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Sharia-compliance is the raison d’etre of Islamic banks. All of their instruments and activities should be based on sharia principles, which unfortunately exposes them to greater risks than their conventional counterparts, regulated under the dual banking system in Indonesia. These include inconsistencies between fatwas, unique reputational risks, and inefficiencies in the regulatory framework governing Islamic banks. This book critically examines the less-studied issue of developing an Islamic banking regulatory and supervisory framework that considers the risk pressures faced by Islamic banks’ operations in an Indonesian financial sector dominated by conventional banks. The book assess...
Judul : Perkembangan Industri Halal & Penguatan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Penulis : Chaidir Iswanaji, Abdul Aziz, Mulyani Rizki, Akbar Lufi Zulfikar, Nada Arina Romli, Dini Safitri, Swadia Gandhi Mahardika, Rahmat Kurnia, Diva Halimah Hasan, Hariyanti, Siti Nurhasanah, Izzun Khoirun Nissa, A’rasy Fahrullah, Muhammad Wahid Sholihul Huda, Sugianto, Santi Susanti, Risya Khaerun Nisa, Eka Fitriyanti, Rosdita Indah Yuniawati, Selly Swandari, Mahmudin, Haudh Al Maa’uun, Nur Azizah, An’im Kafabih, Abdullah Taufik Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 342 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-505-227-4 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-505-228-1 (PDF) SINOPSIS Ekonomi syariah diartikan sebagai sistem ekonom...
Judul : LEMBAGA KEUANGAN SYARIAH Buku Ajar Konsentrasi Syariah Penulis : Chaidir Iswanaji Siti Afidatul Khotijah M. Zidny Nafi’ Hasbi Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 125 Halaman No ISBN : 978-623-6233-72-6 SINOPSIS BUKU LEMBAGA KEUANGAN SYARIAH (BAHAN AJAR KONSENTRASI SYARI’AH) Buku LEMBAGA KEUANGAN SYARIAH (LKS) Indonesia merupakan literatur yang dapat menjadi tambahan khasanah bagi para pembelajar Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia. Kita ketahui bersama bahwa salah satu wujud perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah adalah tumbuh suburnya Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS) yang terkadang direduksi maknanya oleh masyarakat umum sebatas Bank Syariah. Hal ini terjadi karena memang Bank Syariah relatif paling awa...
Judul : Etika Bisnis Islam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadist Penulis : Chaidir Iswanaji, S.E., M. AK & Dr. Muhammad Wahyudi, S.Pd., M. Si Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 92 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-718-6 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-162-719-3 (PDF) SINOPSIS Alhamdulillah, puji dan syukur bagi-Mu Ya Alloh yang telah menciptakan dan menumbuhkan segala apa yang dilangit dan di bumi hinggga kami bisa lebih dekat mengenal-Mu. Engkau berikan kepada kami pemahaman dari segala ilmu yang Kau miliki agar senantiasa terbimbingkan dari rasa ketidaktahuan dan kesombongan. Dengan itulah pada akhirnya kami bisa merampungkan buku “Etika Bisnis Islam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadist”. Dengan adanya buku ini diharapkan mahasiswa dan khalayak dapat memahami etika bisnis Islam. Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak. Akhir kata, penulis menerima kritik, saran, dan pemikiran guna berlomba memberikan niat pahala dan balasan dari Allah SWT, aamiin
Gelombang revolusi dalam teknologi digital yang terus berkembang dengan pesat telah mengubah wajah dunia. Jika dibandingkan dengan sektor lain, kemajuan teknologi digital ini berjalan lebih gesit dan penuh inovatif. Dari aspek yang sederhana saja, dewasa ini jumlah orang yang memiliki telepon seluler (ponsel) mungkin jauh lebih besar daripada mereka yang memiliki akses terhadap listrik atau air bersih. Difusi gelombang teknologi digital telah merangkak masuk ke semua aspek kehidupan dan ekonomi masyarakat dunia, seperti transportasi, kesehatan, pendidikan, ritel, hotel, dan bahkan keuangan. Dalam sektor keuangan, inovasi teknologi sebenarnya bukan merupakan fenomena baru. Antara teknologi da...
Judul : Ekonomi Internasional : Teori & Regulasi Penulis : Chaidir Iswanaji, Ipuk Widayanti, Swadia Gandhi Mahardika, Akbar Lufi Zulfikar, Frances Roi Seston Tampubolon, Hariyanti, Nikmatul Masruroh, Arizqiya Nurfattah, Rasidah Novita Sari, Nada Arina Romli, Prima Yustitia Nurul Islami, Muhammad Wahid Sholihul Huda, Abdullah Taufik, Hapsari Wiji Utami, Ramadhani Irma Tripalupi, Aulia Rahman B, Izzun Khoirun Nissa, Mulyani Rizki, Ahmad Kafrawi Mahmud, Yusuf Setyadi, Abdul Aziz Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 236 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-668-4 SINOPSIS Ekonomi internasional menjadi satu bidang studi yang semakin penting karena adanya integrasi yang cepat pada pasar inter...
Islamic finance is a fast growing activity in world markets. This paper provides a survey on Islamic Finance in SSA. Ongoing activities include Islamic banking, sukuk issuances (to finance infrastructure projects), Takaful (insurance), and microfinance. While not yet significant in most Sub-Saharan countries, several features make Islamic finance instruments relevant to the region, in particular the ability to foster SMEs and micro-credit activtities. As a first step, policy makers could introduce Islamic financing windows within the conventional system and facilitate sukuk issuance to tap foreign investors. The entrance of full-fleged Islamic banks require addressing systemic issues, and adapting the crisis management and resolution frameworks. The IMF can play a role by sharing international experiences and providing advice on supervisory and regulatory frameworks as needed.
This paper examines the performance of Islamic banks (IBs) and conventional banks (CBs) during the recent global crisis by looking at the impact of the crisis on profitability, credit and asset growth, and external ratings in a group of countries where the two types of banks have significant market share. Our analysis suggests that IBs have been affected differently than CBs. Factors related to IBs‘ business model helped limit the adverse impact on profitability in 2008, while weaknesses in risk management practices in some IBs led to a larger decline in profitability in 2009 compared to CBs. IBs‘ credit and asset growth performed better than did that of CBs in 2008-09, contributing to financial and economic stability. External rating agencies‘ re-assessment of IBs‘ risk was generally more favorable.
This book discusses the idea that there is a specific Islamic form of entrepreneurship. Based on extensive original research amongst small and medium sized enterprises in Saudi Arabia, it shows how businesses are started and how they grow in the context of an Islamic economy and society. It argues that as specific Islamic approaches to a wide range of economic activities are being formulated and implemented, there is indeed a particular Islamic approach to entrepreneurship. Examining the relationship between Islamic values and entrepreneurial activity, the book considers whether such values can be more effectively used in order to raise the profile of Islamic entrepreneurship, and also to promote alternatives to development in the contemporary business environment. The book analyses the nature of entrepreneurship, and the special qualities of Islamic entrepreneurship, and discusses how the Islamic approach to entrepreneurship can be encouraged and developed further still
In secular Europe the veracity of modern science is almost always taken for granted. Whether they think of the evolutionary proofs of Darwin or of spectacular investigation into the boundaries of physics conducted by CERN's Large Hadron Collider, most people assume that scientific enquiry goes to the heart of fundamental truths about the universe. Yet elsewhere, science is under siege. In the USA, Christian fundamentalists contest whether evolution should be taught in schools at all. And in Muslim countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia, a mere 15 per cent of those recently surveyed believed Darwin's theory to be 'true' or 'probably true'. This thoughtful and passionately argued...