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Sludge Reduction Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 381

Sludge Reduction Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants

Sludge Reduction Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants is a review of the sludge reduction techniques integrated in wastewater treatment plants with detailed chapters on the most promising and most widespread techniques. The aim of the book is to update the international community on the current status of knowledge and techniques in the field of sludge reduction. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the following issues in sludge reduction: principles of sludge reduction techniques; process configurations; potential performance; advantages and drawbacks; economics and energy consumption. This book will be essential reading for managers and technical staff of wastewater treatment plants as well as graduate students and post-graduate specialists.

Adaletin Sembolü Hazreti Ömer el-Faruk (r.a.)
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 1009

Adaletin Sembolü Hazreti Ömer el-Faruk (r.a.)

Adaletin Sembolü Hazreti Ömer el-Faruk (r.a.)

Lemalar : Risale-i Nur
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 501

Lemalar : Risale-i Nur

"Nev'-i insanî bir nefistir, dirilmek üzere ölecek. Ve Küre-i Arz dahi bir nefistir, bâki bir surete girmek için o da ölecek. Dünya dahi bir nefistir, âhiret suretine girmek için o da ölecek!" manası, âyetin işaretinden kalbe açılıyordu. İşte bu halette vaziyetime baktım ki; medar-ı ezvak olan gençlik gidiyor, menşe-i ahzan olan ihtiyarlık yerine geliyor. Ve gayet parlak ve nuranî hayat gidiyor; zahirî karanlıklı dehşetli ölüm, yerine gelmeye hazırlanıyor. Ve o çok sevimli ve daimî zannedilen ve gafillerin maşukası olan dünya, pek sür'atle zevale kavuşuyor gördüm. Kendi kendimi aldatmak ve yine başımı gaflete sokmak için, İstanbul'da haddimden çok fazla gördüğüm makam-ı içtimaînin ezvakına baktım, hiçbir faidesi olmadı. Bütün onların teveccühü, iltifatı, tesellileri; yakınımda olan kabir kapısına kadar gelebilir, orada söner. Ve şöhretperestlerin bir gaye-i hayali olan şan ü şerefin süslü perdesi altında sakil bir riya, soğuk bir hodfüruşluk, muvakkat bir sersemlik suretinde gördüğümden, anladım ki; beni şimdiye kadar aldatan bu işler, hiçbir teselli veremez ve onlarda hiçbir nur yok.

Çiçek senfonisi
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 492

Çiçek senfonisi

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown


A Time for Metabolism and Hormones
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 141

A Time for Metabolism and Hormones

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-04
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  • Publisher: Springer

Recent years have seen spectacular advances in the field of circadian biology. These have attracted the interest of researchers in many fields, including endocrinology, neurosciences, cancer, and behavior. By integrating a circadian view within the fields of endocrinology and metabolism, researchers will be able to reveal many, yet-unsuspected aspects of how organisms cope with changes in the environment and subsequent control of homeostasis. This field is opening new avenues in our understanding of metabolism and endocrinology. A panel of the most distinguished investigators in the field gathered together to discuss the present state and the future of the field. The editors trust that this volume will be of use to those colleagues who will be picking up the challenge to unravel how the circadian clock can be targeted for the future development of specific pharmacological strategies toward a number of pathologies.

Digitalization and Society
  • Language: en

Digitalization and Society

The book presents a collection of papers by researchers from several different institutions on a wide range of digital issues: digitalization and literacy, game, law, culture, politics, health, economy, civil society, photograph. The book addresses researchers, educators, sociologists, lawyers, health care providers.

Biyomedikal Mühendisliğinin Temelleri
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 704

Biyomedikal Mühendisliğinin Temelleri

İnsan sağlığını merkezine alan biyomedikal mühendisliği birçok mühendislik ve bilim dalındaki uygulamaları bünyesinde barındırır. Bundan dolayı da disiplinler arası bir mühendislik dalı olarak kabul edilir. Bu alanda eğitim gören bireylerden de başta insan anatomi ve fizyolojisi olmak üzere algılayıcılar, enstrümantasyon, sinyal işleme, biyomalzeme, görüntüleme, biyomekanik, biyoinformatik, optik, sinirbilim, modelleme, klinik mühendislik vb. birçok alanda kendilerini geliştirmeleri ve pek çok durumda da bu alanlardan birinde uzmanlaşmaları beklenir.

Children and Peace
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 405

Children and Peace

This open access book brings together discourse on children and peace from the 15th International Symposium on the Contributions of Psychology to Peace, covering issues pertinent to children and peace and approaches to making their world safer, fairer and more sustainable. The book is divided into nine sections that examine traditional themes (social construction and deconstruction of diversity, intergenerational transitions and memories of war, and multiculturalism), as well as contemporary issues such as Europe’s “migration crisis”, radicalization and violent extremism, and violence in families, schools and communities. Chapters contextualize each issue within specific social ecologi...

Biorefinery Production Technologies for Chemicals and Energy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 416

Biorefinery Production Technologies for Chemicals and Energy

This book covers almost all of the diverse aspects of utilizing lignocellulosic biomass for valuable biorefinery product development of chemicals, alternative fuels and energy. The world has shifted towards sustainable development for the generation of energy and industrially valuable chemicals. Biorefinery plays an important role in the integration of conversion process with high-end equipment facilities for the generation of energy, fuels and chemicals. The book is divided into four parts. The first part, "Basic Principles of Biorefinery," covers the concept of biorefinery, its application in industrial bioprocessing, the utilization of biomass for biorefinery application, and its future p...

The World We Have (EasyRead Super Large 18pt Edition)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 170

The World We Have (EasyRead Super Large 18pt Edition)
