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Gerald Vizenor és l'autor indi nord-americà més important d'aquests moments i el que més obres ha publicat. Poeta, assagista, novel·lista, periodista, professor, activista compromés i crític aferrissat de la política racial discriminatòria nord-americana, ha dedicat i continua dedicant la seua vida a estudiar, explorar i redefinir la història passada i present dels nadius nord-americans en la que una vegada fou la seua terra. Autor prolífic 'amb més de trenta títols publicats' i extraordinàriament innovador, ha rebut nombrosos premis i reconeixements. El tret que distingeix la seua producció literària és la unicitat de temes i motius que la recorren amb un estil profundament...
In the past four decades Native American/First Nations Literature has emerged as a literary and academic field and it is now read, taught, and theorized in many educational settings outside the United States and Canada. Native American and First Nations authors have also broadened their themes and readership by exploring transnational contexts and foreign realities, and through translation into major and minor languages, thus establishing creative networks with other literary communities around the world. However, when their texts are taught abroad, the perpetuation of Indian stereotypes, mystifications, and misconceptions is still a major issue that non-Native readers, students, and teacher...
William Faulkner and the Materials of Writing examines the many physical texts in Faulkner's novels and stories from letters and telegrams to Bibles, billboards, and even the alphabetic shape of airport runways. Current investigations in print culture, book history, and media studies often emphasize the controlling power of technological form; instead, this book demonstrates how media should be understood in the context of its use. Throughout Faulkner's oeuvre, various kinds of writing become central to characters forming a sense of the self as well as bonds of intimacy, while ideologies of race and gender connect to the body through the vehicle of writing. This book combines close reading analysis of Faulkner's fiction with the publication history of his works that together offer a case study about what it means to live in a world permeated by media.
This study examines the fiction of contemporary American author George Saunders in terms of how it presents situations applicable to the chief notions of posthumanist ethics and how these conceptions concern nonhuman animals, which are prevalent in his writing. Posthumanist ethics can help us understand what is at play in Saunders’s fiction. Meanwhile, his texts can help us understand what is at stake in posthumanist ethics. This interdisciplinary project may be beneficial both to conceiving new notions of ethics that are more inclusive and, more implicitly, to understanding the relevance of Saunders’s fiction to the current American sociocultural climate.
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In the last few years Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have emerged as a transforming element in language teaching and learning and have become an integral part of many courses of English for professional and academic purposes (ESP). This collection brings together contributions from ESP teachers, who provide an account of educational experiences involving ICTs and share their practices, successes, failures and reflections. Most papers in the volume report on blended learning experiences, where teachers use either Course Management Systems like WebCT or Moodle, or online learning environments created by themselves. The contributions give ideas on how to develop pedagogically sound online language learning materials. Additionally, they discuss issues related to online language pedagogy and promote the development of online learning.
Centrat en les obres de Kate Chopin, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, Zora Neale Hurston, Lillian Smith, Eudora Welty, Alice Walker, Llegix Smith, Jill McCorkle i Bobbie Ann Mason, aquest llibre analitza el retrat ambivalent de l'espai domèstic descrit per les escriptores del sud. Les qüestions més profundes de gènere, raça i classe en una societat tradicional com la del sud americà es manifesten precisament dins l'esfera domèstica, on l'espai és sovint un mitjà crucial de dominació. Les escriptores contemporànies del sud sovint han utilitzat la transformació de la llar i els seus significats com una nova font per a la ficció. Han estat explorant formes noves i antigues d'imaginar el que podria ser una llar i la seva narrativa diu molt de la manera en la qual el treball, els llocs i la família contribueixen a la creació d'un altre en el sud contemporani.
This book proposes a renewed myth-critical approach to the so-called ‘wasteland modernism’ of the 1920s to reassess certain key texts of the American modernist canon from a critical prism that offers new perspectives of analysis and interpretation. Myth-criticism and, more specifically, the critical survey of myth as an aesthetic and ideological strategy fundamental for the comprehension of modernist literature, leads to an engaging discussion about the disenchantment of myth in modernist literary texts. This process of mythical disenchantment, inextricable from the cultural and historical circumstances that define the modernist zeitgeist, offers a possibility for revising from a contemp...
The present volume analyzes the political project manifested in the narrative poem by Melville 'Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land'. Published in 1876, this work is centered on the necessities, the possibilities and the difficulties of intersubjectivity as a means to transcend the obstacles posed by individualism and traditional communities. Este volumen analiza el proyecto político del poema narrativo de Melville 'Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land', centrado en la necesidad, las posibilidades y las dificultades de la intersubjetividad para la superación de las barreras del individualismo y de comunidades tradicionales.
This first critical biography of radio broadcaster, stage director, and auteur filmmaker Michael Cacoyannis examines his prolific body of work within the socio-political context of his times. Best known as a bold modernist for triple-Oscar-winner ‘Zorba the Greek’, Michael likewise was hailed as an astute classicist for his inventive interpretations of Euripides. Working across several continents and languages, he forwarded feminist, humanist, and pacifist agendas, as he further innovated crafty LGBT narratives of unprecedented artistry and complexity. Despite intense persecution during the Cold War red scare and lavender scare, his casts and crews of frugal cosmopolitans critiqued racism, militarism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Avoiding censorship, job loss, and jail, Michael thereby laid foundations for the 1990s new queer cinema and set the stage for empowering dramas of socio-economic justice in the third millennium. Over his long life and productive career, Michael exposed and espoused the vital truths up his sleeve.