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In a world that's constantly on the move and full of stress, finding ways to take care of our mental health can be a challenge. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our lives in unprecedented ways, prioritizing our mental wellbeing has become even more critical, especially for those who are older or living in suburban areas; feelings of isolation and anxiety can be overwhelming. That's why the therapeutic benefits of reading are being rediscovered and are gaining renewed attention. However, what needs to be added is a comprehensive resource that delves deeper into the therapeutic value of reading, particularly in the context of bibliotherapy. Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing Through Bibliotherapy addresses this gap by bringing together experts from literary studies, psychology, and education. Through their insights, readers will understand how literature can be used for healing and personal growth. By exploring topics such as anxiety, brain neurology, children's literature, and stress management, this book provides practical strategies for incorporating reading into daily life to promote mental wellbeing.
Esta obra, de carácter colectivo, compila un conjunto de trabajos científicos que se han abocado al análisis de problemáticas educativas, el desarrollo de experiencias innovadoras y estudios de profesionales que se sitúan desde diversos ámbitos disciplinares. Con todo, este libro busca aportar en forma global al conocimiento compartido en la educación por medio de múltiples líneas de trabajo, las que de seguro servirán de base para la reflexión y futuras vías de intervención en el quehacer formativo vinculado con la docencia. Los capítulos que estructuran esta construcción colectiva se encuentran escritos en castellano, catalán e inglés y examinan cuestiones tan relevantes c...
El libro que tiene delante está compuesto por una serie de capítulos que han sido escogidos por un Comité Científico tras ser sometidos a un proceso de revisión ciega por expertos en el área de la Educación. Estos capítulos han sido elaborados por investigadores y/o profesionales de distintos niveles y especialidades del ámbito educativo. Las temáticas que se abordan entre las páginas de este libro engloban investigaciones realizadas en la Educación Primaria, Secundaria o Superior, revisiones sistemáticas, propuestas metodológicas innovadoras para la formación docente y la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, análisis de problemáticas de conciliación familiar y laboral entre el profesorado universitario o estrategias de formación en competencia digital para la ciudadanía. Por tanto, la lectura de estos trabajos le proporcionará información fiable y novedosa acerca de las temáticas comentadas. La reflexión a partir de las principales conclusiones alcanzadas por los profesionales del mundo de la educación es una herramienta fundamental para poder conectar y mejorar los distintos entornos educativos. Esperamos que este libro facilite esa labor.
Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School covers a wide range of issues in the teaching of mathematics and gives supporting activities to students to enable them to translate theory into practice. Topics covered include: mathematics in the National Curriculum different teaching approaches using ICT mathematics education for pupils with special needs in mathematics assessment and public examinations teaching mathematics post-16 professional development.
The author argues for much greater attention to ethical education and responds to sceptics who say that it can't be done in the face of a pluralistic secular society badly fragmented over values. Seeking always for themes and issues that unite rather than divide, the author provides a conceptual foundation for ethical education broad enough for building consensus among teachers and parents, yet focused enough to provide guidance for highly specific learning activities. The second half of the book takes the reader through a carefully devised series of steps by which a school community might proceed in building their ethical school. The final chapter reminds of the many difficulties to be met along the way, but offers encouragement to strengthen the resolve of the school community. The book concludes with two helpful appendices: the first provides detailed information on exiting initiatives already underway in ethical education, the second offers an annotated bibliography of books and essays which are available for those educators who need or want to read more on the topic of ethical education.
"Leading thoughts" and letters for members of the Anthroposophical Society (CW 26) "The leading thoughts here given are meant to open up subjects for study and discussion. Points of contact with them will be found in countless places in the anthroposophic books and lecture courses, so that the subjects thus opened up can be enlarged upon and the discussions in the groups centered around them." -- Rudolf Steiner This key volume contains Rudolf Steiner's "leading thoughts," or guiding principles, and related letters to members of the Anthroposophical Society. Using brief, aphoristic statements, Steiner succinctly presents his spiritual science as a modern path of knowledge, accompanied by "let...
Collaborative Networks is a fast developing area, as shown by the already large number of diverse real-world implemented cases and the dynamism of its related involved research community. Being recognized as the most focused scientific and technical conference on Collaborative Networks, PRO-VE continues to offer the opportunity for presentation and discussion of both the latest research developments as well as the practical application case studies.
El presente volumen se propone enseñar al estudiante las reglasnecesarias para redactar un proyecto de investigación y lo hacede manera clara, didáctica y simple, pero al mismo tiempo estrictay rigurosa. Su autora es una persona idónea para acompañar alestudiante por esta senda de aprendizaje, y no solo porque ellatambién ha adquirido esta destreza y la ha puesto en práctica ennumerosos casos, sino porque su capacidad de reflexión sobre supropia habilidad, junto con su competencia didáctica, ha dado pie aeste libro tan útil y necesario. M. Teresa Cabré Este libro nos proporciona una guía para la redacción de proyectos deinvestigación que puede ser de gran ayuda tanto para la realizaciónde trabajos finales de grado o máster, como para estudiantes dedoctorado que inician su trabajo de investigación. Se trata de unaobra muy bien organizada que puede constituir un excelente materialdocente para las asignaturas relacionadas con los trabajos finales, asícomo una obra de consulta de gran utilidad para investigadores dediferentes áreas de conocimiento. Antoni OliverDirector de la colección “Lingüística y traducción”
This book offers the latest research and new perspectives on Interactive Collaborative Learning and Engineering Pedagogy. We are currently witnessing a significant transformation in education, and in order to face today’s real-world challenges, higher education has to find innovative ways to quickly respond to these new needs. Addressing these aspects was the chief aim of the 21st International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2018), which was held on Kos Island, Greece from September 25 to 28, 2018. Since being founded in 1998, the conference has been devoted to new approaches in learning, with a special focus on collaborative learning. Today the ICL conferences offer ...
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Sustainable Digital Communities, iConference 2020, held in Boras, Sweden, in March 2020. The 27 full papers and the 48 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 178 submissions. They cover topics such as: sustainable communities; social media; information behavior; information literacy; user experience; inclusion; education; public libraries; archives and records; future of work; open data; scientometrics; AI and machine learning; methodological innovation.