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É com muito apreço que apresentamos essa Coletânea de Manuais de Direito Digital, elaborada com muito carinho para que todos os Universitários possam ter acesso a uma das mais dinâmicas áreas do Direito e vislumbrar um mundo novo; quando o Direito e as tecnologias se combinam, exigindo dos estudiosos do direito, uma compreensão além das leis. A compreensão do mundo digital tornou-se imprescindível para qualquer jurista que almeje sucesso em sua carreira uma vez que as novas tecnologias vieram mudar a forma como vivemos nosso cotidiano e transformando nossos horizontes. É com orgulho, que dedico essa Coletânea de Manuais de Direito Digital e todos os estudiosos e curiosos sobre os avanços e transformações subjacentes ao Direito Digital. Agradeço enormemente a todos que colaboraram com o enriquecimento dessa Coletânea de Manuais de Direito Digital! Anna Carolina Pinho
Dividida em 4 partes, a obra é escrita por 64 profissionais do Direito e da Saúde, que exploram, ao longo de 35 capítulos, as diversas facetas do Direito Médico e da Bioética, tendo por base a análise de decisões paradigmáticas. A Parte I foca nos debates no universo das responsabilidades - civil, penal e ética. A Parte II explora aspectos processuais dos litígios no Direito Médico e, ainda, apresenta reflexões sobre o entendimento jurisprudencial de diversas questões no âmbito da Saúde Suplementar. A Parte III é dedicada ao estudo de importantes dilemas bioéticos em diversas especialidades médicas. Por fim, a Parte IV aborda a proteção de dados de saúde e os impactos de...
"Como síntese do exposto, explicam os autores em suas considerações finais, que há uma nova organização: 'o mercado de consumo digital, pautado em novos arranjos contratuais, desenvolvimento do comércio eletrônico, veiculação de publicidade digital – em especial com a utilização massiva de marketing de influência –, emprego da inteligência artificial, tratamento de dados pessoais dos consumidores, criação de perfis digitais de consumo e bens digitais ofertados no mercado de consumo. Os digital influencers atuam nas redes sociais pelo contato direto e pessoal com o público, criando uma relação de proximidade por meio da utilização de meios informais especialmente, med...
To you the reader, the joy of discovery begins, for We continue in our goal of providing a text which us the job is done. In this edition, we have corrected is useful, not only to the clinician, but of equal interest past deficiencies, added new topics, expanded infor- to the investigator. The selection of content has been mation regarding the pediatric age group, provided directed at topics of current interest rather than those up to date (March 2003) references, while remaining of historic contribution. We have stressed the cont- true to our concept of a multi-national author book. bution of cell biology and pathophysiology, were it We continue to believe that scientific information is an ...
This comprehensive atlas is unique in combining information on the embryological development of the human with detailed presentation of the congenital malformations encountered in clinical practice. As a consequence it will not only assist practitioners and trainees in recognizing and evaluating malformations, but also enable them to understand how a malformation has developed and to explain the mystery of congenital malformations to relatives and patients. The book is organized according to anatomic region, with additional chapters on hernias, tumors, lymphogenesis and lymphatic malformations. According to WHO statistics, each year congenital anomalies result in approximately 3.2 million bi...
This Handbook provides a contemporary and research-informed review of the topics essential to clinical psychological assessment and diagnosis. It outlines assessment issues that cross all methods, settings, and disorders, including (but not limited to) psychometric issues, diversity factors, ethical dilemmas, validity of patient presentation, psychological assessment in treatment, and report writing. These themes run throughout the volume as leading researchers summarize the empirical findings and technological advances in their area. With each chapter written by major experts in their respective fields, the text gives interpretive and practical guidance for using psychological measures for assessment and diagnosis.
This book provides a detailed guide to neonatal surgery and its related disciplines including: fetal medicine, fetal surgery, radiology, newborn anaesthesia, intensive care, neonatal medicine, medical genetics, pathology, cardiac surgery, and urology. The book aims to cover all the latest advances in newborn surgery, with contributions from the basic sciences and laboratory research to reflect the steady progress in our current working knowledge and understanding of many neonatal surgical disorders. As huge advances have been made in neonatal surgery in the past decades, ethical issues, long term outcomes, and quality of life are also emphasised. This book is an authoritative reference for surgical residents in training, consultant surgeons, general surgeons with an interest in paediatric surgery, neonatologists, paediatricians, intensive care specialists, and nursing staff.
Atmospheric Aerosols is a vital problem in current environmental research due to its importance in atmospheric optics, energetics, radiative transfer studies, chemistry, climate, biology and public health. Aerosols can influence the energy balance of the terrestrial atmosphere, the hydrological cycle, atmospheric dynamics and monsoon circulations. Because of the heterogeneous aerosol field with large spatial and temporal variability and reduction in uncertainties in aerosol quantification is a challenging task in atmospheric sciences. Keeping this in view the present study aims to assess the impact of aerosols on coastal Indian station Visakhapatnam and the adjoining Bay of Bengal. An aerosol is a colloid of fine solid particles or liquid droplets, in air or another gas. Aerosols can be natural or not. Examples of natural aerosols are fog, forest exudates and geyser steam.
This book offers insights into the educational dimensions of climate change and promotes measures to improve education in this context. It is widely believed that education can play a key role in finding global solutions to many problems related to climate change. Indeed, education as a process not only helps young people to better understand and address the impact of global warming, but also fosters better attitudes and behaviours to aid efforts towards mitigating climate change and adapting to a changing environment. But despite the central importance of education in relation to climate change, there is a paucity of publications on this theme. Against this background, the book focuses on the educational aspects of climate change and showcases examples of research, projects and other initiatives aimed at educating various audiences. It also provides a platform for reflections on the role education can play in fostering awareness on a changing climate. Presenting a wide range of valuable lessons learned, which can be adapted and replicated elsewhere, the book appeals to educators and practitioners alike.