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The RailChain project designed, implemented, and experimentally evaluated a juridical recorder that is based on a distributed consensus protocol. That juridical blockchain recorder has been realized as distributed ledger on board the advanced TrainLab (ICE-TD 605 017) of Deutsche Bahn. For the project, a consortium consisting of DB Systel, Siemens, Siemens Mobility, the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, TÜV Rheinland InterTraffic, and Spherity has been formed. These partners not only concentrated competencies in railway operation, computer science, regulation, and approval, but also combined experiences from industry, research from acade...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of three international workshops held in Rome, Italy, in June 2019, associated with the 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2019. These workshops were: COGNISE, The 7th International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Information Systems Engineering KET4DF, First International Workshop on Key Enabling Technologies for Digital Factories BIOC&FAISE, Joint Workshop on Blockchains for Inter-Organizational Collaboration and Felxible Advanced Information Systems The total of 19 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions.
Digital technology offers significant political, economic, and societal opportunities. At the same time, the notion of digital sovereignty has become a leitmotif in German discourse: the state’s capacity to assume its responsibilities and safeguard society’s – and individuals’ – ability to shape the digital transformation in a self-determined way. The education sector is exemplary for the challenge faced by Germany, and indeed Europe, of harnessing the benefits of digital technology while navigating concerns around sovereignty. It encompasses education as a core public good, a rapidly growing field of business, and growing pools of highly sensitive personal data. The report describes pathways to mitigating the tension between digitalization and sovereignty at three different levels – state, economy, and individual – through the lens of concrete technical projects in the education sector: the HPI Schul-Cloud (state sovereignty), the MERLOT data spaces (economic sovereignty), and the openHPI platform (individual sovereignty).
EN The “HPI Future SOC Lab” is a cooperation of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and industry partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industry partners. The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores and 2 TB main memory. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include...
Çevre, ekoloji ya da ‘‘yaşam savunusu’’ olarak adlandırılan bu hareketlerin söz ve eylem kapasiteleri, uzun zamandan beri siyasetin gündemini işgal eden ‘‘kriz tartışmalarının’’ satır başlarını oluşturan ‘‘temsiliyet, yatay örgütlenme, iletişim tekniklerinin siyasete etkisi, doğa-kültür/insan çatışkısı’’ gibi konuların da daha içeriden tartışılmasını sağladı, sağlıyor. 90’lı yıllarda bir iki yayınevi, dergi ve bir iki dernekle sınırlıyken, 2005’ten sonra birçok yerel platform kurulması, ekolojik temalı sitelerin, sosyal medya hesaplarının açılması, yayınevlerinin dizi başlıklarına ‘‘ekoloji’’yi eklemeleri, belli başlı haber sitelerinin anasayfalarına ‘‘ekoloji’’ butonu eklemeleri hız kazandı. Artık ‘‘ekoloji’’ gündelik yaşamımızın ana gündem maddelerinden biri… Cemil Aksu ve Ramazan Korkut ekoloji mücadelesindeki yaşanmışlıkları ve kazanımlarımızı unutmamamız için hazırladı.
The “HPI Future SOC Lab” is a cooperation of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and industry partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industry partners. The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores and 2 TB main memory. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include cloud computing, parallelization, and In-Memory technologies. This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2020. Selected projects have presented their results on April 21st and November 10th 2020 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.
Necip Fazıl'ın, birçoğu film haline getirilerek sinemalarda gösterilmiş bütün senaryo romanlarından “Ufuk Çizgisi ve Son Tövbe”...
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun meşrutî monarşisinin yıkılmaya yüz tuttuğu dönemde, bir avuç vatansever önderin yaktığı istiklâl ateşi ile başlayan bir ölüm-kalım savaşı, Millî Mücadele’yi ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ni mümkün kıldı. Bir avuç gözüpek serdengeçti, kurtuluş umudunu sayısız cephede, sınırsız diyarlarda, nice halkların yüreğine bir karasevda gibi işledi. Devletin yetmediği yerde milletin inisiyatif alarak yedi düvele karşı koyabileceğini gösterdi. Azimleri, kararlılıkları ve ‘söz konusu vatansa, hiçbir şey teferruat değildir!’ diyen düsturlarıyla bugünümüze bile ışık tutan bu insanlar, kurdukları efsanevi teşkil...
DE Um in der Schule bereits frühzeitig ein Verständnis für informatische Prozesse zu vermitteln wurde das neue Informatikfach Digitale Welt für die Klassenstufe 5 konzipiert mit der bundesweit einmaligen Verbindung von Informatik mit anwendungsbezogenen und gesellschaftlich relevanten Bezügen zur Ökologie und Ökonomie. Der Technische Report gibt eine Handreichung zur Einführung des neuen Faches. EN In order to impart an understanding of computer science processes at an early stage at school, the new computer science subject Digital World was designed for year 5, which combines computer science with application-related and socially relevant references to ecology and economics in a way that is unique in Germany. The Technical Report provides guidance on the introduction of the new subject.
Digitale Technologien bieten erhebliche politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Chancen. Zugleich ist der Begriff digitale Souveränität zu einem Leitmotiv im deutschen Diskurs über digitale Technologien geworden: das heißt, die Fähigkeit des Staates, seine Verantwortung wahrzunehmen und die Befähigung der Gesellschaft – und des Einzelnen – sicherzustellen, die digitale Transformation selbstbestimmt zu gestalten. Exemplarisch für die Herausforderung in Deutschland und Europa, die Vorteile digitaler Technologien zu nutzen und gleichzeitig Souveränitätsbedenken zu berücksichtigen, steht der Bildungssektor. Er umfasst Bildung als zentrales öffentliches Gut, ein schnell a...