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  • Language: sv


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Justification in a Post-Christian Society
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 267

Justification in a Post-Christian Society

Since the Reformation in the sixteenth century, Lutheran traditions have impacted culture and politics in many societies. At the same time, Lutheran belief has had an effect on personal faith, morality, and ethics. Modern society, however, is quite different from that at the time of the Reformation. How should we evaluate Lutheran tradition in today's Western multicultural and post-Christian society? Is it possible to develop a Lutheran theological position that can be regarded as reasonable in a society that evidences a considerable weakening of the role of Christianity? What are the challenges raised by cultural diversity for a Lutheran theology and ethics? Is it possible to develop a Lutheran identity in a multicultural society, and isthere any fruitful Lutheran contribution to the coexistence of diff erent religious and non-religious traditions in the future?

Lutheran Identity and Political Theology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 350

Lutheran Identity and Political Theology

Lutheran tradition has in various ways influenced attitudes to work, the economy, the state, education, and health care. One reason that Lutheran theology has been interpreted in various ways is that it is always influenced by surrounding social andcultural contexts. In a society where the church has lost a great deal of its cultural impact and authority, and where there is a plurality of religious convictions, the question of Lutheran identity has never been more urgent. However, this question is also raised in the Global South where Lutheran churches need to find their identity in a relationship with several other religions. Here this relationship is developed from a minority perspective. Is it possible to develop a Lutheran political theology that gives adequate contributions to issues concerning social and economic justice? What is the role of women in church and society around the world? Is it possible to interpret Lutheran theology in such a way that it includes liberating perspectives? These are some of the questions and issues discussed in this book.

Justification in a Post-Christian Society
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 373

Justification in a Post-Christian Society

Since the Reformation in the sixteenth century, Lutheran traditions have impacted culture and politics in many societies. At the same time, Lutheran belief has had an effect on personal faith, morality, and ethics. Modern society, however, is quite different from that at the time of the Reformation. How should we evaluate Lutheran tradition in today's Western multicultural and post-Christian society? Is it possible to develop a Lutheran theological position that can be regarded as reasonable in a society that evidences a considerable weakening of the role of Christianity? What are the challenges raised by cultural diversity for a Lutheran theology and ethics? Is it possible to develop a Lutheran identity in a multicultural society, and isthere any fruitful Lutheran contribution to the coexistence of diff erent religious and non-religious traditions in the future?

Paul Tillich
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 268

Paul Tillich

This collection of essays considers various aspects of Paul Tillich's theology of nature, culture, and politics in relation to major theological movements, thinkers, and events of the twentieth century. These essays are not purely an exercise in historical theology but an apology for Tillich's theological, philosophical, and ethical project. The underlying assumption is that Tillich's theology, both in form and content, is worth reading and learning from in the modern and postmodern era, even though we inhabit today an intellectual environment not very amenable to Tillich's form of mediation.

Theology for Changing Times
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 176

Theology for Changing Times

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-09-30
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  • Publisher: SCM Press

From wealth creation to wealth distribution and social ethics, from urban mission to religious studies and psychology the work of John Atherton was breathtaking in scope and variety. Unifying all of his work however, was a concern with engaging the work of theology with wider society.With contributions from some of the leading lights in public theology today, this book offers not only an appreciation of John Atherton's work within a prodigiously large array of disciplines, but also an attempt to ask 'what next', taking his work forward and considering where the future of public theology might lie. John Atherton's last published article is also reproduced.

The Study of Science and Religion
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 262

The Study of Science and Religion

The main aim of this book is to contribute to the relationship between science and religion. This book aims to do constructive theological work out of a particular cultural context. The point of departure is contemporary Swedish religion and worldviews. One focus is the process of biologization (i.e., how the worldviews of the general public in Sweden are shaped by biological science). Is there a gap between Swedes in general and the perceptions of Swedish clergy? The answer is based on sociological studies on science and religion in Sweden and the United States. Furthermore, the book contains a study of Swedish theologians, from Nathan Soderblom to the present Archbishop Antje Jackelen, and their shifting understanding of the relation between science and religion. The philosophical aspects of this relation are given special consideration. What models of the relation inform the contemporary scholarly discussion? Are science and religion in conflict, separate, or in mutual creative interaction?

Passionate Embrace
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 338

Passionate Embrace

Protestant ethics has often been associated with work and duty, excluding sensuality, sexuality and other pleasures. In an age of body worship as well as body loathing, Elisabeth Gerle explores new paths, embarking on a conversation with Martin Luther in dialogue with contemporary theologians on attitudes towards desire, ethics and politics. She draws on Eros theology to challenge traditional Lutheran stereotypes, such as the dichotomies between different forms of love, as well as between spirit and body. Gerle argues that Luther’s spiritual breakthrough, where grace and gifts of creation became central, provides new meaning to sex and desire as well as to work, body and ordinary life. Wom...

The Third Room of Preaching
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 154

The Third Room of Preaching

How do listeners create meaning when hearing a sermon? In this cutting-edge homiletical study, Marianne Gaarden draws on sociological, psychological, and other empirical research to offer new perspectives and presents the notion of the Third Room of Preaching, the place where the preacher's words and the listener's prior experiences come together and new meaning emerges. The new research insights challenge conventional understandings of preaching and invite homileticians to reflect theologically on the implications for the sermon as an act of communication. In addition, the book includes an appendix that offers new perspectives on how to best educate and train preachers in light of that research.

What Really Matters
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 310

What Really Matters

This volume is about ecclesiology and ethnography and what really matters in such academic work. How does material from field studies matter in a theological conversation? How does theology, in various forms, matter in analysis and interpretation of field work material? How does method matter? The authors draw on their research experiences and engage in conversations concerning reflexivity, normativity, and representation in qualitative theological work. The role and responsibility of the researcher is addressed from various perspectives in the first part of the book. In the next section the authors discuss ways in which empirical studies are able to disrupt the implicit and explicit normati...