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Oxide materials are the most common natural materials and are used in various technical and biomedical applications. Oxides are involved in industry to produce energy, various sensors, catalysts and electronic devices. They also find uses in medical applications, personal and home care products, and construction in manufacturing sealants, adhesives, paints and coating. The application of oxide materials will continue to grow in the future and their use as nanostructured materials will open new horizons. This book presents the fundamentals of oxide powders, undoped or doped with metal ions (having spinel, perovskite or crednerite type structure) and obtained by different methods, establishing a connection between the structure and their electromagnetic properties, with the purpose to be used in technological and biomedical applications.
”Să te cunoşti, să te stăpâneşti, să te învingi, iată frumuseţea eternă a sportului, aspiraţiile adevăratului sportiv şi condiţiile succesului său”, spunea candva Pierre de Coubertin. Este și ideea principală care a stat la baza acestei a treia ediții a volumului “Inscripții pe columna gimnasticii românești - Ediția a III-a, 2022 “, autor jurnalistul Emanuel Fântâneanu. Cele peste 3000 pagini sunt o incursiune în istoria gimnasticii universale și noilor sale structuri organizatorice, pentru a desluși, poate mai bine, locul și rostul gimnasticii românești; drumul parcurs de acest sport pe melegurile noastre, plecând din secolele trecute și până azi, ...
Cartea "Romanul existenţialist postbelic: Marin PREDA, Augustin BUZURA, Nicolae BREBAN" urmăreşte formarea unei grile a filosofiei existenţialiste de sorginte europeană şi aplicarea ei în romane româneşti din perioada postbelică, pentru a demonstra, uneori refugiul scriiturii către idei existenţialiste, fără a se clama sorgintea lor. Existenţialismul în romane ale lui Marin Preda, Augustin Buzura sau Nicolae Breban îşi face apariţia utilizând un culoar care respecta rigorile cenzurii, dar şi cerinţele cititorilor dornici de literatură. Se găsesc, astfel, influenţe ale marilor scriitori existenţialişti care merită studiate la suprafaţă, în condiţiile în care v...
New Zealand's wonderful victory over close rivals Australia in the Twickenham final brought to close a thrilling 2015 Rugby World Cup which saw southern hemisphere teams dominate and playing a style of rugby which left the northern teams wondering how they can compete in future. This 395 page book concentrates on the 2015 tournament, detailing each pool and knock-out phase match, full information on all the qualifying competitions, each country's squads with changes made, plus a 10 page section filled with records and statistics from both the latest tournament and for the history of the world cup. The book also has match details for every game played in the world cup since 1987.
This volume includes selected and reviewed papers from the 4th International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering, held in Cluj, Romania, in September 2018. Authors are experts from research, industry and universities coming from 14 countries worldwide. The papers are covering the latest developments in automotive vehicles and environment, advanced transport systems and road traffic, heavy and special vehicles, new materials, manufacturing technologies and logistics, accident research and analysis and innovative solutions for automotive vehicles. The conference is organized by SIAR (Society of Automotive Engineers from Romania) in cooperation with FISITA.