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Le cyanotype est un procédé photographique monochrome datant du XIXe siècle permettant d’obtenir un tirage photographique bleu de Prusse. Tableaux, affiches, papeterie mais aussi, abat-jour, coussin, plaid... laissez le cyanotype envahir votre intérieur et embellir votre quotidien !
【電子版のご注意事項】 ※一部の記事、画像、広告、付録が含まれていない、 または画像が修正されている場合があります。 ※応募券、ハガキなどはご利用いただけません。 ※掲載時の商品やサービスは、 時間の経過にともない提供が終了している場合があります。 以上、あらかじめご了承の上お楽しみください。? ちょっと大人な、そしてとびきりオシャレな最旬のパリ、 フランスのインテリア実例集。 『PLUS1Living』で紹介され、人気、話題を集めた実例を紹介。 まるで住まい自体がセレクトシ...
Et si la gastronomie devenait un formidable espace de jeu, dont créativité, échange, complicité, harmonie seraient les maîtres-mots. Jacques et Laurent Pourcel, frères jumeaux et jeunes chefs trois étoiles depuis 1998, en font la démonstration. « Cuisine en duo » est le fruit de leur double talent, double savoir-faire, double imagination. Ce livre, frais et coloré, nous laisse découvrir le surprenant et savant mélange des saveurs orchestré à quatre mains. Du « Jardin des sens », leur restaurant situé à Montpellier, Jacques et Laurent Pourcel nous proposent leurs 100 meilleures recettes, savoureuses, ensoleillées et étonnantes. La règle du jeu : 50 produits, à chaque fo...
An excellent beginners’ guide to cyanotypes – all you need to get started, and some goodies for more advanced cyanotypers too. About the book The cyanotype is often the first alternative process that people try. It is relatively easy and safe enough to nurture a child’s interest in photography. It can also be seen as a gateway to further exploration of historic photographic methods. In addition, it gives experienced photographers and artists a great excuse to take their eyes off the computer screen and get their hands dirty. Blueprint to cyanotypes is all you will need to get started with cyanotypes. It offers the beginner a step-by-step guide, from choosing material to making the fina...
"Learn how to create ... beautiful, subtle, blueprints on gorgeous fabrics. Also, find out how to create digital negatives, how to colour your cyanotypes and how to take care of your prints"--Back cover.
Cyanotype: The Blueprint in Contemporary Practice is a two part book on the much admired blue print process. Part One is a comprehensive how-to on the cyanotype process for both beginner and advanced practitioners, with lots of photographs and clear, step-by-step directions and formulas. Part Two highlights contemporary artists who are using cyanotype, making work that ranges from the photographic to the abstract, from the traditional to the conceptual, with tips on their personal cyanotype methods alongside their work. These artists illustrate cyanotype’s widespread use in contemporary photography today, probably the most of any alternative process. Book features include: A brief discussi...
Taking the houseplant trend to the next level, this book offers--in addition to growing tips for over twenty varietals--rich inspiration for home decoration, crafting, and DIY natural health and beauty projects using nature. Leafy green houseplants, hardy succulents and cacti, and flowering perennials add as much to your daily sense of well-being as to the beauty of your home once you convert it into a plant paradise. Opening her book with all the essentials you need to cultivate twenty home varietals--from calathea to monstera to pilea peperomioides--with practical tips for repotting, watering, and sunlight recommendations, Elle Décor Idée co-editor Camille Soulayrol takes the houseplant ...
Z recyklovaných předmětů a materiálů, snadno dostupných z domácích zdrojů nebo v obchodech pro kutily, se naučíte vyrábět vše potřebné pro vaši zahradu od ptačího krmítka až po altánek! Tato knížka vám nabízí 65 snadno zhotovitelných zahradních projektů z následujících oblastí: • nábytek (stolky, skříňky, židle, lehátka, pohovky, křesílka, houpačky, lavičky, police apod.) • dekorace (svícny, lampiony, košíky, obaly na květináče, zvonkohry apod.) • stavby (domky, altánky, skleníky, kurníky, hotely pro hmyz, ptačí budky, psí boudy apod.) • praktičtí pomocníci (zábradlí, plůtky, lemy záhonů, truhlíky, schránky na dopisy, zástěny apod.) Z obsahu: • Vylepšujeme zahradu • Žijeme na zahradě • Zdobíme zahradu • Odpočíváme v zahradě Spousta elegantních a zároveň i praktických výtvorů, kterými si snadno vyzdobíte vaši zahradu, abyste si co nejlépe užili pobyt venku!