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Emerging to the forefront of sustainable production and consumption are a promising and rapidly evolving concept known as Voluntary Standard Systems (VSS). They encompass the three pillars of sustainability – social, environmental and economic aspects and consequently they can be considered as a tool, which makes sustainable development visible. Currently, they are becoming a significant element in international trade and in the promotion of sustainable development strategies, especially in the context of globalised markets and supply chains. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the current VSS concepts: from their nature and functioning, to the future outlook for their development. It places VSS in the broader context of global development issues and challenges, including development policy and international sustainability commitments, progress towards achieving ‘green economy’ and meeting climate protection targets. The volume contains also a representative selection of case studies which demonstrate their wide range of application in different sectors of the economy.
The contributors explore how the rise of international trade and globalization has changed the way trademark law functions in a number of important areas, including protection of well-known marks, parallel imports, enforcement of trademark rights again
"This book is about corporate citizenship in developing countries, paying special attention to the new partnerships between companies, development agencies and/or civil society organisations. The book will deal with some of the following issues: analyse the background for discussing corporate citizenship in developing countries; describe some of the development issues facing companies trying to be good corporate citizens; present the background and content of the new partnerships between companies, development agencies and civil society organisations; and discuss the potentials and pitfalls of these cooperative approaches." "The book is written by scholars and practitioners with comprehensive knowledge of corporate citizenship, corporate social responsibility, private sector development, etc."--BOOK JACKET.
Since the publication of the first edition of Industrial Chocolate Manufacture and Use in 1988, it has become the leading technical book for the industry. From the beginning it was recognised that the complexity of the chocolate industry means that no single person can be an expert in every aspect of it. For example, the academic view of a process such as crystallisation can be very different from that of a tempering machine operator, so some topics have more than one chapter to take this into account. It is also known that the biggest selling chocolate, in say the USA, tastes very different from that in the UK, so the authors in the book were chosen from a wide variety of countries making t...
Dieser Band beleuchtet die interkulturellen Herausforderungen, die bei der Umsetzung von CSR-Strategien auftreten können. In den letzten Jahren ist eine nachhaltige Implementation von CSR immer mehr in den Fokus global agierender Unternehmen gerückt. Dabei konnten jedoch oftmals nur bestimmte CSR-Aspekte in einzelnen Funktionsbereichen der Unternehmen verankert werden, da viele verschiedene Hierarchieebenen und Abteilungen entlang der Value Chain in einen derartigen Entscheidungsprozess involviert sind. Ein weiteres Hindernis auf dem Weg zu einer ganzheitlichen CSR-Strategie auf allen Unternehmensebenen besteht in der Kulturabhängigkeit von Corporate Social Responsibilty, die sich in unei...
By 2050, the world’s population is estimated to grow to 10 billion. To feed everyone, we will have to double our food production, to produce more food in the next 40 years than in the whole of the last 6,000. Changing the Food Game shows how our unsustainable food production system cannot support this growth. In this prescient book, Lucas Simons argues that the biggest challenge for our generation can only be solved by effective market transformation to achieve sustainable agriculture and food production. Lucas Simons explains clearly how we have created a production and trading system that is inherently unsustainable. But he also demonstrates that we have reason to be hopeful – from a sustainability race in the cocoa industry to examples of market transformation taking place in palm oil, timber, and sugarcane production. He also poses the question: where next? Provocative and eye-opening, Changing the Food Game uncovers the real story of how our food makes it on to our plates and presents a game-changing solution to revolutionize the industry.
A PDF version of this book is available for free in open access via the OAPEN Library platform, This book presents a new model of accountability which ensures that public-private partnerships don't erode public accountability. It defines concrete accountability standards for different types of partnerships.
Die große Nachhaltigkeitslüge Angesichts der Klimakatastrophe ruhen alle Hoffnungen auf der Green Economy, die das Wirtschaften nachhaltig und sozial machen soll. Elektro-Autos statt CO2-Schleudern, Biosprit statt Benzin, Aquakultur statt Überfischung. Subventioniert von der Politik, unterstützt von Umweltorganisationen, ausgezeichnet mit Nachhaltigkeitspreisen. Wirtschaftswachstum und überbordender Konsum, so die frohe Botschaft der sogenannten dritten industriellen Revolution, sind gut für die Welt, solange sie innovativ und intelligent gemacht sind. Die technikbegeisterte Mittelschicht hört das gern. Doch auch der Rohstoffhunger des grünen Kapitalismus ist riesig: Selbst für nach...