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This updated and expanded fourth edition retains the strength of previous editions while adding new material relevant for the changing work environment. The book describes the latest industry trends and incorporates them into a project management framework. By developing practical skills it aids the project manager's own development, and provides a coherent overview of the issues that affect all in the converging industries of communications, media and computing.
Sometimes being an optimist is hard work. Brendon Osmond’s an optimist, a fitness geek, a man with a plan and the drive to achieve it. He’s sure he knows everything there is to know about his life and where it’s headed—until he gets one brief text. A text from her. Amanda. The girl who broke his heart. ‘Thinking of you.’ Just three little words, but they’re enough to make Brendon drop everything and head half way around the world to see her. Acting only on gut instinct, nothing can prepare Brendon for the truth he’s about to learn. A truth Amanda kept from him for almost two years. A truth who has Brendon’s eyes and claims his heart in an instant. A truth that comes with a devastating diagnosis with the power to destroy everything he never knew he wanted or held dear. “A heartbreaking, emotional, heartwarming, phenomenal story.” ~ Five Stars. 1-Click Addict Support Group ***The Always series is a 3-book series about love, life, laughter and hope. Originally released under the pen-name Cherie M Hudson, the Always series is Lexxie Couper unlike you've read before.***
Brendon's business philosophy is based on solid (but not too common) business sense, combined with radical new approaches that has made Brendon's web design business one of the most successful in Australia. His philosophy is based on four fundamentals: 1. YOUR WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT SKILLS DON'T MATTER Your average client can't determine the difference between a good and a bad web site. They can't really look at your portfolio and say: This person makes profitable web sites. Instead, they consider other factors when evaluating you for the job. For example: recommendations from other people, the quality of your brochure, the way you dress or simply your handshake. In the kit, Brendon show...
FBI-Agent John Harper kämpft gegen Terroristen, die einen vernichtenden Anschlag auf die amerikanische Zivilbevölkerung planen. Er muss bekanntes Terrain verlassen, um die international operierenden Verbrecher aufzuspüren. Die Entführung des beliebten Schauspielers Bradley Parker scheint mit den Vorgängen eng verknüpft zu sein. Er ist einem Sadisten ausgeliefert, der ihn grausam foltert. Doch erst Captain Nicolas Thornton, ein erfahrener Beamter des LAPD, kann die losen Fäden miteinander verknüpfen. Er muss dafür tief im Sumpf Hollywoods abtauchen und erkennen, dass jedes Menschenleben einen Preis hat, den manche ohne zu zögern zu zahlen bereit sind. "Fade Out - Ausblenden" ist eine atemraubende Hetzjagd und liefert einen schonungslos schockierenden Blick auf die Maschinerie der Traumfabrik.
Dan Norris je známý internetový podnikatel, který vybudoval řadu úspěšných i neúspěšných projektů. Prošel si vzestupy i pády. Nikdy se nevzdal a vždy se z nich poučil a odrazil k dalšímu smělému plánu. V knize Startup za 7 dní vám předá ty nejhodnotnější zkušenosti a lekce, které se během své podnikatelské kariéry naučil. S její pomocí vás z fáze nápadu posune do funkčního businessu s platícími klienty. To vše s ohledem na minimální náklady a maximální orientaci na zákazníka a předmět vašeho podnikání. Naučíte se svůj nápad rychle uvést do praxe, otestovat a odladit tak, aby byl pro trh zajímavý. Přesunete se z pozice nadšence do role skutečného podnikatele. To vše s radami a vedením špičkového podnikatele, který si sám prošel těžkými začátky a pomůže vám vyvarovat se opakování jeho chyb.
Dari menghasilkan ide hingga mendapatkan pelanggan berbayar pertama Anda, The 7 Day Startup adalah kitab suci bagi peluncuran produk Anda berikutnya. Di dalamnya, Anda akan belajar: 1. Mengapa validasi bukanlah jawabannya 2. Bagaimana mengevaluasi ide bisnis Anda 3. Bagaimana memilih nama bisnis dengan cepat 4. Bagaimana membangun website dalam 1 hari dengan biaya di bawah $100 5. 10 cara yang terbukti untuk memasarkan bisnis dengan cepat Dan masih banyak lagi. "Orang yang mengatakan tidak ada yang bisa dipelajari dari kegagalan tidak melihat gambaran besarnya. Dan sebenarnya tinggal 2 minggu lagi dari kebangkrutan dan siap mencari pekerjaan 9-5 ketika dia menemukan penemuan yang luar biasa ...
A cloth bag containing ten copies of the title.
Contains comprehensive track notes for walking the South Coast Track in Tasmania. The guide has 9 -1:50,000 colour topographic maps of the entire track, 50 colour photographs plus gradient profiles of the track. This is an all colour production with full track notes for both directions along the trail. The colour topographic maps and notes have been colour coded for each direction to reduce confusion about which notes are currently being followed. This is one of the world's great wilderness walks and takes 6 to 8 days to walk. Most plan for 7 days and it is suggested to carry one spare days food in case of river floods causing delays. For those wishing to explore further than the South Coast Track, then the larger guide book South West Tasmania which also includes the South Coast Track should be considered. This book is actually a subset of that larger guide and we would expect walkers to use one or the other but not both. Note that the maps in South West Tasmania for the South Coast Track are a smaller scale (1:100,000) and there is less detail in the track notes as that book is designed for more experienced walkers.
The home computer boom of the 1980s brought with it now-iconic machines such as the ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, and Commodore 64. Those machines would inspire a generation and foster the creation of a booming British software industry that continues to this day. With the help of hefty government discounts, computers worked their way into primary and secondary schools around the country. Millions more computers appeared in living rooms and bedrooms around the country. For once, Britain was ahead of the world, helping to create a golden generation of British programmers. The Computers That Made Britain tells the story of 19 of those computers, and what happened behind the scenes. This book is as m...