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Offering an interdisciplinary qualitative approach, this book examines and evaluates the role and benefits of a Learning Community (LC), a high-impact practice for student retention in higher education. A powerful demonstration of the effects of connection and comradery on learning, this account explores how the LC helps the decision-making of those in higher education administration regarding high impact student interventions.
Student writing has long been viewed as a problem in higher education in the UK. Moreover, the sector has consistently performed poorly in the National Student Survey with regard to assessment and feedback. Academics Engaging with Student Writing tackles these major issues from a new and unique angle, exploring the real-life experiences of academic teachers from different institutions as they set, support, read, respond to and assess assignments undertaken by undergraduate students. Incorporating evidence from post-1992 universities, Oxbridge, members of the Russell Group and others, this book examines working practices around student writing within the context of an increasingly market-orie...
*Winner of the Best Book Award from Researchers and Students and Study Abroad Programmes at the CIES2019 conference 2019 This book examines learning-mobility tensions and ties caused by convergences and divergences of social, organizational and cognitive forces in global higher education. As some of these forces generate status anxiety, and others enhanced self-worth, this volume asks the questions: How can students navigate treacherous education markets to reduce the former and increase the latter? Which specific forces and confluences enhance the quality of self-discovery? Does the search for identity and meaning produce better results when conducted internationally? Which transformative d...
Research into ethnic attainment differences in British higher education and elsewhere tends to depict students from minority ethnic backgrounds as disadvantaged, marginalised, discriminated against and excluded. In The Minoritisation of Higher Education, Mieschbuehler demonstrates that this idea is shaping theoretical perspectives and informing higher education policies and practice across the country, yet current university policies and practices perpetuate, rather than ameliorate, the educational status of so-called minority ethnic students. Including an examination of current theories, as well as a wealth of empirical data from students, this book explains how group-based social different...
Universities and the Occult Rituals of the Corporate World explores the metaphorical parallels between corporatised, market-oriented universities and aspects of the occult. In the process, the book shows that the forms of mystery, mythmaking and ritual now common in restructured institutions of higher education stem from their new power structures and procedures, and the economic and sociopolitical factors that have generated them. Wood argues that universities have acquired occult aspects, as the beliefs and practices underpinning present-day market-driven academic discourse and practice weave spells of corporate potency, invoking the bewildering magic of the market and the arcane mysteries...
Higher education has been presented as a solution to a host of local and global problems, despite the fact that learning and assessment can also be used as mechanisms for exclusion and social control. Developing Transformative Spaces in Higher Education: Learning to Transgress demonstrates that even when knowledge may appear to be the solution, it can be partial and disempowering to all but the dominant groups. The book shows the need to contest such knowledge claims and to learn to transgress, rather than to conform. It argues that transformative spaces need to be found and that these should be about the creation of new opportunities, ways of knowing and ways of being. Working in and throug...
This book is a study of cross-border activity in and around Japanese universities, employing ‘Asia’ as the cornerstone of inquiry. It offers qualitative, case-based analysis of Asia-oriented student mobility and partnership projects, framed by critical evaluation of discourses and texts concerning Japan’s positioning in an era of Asian ascendancy. This combination of Asia as theme and international higher education as empirical subject matter allows the book to shed new light on some of the fundamental policy currents in contemporary Japan. It also furnishes a fresh approach to comprehending the modalities of regionalism and regionalisation in the sphere of higher education.
Imagination and creative teaching approaches are increasingly important across all higher education disciplines, not just the arts. Investigating the role of imagination in teaching and learning in non-arts disciplines, this book argues that a lack of clarity about what imagination looks like in higher education impedes teachers in fostering their students’ creativity. Fostering Imagination in Higher Education tells four ethnographic stories from physics, history, finance and pharmaceutical science courses, analytically observing the strategies educators use to encourage their students’ imagination, and detailing how students experience learning when it is focussed on engaging their imag...
This edited volume explores the scope of interdisciplinary linguistics and includes voices from scholars in different disciplines within the social sciences and humanities, as well as different sub-disciplines within linguistics. Chapters within this volume offer a range of perspectives on interdisciplinary studies, represent a connection between different disciplines, or demonstrate an application of interdisciplinarity within linguistics. The volume is divided into three sections: perspectives, connections, and applications. Perspectives The goal of this section is to address more generally the definition(s) of and value of multi-, trans-, and inter-disciplinary work. In what areas and for...
This book focuses on the significant role that professional education programs play at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and these programs’ impact on society. Chapter authors discuss the contexts and experiences of students who have attended these programs, including their relationships with faculty, research opportunities, professional growth, personal enrichment, and institutional support. Taking into account social supports, identity development, and doctoral student socialization patterns, this book sheds light on what development and status of such professional education programs mean for future research and practice, while emphasizing issues of race, oppression, and marginalization.