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El protocolo que aquí presentamos es el fruto de un encuentro interdisciplinar entre la psicología del lenguaje, la logopedia y la lingüística clínica orientado al estudio de alteraciones del lenguaje de etiología central, como son las afasias. Su objetivo de exploración es una dimensión de los hechos lingüísticos y de la facultad del lenguaje que, a nuestro entender, no ha sido atendida hasta el momento con la centralidad que merece. El examen de lo que designamos como habilidades metalingüísticas naturales nos ofrece una especial perspectiva sobre la fenomenología afásica que, en ningún caso, debe considerarse excluyente de otros posibles enfoques. El referido examen puede s...
At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, the Latino minority, the biggest and fastest growing in the United States, is at a crossroads. Is assimilation taking place in comparable ways to previous immigrant groups? Are the links to the countries of origin being redefined in the age of contested globalism? The Oxford Handbook of Latino Studies reflects on these questions, offering a sweeping exploration of Latinas and Latinos' complex experiences in the United States. Twenty-four essays discuss various aspects of Latino life and history, from literature, popular culture, and music, to religion, philosophy, and language identity.
Partint de la polèmica al voltant de la subagrupació romànica del català i procurant superar-la, Germà Colón analitza el nostre lèxic des de diverses perspectives, confirma la seua vinculació al diasistema gàl·lic, to tenint en compte els elements constitutius, les afinitats i les discrepància amb l'aragonès i l'occità, i explica les causes històriques i d'evolució interna que han donat al català la seua fisonomia lèxica al sí de la Romània. La sèrie de qüestions ací plantejades prova que l'estudi atent del nostre cabal lexical és un aspecte prioritari de la lingüística neollatina, el qual ajuda a comprendre molts problemes d'abast general europeu.
Bibliographie Linguistique/ Linguistic Bibliography is the annual bibliography of linguistics published by the Permanent International Committee of Linguists under the auspices of the International Council of Philosophy and Humanistic Studies of UNESCO. With a tradition of more than fifty years (the first two volumes, covering the years 1939-1947, were published in 1949-1950), Bibliographie Linguistique is by far the most comprehensive bibliography in the field. It covers all branches of linguistics, both theoretical and descriptive, from all geographical areas, including less known and extinct languages, with particular attention to the many endangered languages of the world. Up-to-date information is guaranteed by the collaboration of some forty contributing specialists from all over the world. With over 20,000 titles arranged according to a detailed state-of-the-art classification, Bibliographie Linguistique remains the standard reference book for every scholar of language and linguistics.
This volume comprises refereed papers and abstracts from the 7th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (EVOLANG7), held in Barcelona in March 2008. As the leading international conference in the field, the biennial EVOLANG meeting is characterized by an invigorating, multidisciplinary approach to the origins and evolution of human language, and brings together researchers from many fields including anthropology, archeology, artificial life, biology, cognitive science, computer science, ethology, genetics, linguistics, neuroscience, paleontology, primatology, psychology and statistical physics.The latest theoretical, experimental and modeling research on language evolution is presented in this collection. It includes contributions from leading scientists such as Derek Bickerton, Rudolf Botha, Camilo Cela Conde, Francesco d'Erico, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Simon Kirby, Gary Marcus, Friedemann Pulvermller and Juan Uriagereka.
In Picking Wedlock, Shifra Armon illuminates the remarkable convergence of three women novelists of Spain's Golden Age: Maria de Zayas, Mariana de Carvahal, and Leonor de Meneses. Armon considers these extraordinary writers together for the first time, appraising them in relationship to the historical and literary nexus that gave impetus to the publication of their work.
Current Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish provides the reader with a representative spectrum of current research in the most dynamic areas of the pragmatics of Spanish. It brings together a collection of academic essays written by well-established as well as emerging voices in Hispanic pragmatics. The essays include applications of pragmatic concepts to sub-fields of (Spanish) linguistics (i.e., pragmatics and grammar; pragmatics and applied linguistics; pragmatics and cross- and inter-cultural communication), studies of 'traditional' topics in pragmatics (i.e., discourse markers, politeness, metaphor, humour) as well as a proposal to amalgamate the dominant pragmatic approaches, namely socio-pragmatics and cognitive pragmatics, into one comprehensive model. The essays in this collection represent both new theoretical and empirical research and as such they constitute a valuable contribution to the field of pragmatics in general and an essential reference to those researching the pragmatics of Spanish.
Printbegrænsninger: Der kan printes 10 sider ad gangen og max. 40 sider pr. session
Aquest volum intenta oferir als estudiants matriculats en el Grau d'Estudis Anglesos un manual de base que els introduïsca en l'estudi de les principals matèries. Un manual amb materials pràctics de treball i continguts que responen a les necessitats d'una contínua actualització de l'ensenyament de llengües estrangeres en una perspectiva empírica i teòrica, i que al mateix temps recull i integra els principals corrents científics dels estudis anglesos, tenint en compte les directrius introduïdes per l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior. La novetat d'aquest manual resideix a oferir a la xarxa i a la disposició de qualsevol usuari informació relacionada amb el contingut del llibre; textos, exercicis autocorrectius i activitats. Un espai que convida els usuaris a participar enviant les seves propostes per a publicar-les i poder-les compartir.