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Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. ICAMSAC 2023 Theme: Application of Mathematics and Computing in Multidisciplinary Research With Scope Application of Mathematics and Computing in Multidisciplinary Research The Subject Scope of The Conference Mathematical modeling, optimization, numerical analysis, differential equations, mathematical physics, and mathematical biology. probability theory, statistical modeling, experimental design, data visualization, multivariate analysis, machine learning, and applications of statistics in various domains such as finance, healthcare, social sciences, and engineering, cloud computing, programming languages, algorithms, artificial intelligence, data mining, high-performance computing, scientific computing, numerical simulations, and computational modeling. ICAMSAC 2023 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, andresearch scholars to exchance and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing. It also provides a platform researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss recent innovations, current issues, trends, and challenges faced
This book contains the proceedings of The International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 2023, an annual conference hosted by the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. With the theme, Inclusive, Sustainable, and Transformational Education in Arts and Literature, ISoLEC aims to address key issues such as inclusive education in language, arts, and culture, sustainable education in language, arts, and culture, post-pandemic teaching and learning practices, corpus-based language, teaching and research, language in media, gender and identity, pop contemporary and digital culture, culture and spirituality, multilingualism and translanguaging, visual and performing arts...
As an annual event, THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCE & SCIENTIFIC INNOVATION 2019 continued the agenda to bring together researcher, academics, experts and professionals in examining about Scientific Innovation in technology, education, management, accounting and many aspect area. In 2019, this event held in 18 July 2019 at Politeknik Kutaraja, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. This ICASI Proceeding 2019 are published along with article from ICASI 2018 and each contributed paper was refereed before being accepted for publication. The double-blind peer reviewed was used in the paper selection.
This is the second volume in a two-part series on frontiers in regional research. It identifies methodological advances as well as trends and future developments in regional systems modelling and open science. Building on recent methodological and modelling advances, as well as on extensive policy-analysis experience, top international regional scientists identify and evaluate emerging new conceptual and methodological trends and directions in regional research. Topics such as dynamic interindustry modelling, computable general equilibrium models, exploratory spatial data analysis, geographic information science, spatial econometrics and other advanced methods are the central focus of this b...
This volume constitutes the refereed and revised post-conference proceedings of the 7th IFIP WG 5.15 International Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction, ITDRR 2022, held in Kristiansand, Norway, in October 2022. The 23 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 33 submissions. The papers focus on various aspects and challenges of coping with disaster risk reduction. The papers are categorized in the following topical subheadings: strategic disaster risk reduction; situational awareness; telecommunications, sensors and drones; collaborative emergency management; cybersecurity and privacy; earthquake and climate forecasting; social media analytics; community resilience.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media, MISDOOM 2023, which was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, during November 21–22, 2023. The 13 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 19 submissions. The papers focus on misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, disinformation campaigns, social network analysis, large language models, generative AI, and multi-modal embeddings.
Mengelola sebuah lembaga pendidikan, mulai dari tingkatan yang terendah (Taman Kanak-Kanak) sampai tingkatan yang paling tinggi (Perguruan Tinggi) tidaklah sesederhana seperti mengelola sebuah kumpulan pengajian, majlis ta’lim atau kegiatan-kegiatan sejenisnya. Kerumitan dalam mengelola lembaga pendidikan, bagi mereka yang telah terbiasa dengan dunia ini (pemikir, pemerhati dan praktisi pendidikan), barangkali sedikit bisa berkompromi karena sesungguhnya mereka sangat sadar betapa ruwet dan banyaknya pekerjaan rumah yang harus segera dicarikan solusinya. Persoalan keterbatasan anggaran, tentulah bukan satu-satunya masalah yang harus segera dicarikan solusi pemecahannya. Keberadaan sumber d...
Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar (ISBD) Perspektif Baru Membangun Kesadaran Global Melalui Revolusi Mental merupakan Mata Kuliah Dasar Umum (MKDU) yang mengnyinergikan berbagai konsep dasar ilmu sosial dan budaya, sebagai sarana awal dalam memahami dan mengatasi masalah sosial budaya yang timbul dan berkembang di masyarakat. Buku ini merupakan salah satu buku yang menyajikan materi baru dan penyusunannya disesuaikan dengan kurikulum perguruan tinggi dan inti pendidikan tinggi berbasis Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI). Materi yang disajikan meliputi: Manusia sebagai Makhluk Budaya; Manusia sebagai Makhluk Individu dan Sosial; Manusia dan Peradaban; Manusia, Keragaman, dan Kesetaraan; Manusia, Nilai, Moral, dan Hukum; Manusia, Sains, Teknologi, dan Seni; Manusia dan Lingkungan; Manusia dan Kesadaran Bertanggungjawab; Manusia dan Revolusi Mental; Manusia, Ketahanan dan Penyemaian Jati Diri. Buku ini sangat penting dihadirkan guna mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan kesadaran global melalui revolusi mental di era globalisasi, agar terbentuk pribadi bangsa yang profesional, bermoral, dan berkarakter.
Teologi Pastoral adalah sebuah cabang ilmu teologis yang berfokus pada perspektif penggembalaan pada semua kegiatan dan fungsi Gereja dan pendeta, kemudian menarik kesimpulan teologis dari pengamatan yang dilakukan. Sejak zaman Reformasi Protestan, istilah "Pastoral" dipakai dalam dua pengertian. Pertama, "Pastoral" sebagai kata sifat dari "Pastor". Karena Pastor melaksanakan penggembalaan, maka istilah Pastoral dalam konteks ini berarti sama dengan penggembalaan itu sendiri. Pemahaman yang kedua adalah Pastoral sebagai studi tentang penggembalaan itu sendiri.