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This document presents the OECD’s renewed health system performance assessment framework. It incorporates new performance dimensions, notably people-centredness, resilience, and environmental sustainability, and places increased emphasis on addressing inequalities, including those related to gender.
The 2024 edition of Health at a Glance: Europe examines the major challenges facing European health systems in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report includes two thematic chapters. The first chapter provides a comprehensive examination of health workforce shortages in Europe, a long-standing problem exacerbated by the immense strain the pandemic placed on health systems. It explores the factors behind these shortages and proposes policy strategies to attract, train and retain the workforce needed to build resilient health systems. The second chapter reviews the most recent trends in the health of Europe’s ageing population. With life expectancy continuing to rise and the share...
This report, jointly developed by the European Observatory, OECD, and WHO Europe, serves as a proof of concept for a Health Systems Performance Assessment (HSPA) dashboard. HSPA is pivotal for health system transformation, providing policymakers with key indicators to identify and address system performance issues. This brief represents a step towards more policy-friendly dashboards, emphasizing the need for a focused set of HSPA indicators aligned with policy goals. The brief highlights the alignment and complementarity of the WHO-Observatory global HSPA framework and OECD's renewed framework, which aid policymakers in navigating health systems with actionable, policy-relevant indicators. T...
A necessary book for healthcare professionals and theologians struggling with moral questions about rationing in healthcare. This book outlines a Christian ethical basis for how decisions about health care funding and priority-setting ought to be made.
Recenzovaný sborník předkládá dvace pět příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference ""Aktuální problémy pedagogiky ve výzkumech studentů doktorských studijních programů XV: Výzvy pro učitele v 21. století"", která se ve dnech 6.-7. listopadu 2019 uskutečnila na půdě Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. Příspěvky jsou orientovány na oblast pedagogických věd, konkrétně se zaměřují na problematiku osobnosti učitele, řeší didaktické otázky, psychologické aspekty výchovy a vzdělávání a další aktuální témata. The 35th International Meeting of Sedimentology supported by the International Association of Sedimentologists is an ...
Les systèmes de santé sont soumis à de fortes pressions pour s'adapter à l'évolution des besoins ainsi qu’aux grandes tendances induites par le vieillissement de la population, la transition numérique et le changement climatique. Ils doivent également être mieux préparés à répondre aux chocs soudains et de grande ampleur tels que ceux générés par les pandémies, les crises financières, les catastrophes naturelles ou les cyberattaques.
A constant development of information and communication technologies, including their introduction into the education, place more and more demands on teachers who have to be prepared to work with modern ICT tools and to create suitable educational materials for the needs of teaching designed in this fashion.The submitted publication reacts on those topical calls, and it strives for an overall analysis of ways and approaches to the employment of ICT tools by the teachers of pre-primary, basic and secondary schools in the area of realization of teaching supported by modern didactic means and digital technologies. This analysis, delimiting theoretical bases of the solved issue based on analyses of relevant learning theories, is also completed by several researches - their courses and results.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association on ICT Education, SACLA 2018, held in Gordon's Bay, South Africa, in June 2018. The 23 revised full papers presented together with an extended abstract of a keynote paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections: playfulness, media and classrooms, academia and careers, teaching programming, adaptation and learning, teamwork and projects, learning systems, topic teaching.
In this book the authors explore the state of the art on efficiency measurement in health systems and international experts offer insights into the pitfalls and potential associated with various measurement techniques. The authors show that: - The core idea of efficiency is easy to understand in principle - maximizing valued outputs relative to inputs, but is often difficult to make operational in real-life situations - There have been numerous advances in data collection and availability, as well as innovative methodological approaches that give valuable insights into how efficiently health care is delivered - Our simple analytical framework can facilitate the development and interpretation of efficiency indicators.