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"We have to fight for Down's syndrome. People see people with Down's syndrome as abnormal. Those who make fun of me, I ignore. Period. That's how I feel as a Down's sufferer. You have to say to yourself: 'I've got more chromosomes than them.'" When Éléonore was born, the doctors considered her a "chromosomal aberration" and urged her parents not to get attached to her. With Down's syndrome and a heart defect, they gave her little chance of survival. Twenty-eight years later, Éléonore is more alive than ever. Now an independent adult, she recounts her years of struggle with her parents to remain in a mainstream environment, and her refusal to be reduced to her illness. With humor, she sha...
El libro de Éleonore es un documento de una fuerza excepcional, que muestra hasta qué punto los prejuicios y estigmas, con los que demasiado a menudo convivimos sin hacernos preguntas, no son tan inexpugnables. Contando con el apoyo decidido de unos padres admirables y con un enorme deseo de vivir una vida plena, esta muchacha rebelde, alegre, ingeniosa y tenaz no sólo consigue independizarse y vivir una vida amorosa plena; sino que pasa revista con sus reflexiones a todas las grandes cuestiones de la existencia. Haciendo que a menudo, al leerla, nos olvidemos por completo de la genética y sus supuestas constricciones. Esta lectura supone un desafío para el lector y pone en aprieto muchas concepciones paternalistas sobre el Síndrome de Down. Concepciones con las que muchas veces nos consolamos cada vez que nos cruzamos en la calle con alguien “diferente”.
This is the ultimate book for the Netflix and boxset generation, featuring all the greatest drama series ever broadcast as well as the weirdest game shows, controversial reality TV experiments and breathtaking nature documentaries. It is a must for anyone who wants to know why India's Ramayan is legendary, why Roots was groundbreaking, or what the ending of Lost was all about. Written by an international team of critics, authors, academics, producers and journalists, this book reviews TV series from more than 20 countries, highlights classic episodes to watch and also provides cast summaries and production details.
Provides many of the answers to questions asked by journalists, industry executives, researchers and television enthusiasts about the current UK film industry. The range of information in the Handbook is unrivalled, including a summary of all new films made and released in the UK box office.
Patrick Sansano présente la seconde partie du sixième tome de son journal commencé en 2015. Après "Journal 2015", "Journal 2016", "De Muriel Baptiste à Lara Fabian, Journal 2017", "L'année blanche, Journal 2018", et "L'année d'Emma Marrone, Journal 2019", et une pause de trois ans, il revient conter l'actualité et sa vie personnelle. "En attendant Emma" est la suite directe de "L'année d'Emma Marrone". Le livre parle de l'actualité, de son parcours intime, et de la vie de la grande chanteuse italienne Emma Marrone.
The continuous expansion of human rights can often appear to be positive, yet it provokes criticism. This volume argues against the internationalisation of human rights proving the world is moving from bilateralism to community interests, stating contentious supervision, evaluation, and substitution are far more common than genuine cooperation.
« De février 1997 à mai 2009, j’ai regardé la télévision, au moins une fois par semaine, pour l’un des trois suppléments hebdomadaires d’un grand quotidien du matin, afin de rédiger une chronique qui s’appelait « Le Plateau télé ». La télévision n’étant pas un art, elle ne mérite pas la critique, aussi ai-je régulièrement réfuté le terme de critique télé. Je me suis plutôt considéré comme un commentateur, ainsi qu’il y en a dans le sport ou en politique. Dans Le Plateau télé passent le temps et ses comédiens principaux : dirigeants politiques, intellectuels, artistes, avocats, scientifiques, top model, terroristes, footballeurs, présentateurs. On les ...
Acomprehensive survey of the ways in which Irish men and women have sought, and continue to seek, God by following the Rule of St Benedict. The essays - taken from the first Glenstal history conference - celebrate and explore the stories of these Irish Benedictines over a period of 1400 years. Their following 'the path of the Lord's commands' brought them across Dark Age Europe, through Reformation England and war-torn Europe and into modern Africa. In exile and persecution they established centres of learning and refuge; returning to Ireland they continue to devote themselves to these activities, seeking to glorify God in all things. Glenstal Abbey is a Benedictine community located in Murroe, Co Limerick. The Abbey was founded in 1927 from Maredsous in Belgium and became the first male Benedictine community in Ireland since the reformation. It was founded in memory of abbot Columba Marmion, a Dublin priest, who became Abbot of Maredsous in 1909 and did in 1923. The community runs a guest house, farm and boarding school for boys.
Patrick Eudeline est un critique rock de légende. Il a collaboré à Rock and Folk, Actuel, Libération, Nova et Tecknikart. Il est l'auteur de L'Aventure Punk (Fasquelle, 1977) et d'un premier roman publié par Florent Massot en 1997, Ce Siècle aura ta peau. Voici comment il se voit : « Ma vie ? Sex, drugs and rock and roll, comme on dit. A part chanteur de rock, je vois pas trop ce qui existe comme métier. Mes obsessions gothiques me font ressembler au cher comte à redingote. Je suis une sorte de cadavre ambulant. Je m'enferme façon fantôme de l'opéra et j'apprends le piano, le solfège et le reste. J'ai sorti un disque sous mon nom, en 1994, le disque maudit... » « On a tous rê...