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O livro O Terror Melodramático de Bollywood: a Índia imaginada no filme Mission Kashmir (2000) apresenta ao leitor uma análise histórica que evidencia como a Índia moderna foi pensada e representada pelas lentes de uma produção de ficção da indústria hindi, mundialmente conhecida como Bollywood. Ao mobilizar conceitos e referências fundamentais da história cultural e política, assim como os pressupostos incontornáveis ao uso do cinema como fonte histórica, a obra deslinda considerações sobre temas atuais como nacionalismo, identidade e terrorismo. O livro aparece como uma excelente fonte de erudição no que se refere à história da Índia e à história da Ásia, uma vez que demonstra uma contextualização histórica concisa e dinâmica sobre uma região ainda pouco explorada pela historiografia lusófona.
This collection of recent works by Norman K. Denzin provides a history of the field of qualitative inquiry over the past two decades. As perhaps the leading proponent of this style of research, Denzin has led the way toward more performative writing, toward conceptualizing research in terms of social justice, toward inclusion of indigenous voices, and toward new models of interpretation and representation. In these 13 essays—which originally appeared in a wide variety of sources and are edited and updated here—the author traces how these changes have transformed qualitative practice in recent years. In an era when qualitative inquiry is under fire from conservative governmental and academic bodies, he points the way toward the future, including a renewed dialogue on paradigmatic pluralism.
Keith Swanwick explores the psychological and sociological dimensions of musical experience and the implications of these for children's development and music education in schools and colleges. Music is seen, with the other arts, as contributing to the growth of mind, with deep psychological roots in play. Swanwick examines the ways in which children make their own music, and confirms that there is an observable sequence of development. His insights into musical experience help to draw together and interpret fragmented psychological work that has been done in the field and make it possible to plan music education in schools, colleges and studios in a more purposeful way. His analysis of the nature of musical experience and music education has consequences both for curriculum development and the assessment of students' work, with special reference given to the National Curriculum and GCSE.
Feminist theory has been widely translated, influencing the humanities and social sciences in many languages and cultures. However, these theories have not made as much of an impact on the discipline that made their dissemination possible: many translators and translation scholars still remain unaware of the practices, purposes and possibilities of gender in translation. Translating Women revives the exploration of gender in translation begun in the 1990s by Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood’s Re-belle et infidèle/The Body Bilingual (1992), Sherry Simon’s Gender in Translation (1996), and Luise von Flotow’s Translation and Gender (1997). Translating Women complements those seminal texts ...
Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) is the most common mycorrhizal type involved in agricultural systems, and the most widespread plant root symbiosis. The fungi involved (Glomales) are known to promote plant growth and health by acting as biofertilizers, bioprotectors and bioregulators. The main aim of this book is to provide readers with theoretical and applied knowledge essential for the use of AM fungi in improving plant health and fitness, production of high quality food and in conservation of natural resources. The different chapters target understanding the role of AM fungi in sustainable crop production, discussing ways to improve biological equilibria between microorganisms in the mycorrhizosphere, analysing genetic, physiological, cellular and molecular bases of AM functioning and establishing technologies for inoculum production, according to the regulatory guidelines for application.
In Brazil, after a homosexual sex scandal, Eduardo da Costa e Silva, is packed off to a job in the Brazilian consulate in Manhattan. The novel chronicles his adventures in New York and the unsuccessful attempt by Brazilian revolutionaries to convert him to their cause.
A ABPJD (Academia Brasileira de Produção Jurídica Discente) apresenta seu terceiro livro produzido com a colaboração de diversos profissionais da área jurídica, intitulado: "JUSTIÇA E DEMOCRACIA: as novas perspectivas da hermenêutica constitucional". Essa obra é fruto de inúmeras pesquisas dos alunos do curso de Pós-Graduação em Direito da PUC Minas, tendo contado com a colaboração de diversos docentes e discentes de outras instituições espalhadas por todo o Brasil. Com o objetivo de facilitar a leitura, a obra foi dividida em dois volumes, sendo este o segundo volume. O que se busca a todo momento é crer em um ordenamento jurídico mais justo e democrático, para tanto, entendemos que a hermenêutica é um caminho seguro para reflexão da aplicação das normas no Estado Democrático de Direito brasileiro. Esperamos que esse livro seja uma reflexão da hermenêutica constitucional e de seu papel na manutenção de ideais mais sólidos de Justiça e Democracia. As Organizadoras.