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It has long been observed that Impressionists and their followers heeded Charles Baudelaire's call to paint "modern life." Paris and the Countryside explores modernity, a cultural notion, with a parallel emphasis on the development of modernism, an art historical concept. Essays focus on the city and the countryside. Together they examine the notions of modernity and modernism in late nineteenth-century France, acknowledging, summarizing, and interpreting the wide array of artistic responses to the modern world.
A l'occasion du tricentenaire de Saint-Pétersbourg, le Musée de Montmartre réunit dans ce livre une collection d'oeuvres d'artistes russes célèbres : Chagall, Vassiliev, Popova, Kandinsky ..., venus à Paris entre 1910 et la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
The 37th edition of International Directory of Arts (IDA) contains more about 150,000 addresses (including telephone and fax numbers, eMail and URL) from all over the world: Museums and Public Galleries Universities, Academies, Schools Associations Art and Antique Trade, Numismatics Art and Antiques Fairs Galleries Auctioneers Restorers Art Publishers Art Journals Antiquarians and Art Booksellers Within each chapter, addresses are arranged by country and within country, sections are set our alphabetically by city. Details of the specializations of museums, as well as the names of curators and senior academic museum staff are also included. The address contents were revised and updated for this edition following a questionnaire mailing. The revision also took into account numerous national and international reference works. The eBookPLUS format comprises the content and search criteria of the printed edition and its indices, facilitating complex searches.
De opvolger van het veelgeprezen De gezusters Romanov '[Parijs] heeft er dankzij dit meeslepende boek een dimensie bij gekregen.' ●●●● NRC Jarenlang genoten Russische aristocraten van al het moois dat het Parijs van de belle époque te bieden had. Met hun fortuin trokken zij naar Frankrijk om daar een luxeleven te leiden, en Parijs was dé plek voor artistieke en extravagante uitspattingen, zoals Diaghilevs Ballets Russes. Maar aan al dit genot kwam een einde toen de gewelddadige machtsovername door de bolsjewieken veel Russen dwong hun thuisland te verlaten, waarbij ze alles moesten achterlaten. Eenmaal aangekomen in Parijs moesten voormalig Russische prinsen banen aannemen als taxi...
Nella Francia della prima guerra mondiale la scuola era considerata dalle autorità come il &"centro morale&" del paese, e i bambini erano oggetto di una metodica esaltazione patriottica che, molto spesso, sfociava nell&'odio verso gli altri. La propaganda di guerra veniva imposta ai bambini anche a casa, in chiesa, nei giornali per l&'infanzia e nei negozi di giocattoli. Il bambino, infatti, è un complice facile da convincere e con scarsa tendenza al tradimento. Dietro l&'aspetto pittoresco di oggetti e documenti che presentano i bambini nella Grande Guerra, si vede come lo Stato tratta i pupilli della Nazione alla fine del conflitto.
Sélection de 1.614 publications françaises et étrangères sur la littérature, les arts, les sciences et l'histoire du XIXe siècle, en France et dans le monde, d'un auteur individuel ou collectif. Présentation en quatre grandes sections : éditions de textes, ouvrages non collectifs, ouvrages collectifs, revues. Un triple index permet de croiser les recherches par nom et par thème.
Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts avancierten Plakate von Frankreich ausgehend von bloßer Werbung zu einer veritablen Kunstform. Als Blickfang dienten vor allem Frauenfiguren - von der verklärten Idealgestalt bis hin zur verführerischen Lebedame. Anhand der zentralen Werbestereotype der damaligen Zeit erläutert Barbara Martin, welche Vorstellungen von Weiblichkeit den Darstellungen zugrunde liegen und wie Plakate das Rollenbild der Frau in der Gesellschaft spiegelten und zugleich veränderten. Untersucht werden Werke von Jules Chéret bis Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen, von Alfons Mucha bis Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.