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This book is presented only for nation leaders who are brave and committed to create prosperous country online-integrated. CET is a phenomenal and original strategy in this millennial era to contribute for science and software, for all developed and developing country.
There are lots of fears and starving due to this Covid-19 pandemic. The star 0Happy formula which contains: 0+29+star, gives practical solution to make the humankind to share and peacefully. This book is based on research with understandable language and easy to practice. This book is worth buying because the cost you pay is not worth the happiness you get.
This book is focused on Sharia Banking Strategy to face ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). This topic is discussed broad and deep at the same time to give better understanding for economic and business student as well as lecturer and practitioner. A new strategy called KPPS Strategy is found by research based on this book.
This book dedicated to all circles from adolescents, adults and parents, without distinction of religion, ethnicity, class and social status. This English version reserved for all the world community with English as their spoken language to make them easier in understanding the content of this book. The book is designed very simple and straightforward to the point, so readers can immediately practice how to prevent stress and achieve happiness like the Light of Stars that can illuminate (benefit) for human being. This book believes that every human being is like a star, meaning everyone has a tendency to do well. It is very reasonable that every human to make mistakes and sins. However, in this book we believe that every human has potential to shine as long they live in this world.
Drawing on social media, cinema, cultural heritage and public opinion polls, this book examines Indonesia and Malaysia from a comparative postcolonial perspective. The Indonesia–Malaysia relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in Southeast Asia, especially because Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country and third largest democracy, is the most populous and powerful nation in the region. Both states are committed to the relationship, especially at the highest levels of government, and much has been made of their ‘sibling’ identity. The relationship is built on years of interaction at all levels of state and society, and both countries draw on thei...
This book contains the proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2022) on 16 April 2022 in Indonesia. This conference was held in collaboration between Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Borobudur University Jakarta, 17 Agustus 1945 University (UNTAG), and the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The papers from the conference were collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of The International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2022). The presentation of such a conference covering multi-disciplines will contribute a lot of inspiring inputs and new know...
Buku ini merupakan pondasi keilmuan untuk memotivasi dan mendorong generasi milenial serta masyarakat Indonesia unutk melaksanakan nilai-nilai Pancasila di berbagasi sisi kehiidupan. Strategi berupa model peningkatan SUmber Daya Manusia dapat di aplikasikan oleh masyarakat Indonesia yang lahir di bumi pertiwi tanpa mengenal perbedaan agama, suku, adat, budaya, status ekonomi, dam status sosial lainnya. Dengan strategi yahng bernama Pusat Data Pancasila (PDP) terintegras online, memberikan solusi kepada pemerintah pada saat ini dan yang akan datang dalam berbagai masalah krusial. Solusi dan aplikasi PDP dapat menyediakan lapangan kerja massal, gratis penyediaan Sandang Pangan Papan, gratis bi...
Esensi dari adanya buku ini mencoba membuktikan pengaruh strategi pemasaran yang terdiri dari inovasi produk, kualitas layanan, promosi produk, dan biaya rendah terhadap preferensi konsumen pada produk pembiayaan rumah pada bank syariah di wilayah Tangerang raya (Kota Tangerang, Tangerang selatan, Kabupaten Tangerang). Strategi pemasaran menjadi cukup penting untuk dikaji sebagai representasi dan efektivitas kinerja dari sebuah bank syariah. Selain itu, fokus dari buku ini juga ingin membuktikan seberapa besar pengaruh kemajuan kota dan keagamaan dalam menentukan preferensi konsumen terhadap produk pembiayaan rumah di wilayah Tangerang raya. Selanjutnya, penelitian dalam buku ini menggunakan...
Buku ini merupakan hasil laporan mahasiswa UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung dalam menjankan program KKN-DR Tahun 2020.
Pertanian merupakan sumber kehidupan primer bagi manusia dan pertanian juga selain untuk menjawab kebutuhan perut ia juga menyediakan lapangan kerja bagi generasi muda yang cenderung dalam bidang pertanian. Bahkan sudah waktunya kita harus gerakan cepat (gercep) mengetahui akan esensi pertanian, bahwa yang dimaksud dengan pertanian itu yang sering kali terngiang bagi publik “bercocok tanam” namun yang perlu diketahui arti pertanian dalam dialogis sehari-hari sering memang disebut dengan istilah “Pertanian dalam arti sempit” pada hal pertanian juga memlikin pengetahuan atau definisi yang lebih luas yang meliputi bercocok tanam (pertanian dalam arti sempit), perikanan, peternakan, perkebunan, kehutanan, pengolahan hasil bumi dan pemasaran hasil bumi. Berdasarkan atas definisi tersebut, maka dalam ilmu pertanian atau bidang pertanian sangat lazim dilakukan perbedaannya baik dalam arti sempit dan luasnya.