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The Ten Commandments transport most of us back to the religion of our childhood, to catechism class or Sunday school. They easily evoke blind obedience, sin and guilt, a moralistic or legalistic mindset; their negative approach seems to be at the opposite extreme from the positive religion of love and responsibility which we identify with Jesus Christ. This book proposes to undertake a re-reading of this well-known biblical text to show how the Ten Commandments represent simple boundaries that protect our freedom to act and grow as children of a loving God. They are road signs indicating the way to the One who is the Way to Life in all its fullness.
Reflecting on the first four chapters of Genesis and the last section of the Book of Revelation, the author highlights the profound meaning behind the creation of the universe (cosmology) and our place in it (anthropology) in the light of faith in God (theology).
How can one live an authentically Christian life? Although many books and articles delineate the content of the Gospel message, the form or shape of an existence based on faith has not been studied as thoroughly. To use a language correctly, it is not enough to know the vocabulary; one must have a good grasp of its grammar. This book attempts to deepen our knowledge of the grammar of the Christian life starting from the notion of metanoia. Generally translated as "repentance" or "conversion," the word has in fact a much richer significance: it describes a total reorientation and transformation of our being, never accomplished once and for all, through the action of the Spirit of the risen Christ. Metanoia takes us out of our self-centered outlook and our limited and self-interested actions and brings us into God's today, where we become witnesses to a real Presence, that of the universal Body of Christ.
Brother Roger Schutz (1915-2005) was the beloved founder of Taize, an ecumenical monastic community in France, dedicated to reconciliation among Christians and all peoples. In recent decades Taize became a pilgrimage site for young people from around the world. This book presents the best of his spiritual writings.
The "source book" on which the common life in Taize is based, this short volume is fundamental for understanding the vocation of Taize. It is presented like a letter that Brother Roger addresses personally to each reader, telling how in spite of discouragement and even doubt we can constantly find refreshment in returning again and again to the sources of faith. In the second part of the book, Brother Roger speaks particularly to the brothers of the community, recalling the essentials that make life together possible. In his own particular style, Taize's founder expresses himself in words that go straight to the heart. In page after page, he is careful not to write a single word that he has not first of all tried to live out himself.
How can one live an authentically Christian life? Although many books and articles delineate the content of the Gospel message, the form or shape of an existence based on faith has not been studied as thoroughly. To use a language correctly, it is not enough to know the vocabulary; one must have a good grasp of its grammar. This book attempts to deepen our knowledge of the grammar of the Christian life starting from the notion of metanoia. Generally translated as “repentance” or “conversion,” the word has in fact a much richer significance: it describes a total reorientation and transformation of our being, never accomplished once and for all, through the action of the Spirit of the risen Christ. Metanoia takes us out of our self-centered outlook and our limited and self-interested actions and brings us into God’s today, where we become witnesses to a real Presence, that of the universal Body of Christ.
Is the Christian faith something that can peacefully exist alongside all the other aspects of an ordinary human life, or does it by its very nature turn that life into something else? The author of this book, a member of a monastic community for over forty years, obviously has a vested interest in the answer. But even for believers caught up in the day-to-day life of society, work, and family, the question is an important one, at least if they are seeking a measure of consistency in the life they are living. And does not the very fact that the question of the importance and urgency of faith needs to be asked witness to the eclipse of an eschatological outlook among Christians, at any rate in the mainstream Churches? Could this oversight not explain why an eschatological understanding of faith, one which sees it as a radical, world-changing reality, has been forced to take refuge, often deformed to the point of being unrecognizable, in small "fanatical" groups on the margins of the Christian world?
2021 Catholic Media Association Award first place award in morality, ethics, christology, mariology, and redemption What does it mean to live and build up the Kingdom of God? In this book, professor and priest Alberto de Mingo Kaminouchi introduces the contemporary reader to Christian ethics by examining the New Testament through the three key concepts of Aristotle’s ethics: happiness, virtue, and love. In turn, the three affirmations orient this reflection through the Gospel. First, when the triune God appears on the horizon, it becomes easier to understand that existence has a purpose: namely, participating with the entire human family in this project of happiness called the Kingdom of God. Second, happiness is not something outside of us; it consists in the practice of the virtues that bring about a personal transformation. Third, the project of the Kingdom leads us to live in love with others. De Mingo Kaminouchi shows the reader a real model of this in the community we call the church, the “field hospital” for all those in need of hope. This book is accessibly written for readers not already well-versed in Christian ethics.