, kam raksturīga mitrā un sausā sezona.
Tropiskā sala atrodas Indijas okeānā, pie Indostānas pussalas dienvidu gala. Šrilankas ziemeļus un Indijas dienvidus atdala Polka jūras šaurums 35 km platumā, bet savieno Ādama tilts – sēkļu un koraļļu salu virkne. Saskaņā ar leģendu Ādams, izraidīts no paradīzes uz zemi (uz Šrilankas salu), nogāja pa šo tiltu uz kontinentu.
Sri Lanka mit diesem umfassenden Reiseführer voller Reise-Know-how entdecken! Das Buch liefert die notwendigen praktischen Tipps für Individualreisende und bietet vielfältige Hintergrundinformationen über Menschen, Natur und Kultur des kleinen Tropenparadieses im Indischen Ozean. +++ Aus dem Inhalt: - Alle praktischen Reisefragen von A bis Z, aktuell und detailliert beantwortet. - Sorgfältige Beschreibung aller sehenswerten Orte und Landschaften. - Besichtigungstipps zu Architektur und historischen Städten. - Beschreibung der schönsten Strände und Buchten Sri Lankas. - Unterkunftsempfehlungen für jeden Geschmack: Hotels, Bungalows, Guest Houses. - Kulinarische Tipps von Kennern: die ganze Vielfalt der srilankischen Küche. - Verkehrsmittel vom Mietwagen über den Bus bis zum Three-Wheeler. - Empfehlungen für den srilankischen Alltag: Einkaufen, Märkte und Feste. - Tipps für Aktivitäten: Wanderungen, Ausflüge in Nationalparks. - Ausführliche Kapitel zu Natur, Geschichte, Religion und Kultur Sri Lankas. - Über 40 detaillierte Karten und Stadtpläne. - Kleine Sprachhilfe Singhalesisch/Tamil. REISE KNOW-HOW - Reiseführer für individuelle Reisen
Stefan Loose E-Books sind besonders praktisch für unterwegs und sparen Gewicht im Reisegepäck! E-Book basiert auf: 6. Auflage 2024 Kleine Insel, große Vielfalt – obwohl Sri Lanka kleiner ist als Bayern, präsentiert sich die Tropeninsel mit unglaublicher Vielfalt: Endlos lange, herrliche Sandstrände und Fischerromantik bilden eine ideale Kulisse für Badefreuden und farbenfrohe Sonnenuntergänge. Legendäre Königsstädte und Heiligtümer oder duftende Gewürzgärten begeistern Besucher ebenso wie tiefgrüne Berge, stille Seen und tierreiche Naturschutzgebiete. Strandurlauber zieht es vor allem an die West- und Südküste, Surfer eher an die Ostküste und Abenteurer in das Inselinnere....
I know you love him... Not the words you want to hear from your best friend. Especially when the him she is talking about is the man she’s married to. But when Alyssa Hutchins said those words, Bree realized her best friend knew the one secret she’d hoped to keep hidden for always. Just before she died, Alyssa asked Bree to promise her something, but it’s a promise that Bree isn’t sure she can keep. Colby Hutchins left town the day he buried his wife, but he couldn’t outrun the pain of losing her...nor could he outrun the guilt. The very night he buried his wife, he’d almost done the unthinkable. All Bree had done was offer comfort, but he had wanted more. Still wants more. Chased by guilty needs and taunted by dreams where Bree offers so much more than comfort, he returns home to close the book on the life that ended with his wife’s death. But he comes face to face with Bree and it sets everything inside him to burning all over him. These two battered souls long to be together, but something unspoken lingers between them...