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Nærværende bog er den første af planlagte tre og dækker perioden fra 1933 til 1976. Den analyserer udviklingen i forholdet mellem USA og (ideen om) Israel over en 43-årig periode. I den periode har der i alt siddet syv amerikanske præsidenter i Det Hvide Hus: Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon og Ford. Bogen bygger på både omfattende arkivmateriale, dagbøger, biografier, videnskabelige artikler, avisartikler, interviews, rapporter, filmsekvenser og akademiske værker om perioden, og den viser, at udviklingen i relationerne langt fra har været lineær og uden bump på vejen. Højdepunkter er blevet afløst af kriser i forholdet og stabilitet af uforudsigelighed o...
Palæstina-konflikten handler om to folks krav på det samme land. Jøderne er vendt tilbage til deres historiske hjemland efter et langvarigt eksil og har i deres optik derfor ret til landet. Det er imidlertid sket på bekostning af landets oprindelige palæstinensiske indbyggere. De har således betalt den ultimative pris for jødernes hjemkomst. Derfor har retten til tilbagevenden været en stor del af palæstinensisk identitet. Skiftende israelske regeringer har siden 1950'erne hævdet, at palæstinenserne flygtede af egen fri vilje eller blev opfordret til det af palæstinensiske og arabiske ledere, mens palæstinensiske historikere og de 'nye israelske historikere' har fundet beviser f...
Functional Microbial Genomics, edited by two leading experts in the field, provides the researcher with an up-to-date collection of articles on post-genome technologies central to studying the function of microorganisms.Since the release of the first complete genome sequence of a free-living organ
This book presents a comprehensive history of law and religion in the Nordic context. The entwinement of law and religion in Scandinavia encompasses an unusual history, not widely known yet important for its impact on contemporary political and international relations in the region. The volume provides a holistic picture from the first written legal sources of the twelfth century to the law of the present secular welfare states. It recounts this history through biographical case studies. Taking the point of view of major influential figures in church, politics, university, and law, it thus presents the principal actors who served as catalysts in ecclesiastical and secular law through the centuries. This refreshing approach to legal history contributes to a new trend in historiography, particularly articulated by a younger generation of experienced Nordic scholars whose work is featured prominently in this volume. The collection will be a valuable resource for academics and researchers working in the areas of Legal History and Law and Religion.
The Saturated Sensorium is a book about the senses and their media in the Middle Ages: a book about what it meant to sense and perceive something. The book highlights the integrated and unified nature of medieval senses and media. It discusses the inter- and multi-mediality of cultic and cultural artefacts as well as the sensorial and inter-sensorial dimensions of a wide array of cultural concepts and practices within medieval religion, art, archaeology, architecture, literature, music, food, social life, ritual, devotion, cognition, and memory. These domains of sensory and media history are dealt with, not as isolated anthology articles in only loose connection with one another, but as coor...
Between Sword and Prayer is a broad-ranging anthology focused on the involvement of medieval clergy in warfare and a variety of related military activities. The essays address, on the one hand, the issue of clerical participation in combat, in organizing military campaigns, and in armed defense, and on the other, questions surrounding the political, ideological, or religious legitimization of clerical military aggression. These perspectives are further enriched by chapters dealing with the problem of the textual representation of clergy who actively participated in military affairs. The essays in this volume span Latin Christendom, encompassing geographically the four corners of medieval Europe: Western, East-Central, Northern Europe, and the Mediterranean. Contributors are Carlos de Ayala Martínez, Geneviève Bührer-Thierry, Chris Dennis, Pablo Dorronzoro Ramírez, Lawrence G. Duggan, Daniel Gerrard, Robert Houghton, Carsten Selch Jensen, Radosław Kotecki, Jacek Maciejewski, Ivan Majnarić, Monika Michalska, Michael Edward Moore, Craig M. Nakashian, John S. Ott, Katherine Allen Smith, and Anna Waśko.
Ever since the publication of Saxo Grammaticus’ Gesta Danorum at the beginning of the thirteenth century, scholars and laymen have grappled with the complex and marvellous chronicle. As much specialized scholarship has been published in Danish, this companion breaks new ground by giving a comprehensive and up-to-date tour of the work for a global audience. Attention is given to the unity of Saxo’s massive chronicle, whether he is dealing with a legendary pagan past or events from his own time. Saxo’s world and views are explored in ways that shed new light on all of northern Europe. Contributors are Bjørn Bandlien, Karsten Friis-Jensen, Michael H. Gelting, Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm, Lars Hermanson, Lars Kjær, Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen, Annette Lassen, Anders Leegaard Knudsen, Lars Boje Mortensen, Mia Münster-Swendsen, Erik Niblaeus, Roland Scheel, Karen Skovgaard-Petersen, Kurt Villads Jensen, and Helle Vogt.
Saxo's great history of the Danes also deals with their wars against peoples living on the opposite coasts of the Baltic. At a symposium organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Southern Denmark scholars from several countries presented the results of their research in this field. The present collection of articles explores the way Saxo contrasted Danes to Wends, Prussians, Balts and Germans, and the historical background to his strongly biased viewpoints. As a literary construction, Saxo's work gives evidence of a highly sophisticated ideology of ethnic and religious balance in his treatment of these neighbours with whom the Danes lived in a state of steady confrontation.
Companion volume to Components and Sub-Assemblies Directory, providing access to 8000 manufacturers, agents and representatives of electronics systems and equipment. Entries include names of key managers, addresses, fax/telephone numbers, and pocket descriptions of manufacturing and sales programmes. There is also a product index to track the companies involved in any given business lines.