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Global Modernity and Social Contestation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

Global Modernity and Social Contestation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-01-19
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  • Publisher: SAGE

"A new generation of truly global sociology, grappling with the contemporary world through the lenses of critique, contestation, and social movements. A significant contribution." - Göran Therborn, University of Cambridge "This is a truly global and politically challenging book, bringing together top level researchers and sharply tackling its themes. People from every corner of the planet and from all walks in the social sciences will surely profit from reading it." - Carolina Mera, University of Buenos Aires How can we link contemporary social processes – which have typically been theorized in terms of the concept of modernity – with contemporary social movements, conflicts, and mobili...

The Nonprofit Sector
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 971

The Nonprofit Sector

“Timely, unique, and definitive . . . not only chronicles the history of the nonprofit sector but also provides a broad but critical analysis of its current state.” —Vartan Gregorian, President, Carnegie Corporation of New York The nonprofit sector has changed in fundamental ways in recent decades. As the sector has grown in scope and size, both domestically and internationally, the boundaries between for-profit, governmental, and charitable organizations have become intertwined. Nonprofits are increasingly challenged on their roles in mitigating or exacerbating inequality. And debates flare over the role of voluntary organizations in democratic and autocratic societies alike. The Nonp...

Being a Parent in the Field
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 295

Being a Parent in the Field

How does being a parent in the field influence a researcher's positionality and the production of ethnographic knowledge? Based on regionally and thematically diverse cases, this collection explores methodological, theoretical, and ethical dimensions of accompanied fieldwork. The authors show how multiple familial relations and the presence of their children, partners, or other family members impact the immersion into the field and the construction of its boundaries. Female and male authors from various career stages exemplify different research conditions, financial constraints, and family-career challenges which are decisive for academic success.

Social Movements and Politics in a Global Pandemic
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 334

Social Movements and Politics in a Global Pandemic

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-07-11
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  • Publisher: Policy Press

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Bringing together leading authors in the sociology and social movement fields from all continents, this unique book explores both the global echoes of the pandemic and the different local and national responses adopted by different actors.

An Invitation to Non-Hegemonic World Sociology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 371

An Invitation to Non-Hegemonic World Sociology

Although sociology is present as a discipline or as a social practice in most countries in the world, its future as a not-only Western social science has hardly been addressed before. In this book, a team of interdisciplinary scholars have been working together not so much to offer one single response to the question than to raise important issues at stake for the future of sociology. Is it universal? Can it be indigenous? How is it possible – and is it even desirable – to write its history differently so as to know better about its early world diffusion and gradual Westernization? Do we need to expand or change its canon? This collection brings together essays that are all engaged in in...

Staroverstvo v Sloveniji med religijo in znanostjo
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 177

Staroverstvo v Sloveniji med religijo in znanostjo

Knjiga obravnava izjemen družbeno-političen in okoljsko-religiozen fenomen. V Sloveniji se je v posebni obliki heterotopije najmanj do sredine 20. stoletja ohranila družbena skupnost, ki je ohranila svojo politično, pravno, policijsko in religiozno samostojnost neodvisno od vladajočega krščanskega in državnega sistema. Avtorji raziskujejo verodostojnost pripovedi o tej skriti družbi ter ji iščejo zgodovinski in prostorski okvir. Njen verovanjski sistem zelo očitno izhaja iz staroslovanskega in ustreza predstavi o pramonoteizmu, ki ga opisuje postkrščanska teologija. Tesno je povezan s prostorom, v katerem je materializiran v obliki tročlenih prostorskih struktur t. i. tročanov. Fizikalni poizkus, ki je bil izveden, kaže, da je zelo oprijemljiva verjetnost, da so s tročani ljudje regulirali negativne posledice lokalnega zemeljskega magnetizma in sončnih neviht. Tako so urejali prostor, ki jim je nudil več zdravja in s tem boljšo možnost preživetja. Gre za zgled sonaravnega bivanja. Njegov pomen postaja ob podivjanih vremenskih nesorazmerjih pomembnejši iz dneva v dan.

Soziologie 2/2022
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 133

Soziologie 2/2022

Die »Soziologie« ist das Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS). Die Zeitschrift fördert die Diskussion über die Entwicklung des Fachs, informiert über die Einbindung der deutschen Soziologie in ihren europäischen und weltweiten Kontext und dient dem Informationsaustausch über die Arbeit in den Sektionen und Arbeitsgruppen innerhalb der DGS. Herausgegeben im Auftrag der DGS: Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker; Redaktion: Prof. Dr. Sylke Nissen und Dipl.-Pol. Karin Lange, Universität Leipzig, Institut für Soziologie.

Historični seminar 14
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 169

Historični seminar 14

Historični seminar 14 prihaja v nenavadnem času, ko se svet spreminja pred našimi očmi. Da bi bolje razumeli sedanjost, je treba (na novo) ovrednotiti tudi preteklost in sedem zanimivih člankov domačih in tujih raziskovalcev, ki so bili najprej predstavljeni v ciklu predavanj Historični seminar na ZRC SAZU, zgodovino prikazuje v novi luči. Simon Malmenvall je analiziral like vladarskih mučencev Borisa in Gleba, Jovana Vladimirja in Magnusa Erlendssona, Celeste McNamara pa je pisala o padovanskem škofu Giovanniju Barbarigu in predstavila misijone v 17. stoletju. Monika Deželak Trojar je analizirala nemške in latinske postne pridige Janeza Ludvika Schönlebna in pokazala kakšen sp...

La naturaleza sí tiene derechos
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 200

La naturaleza sí tiene derechos

¿Por qué aceptamos como normal que las corporaciones tengan derechos y puedan reclamar por ellos mientras nos resulta inconcebible que la naturaleza, de la que depende nuestra vida, goce de ese reconocimiento? Dado que superar este desatino es uno de los grandes retos de la humanidad para enfrentar el colapso ecológico y social, Alberto Acosta y Enrique Viale, referentes internacionales del pensamiento y las luchas ecologistas, cuentan qué significan los derechos de la naturaleza y por qué el tema está muy lejos de ser una formalidad jurídica o una simple novelería. En este texto introductorio e inspirador, bucean en las razones históricas que, desde la conquista de América e inclu...

Global Modernity and Social Contestation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 398

Global Modernity and Social Contestation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-01-19
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  • Publisher: SAGE

"A new generation of truly global sociology, grappling with the contemporary world through the lenses of critique, contestation, and social movements. A significant contribution." - Göran Therborn, University of Cambridge "This is a truly global and politically challenging book, bringing together top level researchers and sharply tackling its themes. People from every corner of the planet and from all walks in the social sciences will surely profit from reading it." - Carolina Mera, University of Buenos Aires How can we link contemporary social processes – which have typically been theorized in terms of the concept of modernity – with contemporary social movements, conflicts, and mobili...