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Günümüzde dünya nüfusunun büyük çoğunluğu doğduğu ülkede yaşamakla birlikte, yaşamlarının bir bölümünü çalışmak, eğitim görmek ve hatta emekliliğini geçirmek için farklı bir ülkeye yerleşenlerin sayısı hızla artmaktadır. Birleşmiş Milletler Uluslararası Göç Verileri’ne göre uluslararası göçmenlerin sayısı 2000 yılından bu yana %49’luk artışla 258 milyona yükselmiştir. Bu durum, üç büyük kıtanın kesişim noktasında yer alan ülkemiz için günümüzde de güncelliğini koruyan ve çözülmesi gereken öncelikli sorunların başında gelmektedir. Göç verileri incelendiğinde ülkemizin tarih boyunca kitlesel göç akımlarının...
This study of the reign of Mithradates VI (120-63 BC), attempts to combine the history of the belligerent Roman Empire and the indomitable kingdom of Pontus with the archaeology of the Turkish Black Sea region.
Iraq's healthcare has been on the edge of collapse since the 1990s. Once the leading hub of scientific and medical training in the Middle East, Iraq's political and medical infrastructure has been undermined by decades of U.S.-led sanctions and invasions. Since the British Mandate, Iraqi governments had invested in cultivating Iraq's medical doctors as agents of statecraft and fostered connections to scientists abroad. In recent years, this has been reversed as thousands of Iraqi doctors have left the country in search of security and careers abroad. Ungovernable Life presents the untold story of the rise and fall of Iraqi "mandatory medicine"—and of the destruction of Iraq itself. Trained...
This book provides essential insights into microbial pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions, and the anti-microbial drug resistance of various human pathogens on the basis of various model organisms. The initial sections of the book introduce readers to the mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions, anti-microbial drug resistance, and the dynamics of biofilm formation. Due to the emergence of various microbial resistant strains, it is especially important to understand the prognosis for microbial infections, disease progression profiles, and mechanisms of resistance to antibiotic therapy in order to develop novel therapeutic strategies. In turn, the second part of the book presents a comparative analysis of various animal models to help readers understand microbial pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions, anti-microbial drug discovery, anti-biofilm therapeutics, and treatment regimes. Given its scope, the book represents a valuable asset for microbiologists, biotechnologists, medical professionals, drug development researchers, and pharmacologists alike.
The number of natural and man-made disasters has risen dramatically over the last decade. Natural disasters, industrial accidents and terrorist attacks represent major incidents, often involving multiple casualties. In such cases, health professionals face multiple challenges because the type of medical care required differs from what is taught and provided in their everyday hospital duties. The aim of this book is to inform and prepare healthcare professionals for the challenges posed by major incidents, so that they can act effectively in medical teams sent on humanitarian missions or into conflict zones. It offers a holistic and horizontal approach covering all stages of the disaster mana...
This book explains the theoretical structure of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and focuses on the application of PSO to portfolio optimization problems. The general goal of portfolio optimization is to find a solution that provides the highest expected return at each level of portfolio risk. According to H. Markowitz’s portfolio selection theory, as new assets are added to an investment portfolio, the total risk of the portfolio’s decreases depending on the correlations of asset returns, while the expected return on the portfolio represents the weighted average of the expected returns for each asset. The book explains PSO in detail and demonstrates how to implement Markowitz’s portfolio optimization approach using PSO. In addition, it expands on the Markowitz model and seeks to improve the solution-finding process with the aid of various algorithms. In short, the book provides researchers, teachers, engineers, managers and practitioners with many tools they need to apply the PSO technique to portfolio optimization.
This book is the latest volume in the Recent Advances in Ophthalmology series providing ophthalmic trainees and ophthalmologists with the latest surgical and technological developments in the field. Divided into 21 chapters, each section is dedicated to a specific topic, explaining symptoms, investigation techniques, imaging, differential diagnosis and treatment methods. The pros and cons of various surgical procedures are covered in depth. New to this volume is discussion on advances in lamellar keratoplasty, deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty, Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK), and a new technique – keratopigmentation. The text features nearly 400 clinical photographs, diagrams, flowcharts and tables to assist learning. Key points Latest volume in Recent Advances in Ophthalmology series Covers latest surgical and technological developments in the field Features new topics and nearly 400 images, flowcharts and tables Previous volume (9789386322784) published in 2017
2018 yılında Altın Kalem ödülü alan epik, fantastik edebiyat serisi Kaim Dünya’nın ilk kitabı (1.kitap/1. Kısım) artık yalnızca e-book formatında yayında! "Binlerce yıldır, sebebi kayıp bir savaş sürer Kaim Dünya’da... Güzele dair ne varsa ya da gözyaşına değer ne kaldıysa, kıymeti olmaz kanlı mızrakların keskin ucunda... Zafere dikilmiş gözler yitirilenleri fark etmez, dökülen kanları emen toprağın halini kimse düşünmez. Katliamların ve yalanların pençesinde, merhametsiz bir savaş sisteminin gölgesinde uzun yıllar geçerken, her akıl nefretle boğulurken, Kaim Dünya’da kalmış son kitap hakkında bir söylenti yayılıyordu kulaktan ku...