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Colombia is usually associated with drug cartels, guerrilla wars and violence. But the biggest Spanish-speaking country after Mexico is changing. The economy is already larger, by some measures, than South Africa's; if peace talks are successful, it will do better still. This free ebook is an indispensable guide to the new Colombia, reproducing a magazine published earlier this year by the Financial Times. FT writers interview President Juan Manuel Santos and profile both the Bogota establishment and young Colombians to watch. They explore the development challenges of the Colombian outback and the rise of a new national export - security expertise ranging from bullet proof fashion to mercenaries. Essays by Oscar Naranjo, former head of the national police, and Malcolm Deas, historian, provide further context.
Increased stability and security have renewed investment confidence in Colombia, which, with vast natural resources, a strengthened fiscal policy following reform in 2012, and a number of new free trade agreements, is well positioned to continue experiencing growth. The extractive industries, alongside the financial, infrastructure and retail sectors are particularly dynamic as the government pursues diversification strategies and the middle class expands.
Indeed, the sound performance of the construction sector, strong investment in public works, restored consumer confidence and a recovery in the hydrocarbons industry enabled Colombia’s economy to regain dynamism and end 2013 with growth of 4.7%. Attracting a record $16.36bn in foreign direct investment in 2013, an 8.2% rise on the previous year, the Andean economy assured its spot among the region’s top investment targets. As in previous years, hydrocarbons attracted the lion’s share of FDI to the country, accounting for 81.6% of the total. While GDP grew by just 2.9% in the first quarter of 2014, the central bank forecasts growth of 4.3% for the year. With the possibility of a peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the next few years could see economic performance enhanced by improved agricultural and energy outputs, as well as increased FDI inflows.
Significant investments are needed to support the global transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient future. Current finance flows fall short of global financing needs, and massive scaling up is needed to unlock additional financial resources and foster a sustainable investment pathway. Overcoming barriers to private sector investments is critical, and international climate finance can play a catalytic role in this regard. National development banks (NDBs) have a unique role in this context, both complementing and catalyzing private sector players. This publication discusses the unique role that NDBs could play in scaling up private financing for climate change mitigation projects through the intermediation of international and national public climate finance in their respective local credit markets and the conditions that would be needed for them to be most effective. It draws from experiences in international climate finance and best practices, processes, and products of NDBs within the Latin American and Caribbean region.
In a global climate of increasing complexity and uncertainty, there have been calls for a more responsible form of leadership in business and society. The relationship between kindness and leadership is therefore a topic of fundamental importance for our well-being as individuals, for the success of our organisations, and for the future of our global community. Kindness in Leadership is one of the first books to explore both the concept and practice of kindness in leadership and consider them in different societal and organisational settings. Its uniqueness lies in combining an innovative mix of personal views from leaders with explorations of organisational philosophies and practices. It op...
Este libro no es el resultado de una investigación. Son las conclusiones de un observador. No se trata de un manual de gestión universitaria. Es el itinerario de un rector joven que, a los 33 años, asumió la dirección de una universidad en Colombia y que se propuso navegar el mar, sin otra provisión más que su propia piel. No se trata de una construcción dogmática. Son las reflexiones que se fueron construyendo cada semana, conforme el periódico El Mundo iba publicando así, como cuando un padre alimenta a su hijo, cucharada tras cucharada, las reflexiones del joven rector, que como él mismo lo siente, más que un escritor de libros es un columnista. ¿Qué son? ¿De dónde vienen...
With oil accounting for roughly half of Colombia’s total exports, Latin America’s fourth-largest economy is feeling the effects of lower international oil prices. The negative impact of lower prices was nonetheless offset by positive performances by the retail, agriculture and financial services sectors, ensuring continued growth in 2015. Higher growth is expected in 2016 and beyond, driven in part by a raft of transport infrastructure investments, known as the fourth generation road concession programme. On the political front, the prospect of the signing of a peace accord between the government of Juan Manuel Santos Calderón and the leaders of the FARC promises to make 2016 a memorable year for Colombia. According to the National Planning Department, the peace settlement could bolster economic growth by up to 1.9 percentage points, lower security costs and signal the opening up of previously closed areas of the country to development.
El libro definitivo para entender el nacimiento, el desarrollo y las perspectivas del sector productivo antioqueño El negocio con el que la familia Gilinski adquirió la compañía de alimentos Nutresa -años atrás, la tradicional Compañía Nacional de Chocolates- es el movimiento empresarial más importante de los últimos tiempos en Colombia y también un momento definitivo en una apasionante y sorprendente historia: la del Grupo Empresarial Antioqueño, GEA, antes conocido como Sindicato Antioqueño, actor protagónico en la vida económica -y política- del país. A través de más de 60 entrevistas y una amplia investigación bibliográfica, la autora logra una reconstrucción minuciosa del proceso que llevó a los pioneros entusiastas de los años 1900 a convertirse en industriales poderosos que conquistaron los mercados de Colombia y varios países del hemisferio, una historia de intensas batallas por el poder empresarial, gestas memorables, actos audaces y luchas incansables para mantener el control de emblemáticas compañías.
En estos tiempos postpandemia en que muchos experimentamos desconfianza y miedos por todo lo vivido es necesaria la recuperación de las relaciones centradas en contribuir para el bien común y en construir un mundo en el que cada vez seamos mejores personas. Todos tenemos el deber y la capacidad de elevar la calidad de la condición humana en personas, equipos y organizaciones. Este libro presenta las bases, conceptos y experiencias de una propuesta de gestión y liderazgo basado en el C.A.R.I.S.M.A, concepto desarrollado por Sergio Talavera, el autor, derivado del vocablo carisma y que lo resignifica con el impacto que pueden tener relaciones muy conscientes, afirmadoras, recíprocas, i...