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"Un ouvrage consacré aux savoirs faisant l'objet de partage au sein des milieux de travail éducatifs. Les auteurs s'intéressent particulièrement à la formalisation des savoirs éducatifs dans le cadre des échanges professionnels." (source : Electre).
Dans l'enseignement agricole, les savoirs à enseigner évoluent, redessinent les frontières entre les disciplines et conduisent les enseignants à fortement collaborer via la mise en place d'un enseignement modulaire. Aujourd'hui, cette intersection entre savoirs professionnels et savoirs scolaires est à nouveau questionnée, à travers notamment les projets « Produire autrement » et « Enseigner autrement ». D'une part, parce que le contexte agricole s'est considérablement modifié en cinquante ans, intégrant à une dimension productiviste des éléments de développement des territoires, de souci de l'environnement, de la qualité alimentaire et sanitaire des produits... D'autre pa...
Ce guide pédagogique répond à une demande d’outils pour la mise en œuvre des enseignements en information-documentation. Il est issu d’un travail collectif du groupe d’animation et de professionnalisation (GAP) « documentation ». Un des objectifs de ce groupe est d’élaborer un cadre innovant pour analyser les séances pédagogiques, en lien avec l’enseignement des concepts en information-documentation. Il vise ainsi à ancrer les savoirs à enseigner dans leurs savoirs scientifiques de référence. Ainsi, à partir des savoirs de références et des programmes (savoirs à enseigner), cet ouvrage propose une définition des textes du savoir, relatifs à trois concepts fondame...
Food is a significant part of our daily lives and can be one of the most telling records of a time and place. Our meals -- from what we eat, to how we prepare it, to how we consume it -- illuminate our culture and history. As a result, cookbooks present a unique opportunity to analyze changing foodways and can yield surprising discoveries about society's tastes and priorities. In Kentucky's Cookbook Heritage, John van Willigen explores the state's history through its changing food culture, beginning with Lettice Bryan's The Kentucky Housewife (originally published in 1839). Considered one of the earliest regional cookbooks, The Kentucky Housewife includes pre--Civil War recipes intended for ...
Il y a tout juste une décennie, en 1997 (n°42) et en 1998 (n° 43), Sciences de la Société explorait les questions en débat autour du service public en crise, et les réponses en adoptant une perspective de comparaisons internationales. Les articles proposés dans cette présente livraison permettent d'envisager les enjeux organisationnels qui concernent les établissements de soins, dans le contexte de transformation des cadres réglementaires et économiques qui les régissent, et des évolutions associées en termes d'organisation du travail et de prise en charge de la maladie et des patients. Ce dossier reprend la perspective internationale entre les situations canadiennes et franç...
David Bordwell's new book is at once a history of film criticism, an analysis of how critics interpret film, and a proposal for an alternative program for film studies. It is an anatomy of film criticism meant to reset the agenda for film scholarship. As such Making Meaning should be a landmark book, a focus for debate from which future film study will evolve. Bordwell systematically maps different strategies for interpreting films and making meaning, illustrating his points with a vast array of examples from Western film criticism. Following an introductory chapter that sets out the terms and scope of the argument, Bordwell goes on to show how critical institutions constrain and contain the...
Music and Levels of Narration in Film is the first book-length study to synthesize scholarly contributions toward a narrative theory of film music. Moving beyond the distinction between diegetic and nondiegetic music--or music that is not understood as part of a film's "story world"--Guido Heldt systematically discusses music at different levels of narration, from the extrafictional to "focalizations" of subjectivity. Heldt then applies this conceptual toolkit to study the narrative strategies of music in individual films, as well as genres, including musicals and horror films. The resulting volume will be an indispensable resource for anyone researching or studying film music or film narratology. A PDF version of this book is available for free in open access via the OAPEN Library platform, It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License and is part of Knowledge Unlatched.
Concepts in Film Theory is a continuation of Dudley Andrew's classic, The Major Film Theories. In writing now about contemporary theory, Andrew focuses on the key concepts in film study -- perception, representation, signification, narrative structure, adaptation, evaluation, identification, figuration, and interpretation. Beginning with an introductory chapter on the current state of film theory, Andrew goes on to build an overall view of film, presenting his own ideas on each concept, and giving a sense of the interdependence of these concepts. Andrew provides lucid explanations of theories which involve perceptual psychology and structuralism; semiotics and psychoanalysis; hermeneutics and genre study. His clear approach to these often obscure theories enables students to acquire the background they need to enrich their understanding of film -- and of art.
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the information profession. The series IFLA Publications deals with many of the means through which libraries, information centres, and information professionals worldwide can formulate their goals, exert their influence as a group, protect their interests, and find solutions to global problems.
In Film Narratology, Peter W.J. Verstraten makes film narratives his primary focus, while noting the unexplored and essentially different narrative effects that film can produce with mise-en-scène, cinematography, and editing.