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Proud to Punish
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 340

Proud to Punish

A magisterial comparative study, Proud to Punish recenters our understanding of modern punishment through a sweeping analysis of the global phenomenon of "rough justice": the use of force to settle accounts and enforce legal and moral norms outside the formal framework of the law. While taking many forms, including vigilantism, lynch mobs, people's courts, and death squads, all seekers of rough justice thrive on the deliberate blurring of lines between law enforcers and troublemakers. Digital networks have provided a profitable arena for vigilantes, who use social media to build a following and publicize their work, as they debase the bodies of the accused for purposes of edification and entertainment. It is this unabashed pride to punish, and the new punitive celebrations that actualize, publicize, and commercialize it, that this book brings into focus. Recounted in lively prose, Proud to Punish is both a global map of rough justice today and an insight into the deeper nature of punishment as a social and political phenomenon.

The Oxford Handbook of Caste
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 689

The Oxford Handbook of Caste

Beginning with the 1990s, the subject of caste has seen a profound increase in interest among scholars. What was until then approached as a fossilized tradition of the ritual-obsessed Hindus refusing to see the progressive spirits of the emerging world and studied as a branch of anthropology, suddenly began to be seen as a complex reality deeply embedded in a range of institutions and social practices, attracting scholars from a wide range of disciplines—sociology, political science, history, literature, and even economics. Underlying this opening of the subject of caste were many factors: epistemic, empirical, and political. Caste is no longer approached through the classical binaries of ...

L'Attachement social
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 413

L'Attachement social

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-02-10T00:00:00+01:00
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  • Publisher: Seuil

Hier comme aujourd’hui, l'individu ne peut vivre sans liens. Il passe sa vie à s'attacher ̶ ou à se rattacher après une rupture ̶ à sa famille tout d'abord, aux proches qu'il s’est choisis par nécessité, par amour ou amitié, à sa communauté ethnique ou religieuse, à ses collègues de travail ou à ses pairs, aux personnes qui partagent les mêmes origines géographiques, sociales ou culturelles, et bien entendu aussi aux institutions de son pays. Autrement dit, l’être humain est anthropologiquement solidaire. Ses attaches lui assurent à la fois la protection face aux aléas du quotidien, et la reconnaissance de son identité et de son existence sociale. Dans le sillage de...

Fonctionnement de l’emplacement des originaux de la bibliothèque universelle
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 130

Fonctionnement de l’emplacement des originaux de la bibliothèque universelle

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-12-13
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

L'interaction des originaux des livres dans une bibliothèque agissent exactement et conformément comme un film. Les humains qui viennent lire ou emprunter l'un ou l'autre des livres de cette bibliothèque ne pourrait jamais se douter qu'ils viennent enlever en un moment donné un des prenants parts (personnages du film) au film qui est la bibliothèque. La bibliothèque universelle est un film aussi. Mais le film de Dieu. Il faut humainement identifier le film auquel la bibliothèque universelle fait allusion : Le film de la bibliothèque universelle est le film : Le Bon - La Brute - Le truand. Je ne mets pas et le truand, parce qu'il manque un quatrième paramètre qui est la tombe sans nom.Le film prend alors le titre : Le Bon - La brute - Le truand et la tombe sans nom.Connaitre le déroulement du film Le Bon - La brute - Le truand est la forme exacte dont fonctionnent :L'astrologie = matière fécale = le bonLe déterminisme = urine = la bruteDestin = transpiration = le truandL'Indépendantisme

Identity, Justice and Resistance in the Neoliberal City
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 284

Identity, Justice and Resistance in the Neoliberal City

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-31
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book details the current neoliberal restructuring of cities and its impact on the rise and spread of resistance and uprisings in different cities throughout the world. Through close ethnographic study the authors illuminate the strategies adopted for everyday life that have evolved in response to the neoliberal managing of cities, by which the city is shaped by market forces rather than by the needs of its inhabitants. In the light of many urban movements, uprisings and forms of resistance observed in such diverse countries as Brazil, Turkey, the USA, Greece and Spain since the Arab uprising of 2011, this collection makes an original contribution to urban sociology and social geography by developing a spatial approach to understanding how the city shapes identities and perceptions of (in)justice. This innovative volume will be of interest to readers across the social sciences.

Engagiert sein in der Gegenwart
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 233

Engagiert sein in der Gegenwart

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-12-04
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  • Publisher: V&R unipress

Der Band beschäftigt sich mit dem Begriff des Engagements, indem er literarische und künstlerische Projekte von internationalen Autorinnen und Autoren betrachtet, die als interventionistisch, kritisch und radikal konzipiert sind. Bezugspunkt solcher Arbeiten sind in der Regel konkrete Veränderungen in der sozialen, politischen und kulturellen Realität. Die Konfrontation mit verschiedenen literarischen, historischen, philosophischen und kulturellen Traditionen, die in diesem Band stattfindet, bereichert die Reflexion über die gegenwärtigen Möglichkeiten, Kunst, Literatur und Kultur in Prozesse der Transformation der nicht-künstlerischen Welt einzubinden. Es macht den Anschein, dass man heutzutage Zeuge einer neuen Beziehung zwischen Kunst, Wissenschaft und Aktivismus wird.

Le Cercle des Polardeux marseillais
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 298

Le Cercle des Polardeux marseillais

22 auteurs marseillais de romans noirs et de romans ainsi que 4 photographes livrent une vision de Marseille liée au roman noir. Parfois historique, parfois flirtant avec l'imaginaire, parfois quasi-gore, d'autre fois drôle, il y a de tout dans ces pages, même des textes qui ne parlent pas du tout de Marseille... Et qui forment ce nouveau "Cercle".

Between Fault Lines and Front Lines
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 297

Between Fault Lines and Front Lines

Inequality is one of today's greatest challenges, obstructing poverty reduction and sustainable development. As the power of elites grows and societal gaps widen, institutions representing the public good and universal values are increasingly disempowered or co-opted, and visions of social justice and equity side-lined. This book explores the roles of elites and institutions of power in the deepening of social and economic cleavages across the globe, by asking how inequalities have reshaped structures from the local to the transnational level, and what consequences they have wrought. In addition, the contributors present examples of peaceful processes of policy change that have made societies greener and more socially just, levelled out social stratification, and devolved power and resources from elites to non-elites, or towards marginalized or discriminated groups. Based on cutting-edge empirical research, the chapters in this volume bring together conceptual thinking and a number of case studies from the Global North and South, combining different levels of analysis and a range of qualitative research methods to present solutions for closing the inequality gap.

Acesso À Justiça:
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 159

Acesso À Justiça:

  • Categories: Law

Esta obra é composta de textos que apresentam discussões acerca de problemas atuais relacionados ao acesso à justiça e suas conexões com a hermenêutica e a argumentação jurídica, tendo como referenciais teóricos Alexy, Dworkin, Habermas, Perelman, entre outros. A contribuição desta obra consiste justamente em buscar na filosofia do direito elementos e argumentos que lançam luz sobre os problemas de interpretação que podem ser considerados obstáculos ao acesso à justiça.

Moradores de rua
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 296

Moradores de rua
