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Neonatal Pain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 251

Neonatal Pain

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-10-23
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  • Publisher: Springer

This completely revised and updated edition offers a comprehensive overview of neonatal pain assessment and treatment. It includes the field of fetal surgery, and many other topics have been updated or added, such as circumcision analgesia, new drugs, new insights into neurophysiologic pathways of neonatal pain and new drawbacks of analgesic drugs. While in the early years of the 21st century pain treatment in neonates was still optional, it is now a tenet, and more and more institutions are looking for inspiration and good references to create their own guidelines. Written by leading researchers in the field, this book provides that inspiration and offers a valuable tool for neonatologists, anesthetists, nurses and physiotherapists. Since it also deals with prenatal and postnatal surgery, it also appeals to surgeons.

Oxidative Stress and Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 795

Oxidative Stress and Neurodegenerative Disorders

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007-03-22
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  • Publisher: Elsevier

Oxidative stress is the result of an imbalance in pro-oxidant/antioxidant homeostasis that leads to the generation of toxic reactive oxygen species. Brain cells are continuously exposed to reactive oxygen species generated by oxidative metabolism, and in certain pathological conditions defense mechanisms against oxygen radicals may be weakened and/or overwhelmed. DNA is a potential target for oxidative damage, and genomic damage can contribute to neuropathogenesis. It is important therefore to identify tools for the quantitative analysis of DNA damage in models on neurological disorders. This book presents detailed information on various neurodegenerative disorders and their connection with oxidative stress. This information will provide clinicians with directions to treat these disorders with appropriate therapy and is also of vital importance for the drug industries for the design of new drugs for treatment of degenerative disorders.* Contains the latest information on the subject of neurodegenerative disorders* Reflects on various factors involved in degeneration and gives suggestions for how to tackle these problems

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 299


Keys, wallet, cell phone . . . ready to go! Cell phones have become ubiquitous fixtures of twenty-first-century life—suctioned to our ears and stuck in our pockets. Yet, we’ve all heard whispers that these essential little devices give you brain cancer. Many of us are left wondering, as Maureen Dowd recently asked in the New York Times, “Are cells the new cigarettes?” Overpowered brings readers, in accessible and fascinating prose, through the science, indicating biological effects resulting from low, non-thermal levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (levels considered safe by regulatory agencies), coming not only from cell phones, but many other devices we use in our homes and offices every day. Dr. Blank arms us with the information we need to lobby government and industry to keep ourselves and our families safe.

L'aube du moi
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 116

L'aube du moi


Phenomenology of the Broken Body
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 358

Phenomenology of the Broken Body

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-01-16
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Some fundamental aspects of the lived body only become evident when it breaks down through illness, weakness or pain. From a phenomenological point of view, various breakdowns are worth analyzing for their own sake, and discussing them also opens up overlooked dimensions of our bodily constitution. This book brings together different approaches that shed light on the phenomenology of the lived body—its normality and abnormality, health and sickness, its activity as well as its passivity. The contributors integrate phenomenological insights with discussions about bodily brokenness in philosophy, theology, medical science and literary theory. Phenomenology of the Broken Body demonstrates how the broken body sheds fresh light on the nuances of embodied experience in ordinary life and ultimately questions phenomenology’s preunderstanding of the body.

Sounding Bodies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 247

Sounding Bodies

Voice -- Vocal injustice -- The ethics of envoicing -- The gender voice -- Envoicing in sex, maternity, and childbirth -- Ethical spotlight : envoicing in voice pedagogy -- Ethical spotlight : envoicing in/and philosophy -- Conclusion : shifting vocal soundscapes in the age of Trump.

Je n'ai pas dit au revoir à mon bébé
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 210

Je n'ai pas dit au revoir à mon bébé

Un livre qui aidera toutes les femmes qui ont perdu un enfant à naître, quelle qu'en soit la raison (fausse couche, IVG,...) à traverser ce deuil si spécifique et malheureusement encore tabou.

La bioéthique et l'embryon
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 210

La bioéthique et l'embryon

La polémique sur la participation des catholiques au Téléthon a ouvert une brèche qui n'est pas près d'être refermée. Contre toute attente, le débat engagé a posé à frais nouveaux la question du statut de l'embryon humain, de l'eugénisme, des dérives de la biomédecine, du rapport entre la loi morale et la loi civile..., thèmes que l'on pensait à jamais interdits de cité. Pierre-Olivier Arduin, auteur de la note de mise en garde qui déclencha la controverse, décrypte pour nous les enjeux bioéthiques de la question en les resituant dans une perspective plus large : celle d'un choc culturel et moral entre, d'une part, le relativisme éthique et l'utilitarisme idéologique postmoderne et, d'autre part, le magistère de l'Église qui se fait le porte-voix de la conscience morale universelle. De ce livre, écrit comme un vibrant appel à la réflexion et à l'action de tous ceux qui sont attachés au principe intangible du respect de la vie humaine dès sa conception, il ressort que l'objection de conscience est porteuse d'une dynamique capable d'ébranler les forces contemporaines de la culture de mort.

A colpi di cuore
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 218

A colpi di cuore

Il sessantotto è diventato un simbolo, e nei simboli ci si culla, indipendentemente dal loro contenuto. A seconda di come li si guarda, quegli anni possono sembrare preistoria, oppure l'altro ieri. Rimane la sensazione, vaga ma forte, che qualcosa di importante sia successo. I giovani, il femminismo, la protesta, le assemblee, l'amore, il dolore, la violenza, e ancora le culture, i comportamenti, le sensibilità: sembrano spaccati di storie diverse, e in parte lo sono. Gli anni '68 – perché di 'anni' possiamo parlare – hanno più volti. Per raccontarli, Anna Bravo parte da sé e dai dubbi che vale la pena di guardare in faccia dopo quarant'anni di storia e di vite. Non allinea fatti, n...

Rechtsgemeinschaft mit Tieren
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 682

Rechtsgemeinschaft mit Tieren

  • Categories: Law

Dieses Open-Access-Buch fragt, ob die alten Begründungen, mit denen Tiere traditionell aus der Rechtsgemeinschaft ausgeschlossen wurden, noch tragen und zeigt, welche Fragen sich heute stellen.Die Grenzen der Rechtsgemeinschaft sind brüchig geworden und werden gegenwärtig neu verhandelt. Welche Konzepte prägen das Recht im Hinblick auf Tiere und wie sind aktuelle Entwicklungen einzuordnen? Das Buch wandelt auf den Spuren, die Tiere hinterlassen haben auf ihrem Weg zum derzeitigen rechtlichen Status und es wagt einen Ausblick auf die Frage, wohin dieser Weg führen könnte oder sollte.