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This book is the second greatly expanded edition of the previous booklet "Quantum Entanglement and the Collective Unconscious". It collects the best contributions published by the author in his blogs, social networks and sites in Italian, translated into English. The reader will be amazed at the originality of the arguments. From the happy marriage between quantum physics and Carl Jung's collective unconscious, a new metaphysics of the universe is born and a place emerges in which matter and spirit collaborate and are guided by cosmic synchronicities to lead man towards incredible evolutionary projects. Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli worked respectively in the field of psyche and in that of ma...
Књига је подељена у три дела. У првом делу (Интуиције) аутор се бави најрелевантнијим хипотезама о лажној стварности уочљивог света. Велики мислиоци су предвидели постојање нивоа свести који превазилази материју. Ову идеју налазимо у Платоновом „Мит о пећини“, у Берклијевој „Нематеријалистичкој теорији“, а такође и у „Психологији форме“ (Гесталтпсицхологие). Најмеродавнији и...
Mnoga su se stoljeća izvansenzorna opažanja slična telepatiji, predznacima budućnosti i vidovitosti smatrala lažnim maštarijama, iluzijama ili izumima. Materijalistički pristup koji prevladava u znanstvenim krugovima apriori negira bilo kakvu "duhovnu" stvarnost. Razlog je taj što se ove stvarnosti ne mogu provjeriti u laboratoriju. Unatoč tome, svi su ljudi imali neko iskustvo slično onome što ga niječe znanost. Primjerice, možemo se sjetiti neobjašnjivih događaja, predznaka budućih događaja ili snova koji se ostvaruju. Često smo imali koristi od ovih iskustava. To pokazuje da to nisu bila iluzorna iskustva. Te pojave nisu rijetke i pogađaju sve. Neki su znanstvenici, obd...
Čovječanstvo je od prvog razvoja svijesti shvatilo da neke značajne činjenice nisu rezultat slučajnosti. Neobjašnjive činjenice su signali kojima viša razina, filozofska ili božanska, pokušava razgovarati s ljudima. Nažalost, ta su vjerovanja izbrisana od strane materijalističke znanosti tijekom posljednja tri stoljeća. Ali 1980. godine, eksperimenti kvantne fizike pokazali su da postoji još jedan svemir, psihički. U ovoj novoj dimenziji, energija i informacija nemaju prostorna ni vremenska ograničenja. Kvantna fizika potvrđuje mnoge drevne spoznaje. Na primjer, koncept "Duše svijeta" koji je razradio grčki filozof Platon, kao i teorija "kolektivnog nesvjesnog" koju je raz...
Pages 124. Illustrated with 25 freely reproducible mini-posters In January 2020, China declared the presence of a new contagious and potentially deadly coronavirus. After a month, the epidemic has already taken on exceptional dimensions. There are over a thousand deaths. The outbreak has spread to over fifty countries outside of China. Only the knowledge of the danger can help to overcome it, therefore there is a great need for clear information. Often, however, we receive fragmented information, seasoned with technical terminologies or distorted by the disinformers who infest the web. This book was written to be understood. The author is an expert communicator in the field of scientific sub...
Pages 330. 58 illustrations. The book is divided into three parts. In the first part (The intuitions) the author deals with the most relevant hypotheses on the illusory reality of the perceptible world. The existence of a level of consciousness that transcends matter has been envisaged by the great thinkers. We find this idea in Plato's Myth of the Cave, in Berkeley's Immaterialistic Theory, in the Psychology of Form. The most authoritative source lies in the works on the collective unconscious and on the theory of synchronicity by Carl Jung. In the second part (Confirmations) the author describes in an elementary but detailed way the path of quantum physics, from Thomas Young's double slit ...
VIRTUAL, July 30 - 31, 2020 VIRTUAL International Academic Conference on the Global Impact of the Coronavirus COVID-19 on Society Global Impact of the Coronavirus COVID-19 on: Economics, Business, Marketing, Politics, Security, Sport, Tourism, Culture, Globalization, Children and Youth, Education, Transport, Engineering and Technology, Health and Medicine, Information Technology and other
The increasing prominence of urban life during the Middle Ages is undoubtedly one of the more transcendental and multi-faceted aspects of this era, having an effect on rules and laws, hygiene, and economic organisation. This book brings together contributions from a wide range of scholars who adopt a new approach to medieval urban life, using health, the economy, and regulations and laws as frames of reference for gaining a greater understanding of this historical period. Through these vectors, interesting insights are provided into medieval housing, cures for diseases, the work of artisans and merchants, and the relationship between the town and the wider region in which it was located.
A private detective is following the girl he is in love with. A former air force pilot, he is discovering some sides in the human nature he can't deal with. If you already have background with Spanish language, this book is the best one to try. It makes use of the ALARM Method to efficiently teach its reader Spanish words, sentences and dialogues. Through this method, a person will be able to enhance his or her ability to remember the words that has been incorporated into consequent sentences from time to time. The book is equipped with the audio tracks. The address of the home page of the book on the Internet, where audio files are available for listening and downloading, is listed at the beginning of the book on the copyright page.