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Bagaimana sebuah merek bisa mencuri perhatian di tengah hiruk-pikuk pasar? Apa yang membuat strategi pemasaran efektif menjadi senjata andalan sebuah bisnis untuk terus bertahan dan berkembang? “Marketing Strategic” adalah buku yang wajib dimiliki oleh siapa saja yang ingin memahami seni dan ilmu di balik pemasaran yang sukses. Buku ini membahas berbagai aspek penting, mulai dari riset pasar, analisis kompetitor, hingga perencanaan dan eksekusi kampanye yang terintegrasi. Dengan pendekatan teoritis yang solid dan contoh aplikasi nyata, pembaca akan diajak mengeksplorasi strategi pemasaran tradisional maupun modern, termasuk optimalisasi media digital dan sosial. Dikemas dengan wawasan mendalam dan tips praktis, buku ini cocok untuk mahasiswa, praktisi bisnis, dan siapa saja yang ingin memperluas pengetahuannya tentang dunia pemasaran. “Marketing Strategic” akan membantu Anda mengubah tantangan menjadi peluang dan membawa bisnis Anda menuju kesuksesan yang berkelanjutan.
Judul : Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer: Pengantar dan Prinsip Dasar Penulis : Setio Ardy Nuswantoro Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 204 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-482-6 SINOPSIS Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer adalah panduan komprehensif yang membahas berbagai aspek penting dalam merancang antarmuka pengguna yang efektif. Mulai dari pengenalan IMK dan tujuannya, pembaca akan mempelajari prinsip-prinsip dasar yang meliputi usability, efisiensi, efektivitas, keamanan, dan aksesibilitas. Buku ini juga membahas ruang lingkup IMK, termasuk desain antarmuka pengguna, perangkat lunak yang mudah digunakan, serta pengujian usability dan desain pengalaman pengguna. Sejarah Interaks...
Shri Mataji writes that “India is a very ancient country and it has been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about reality and guidelines on how to achieve it.” This is just such a book. This book is both an introduction to Sahaja Yoga, describing the nature of the subtle reality within each of us, and a step-by-step handbook on how to be a good Sahaja Yogi, the nature of Sahaj culture, how to be a leader and how to raise children. “The knowledge of Sahaja Yoga cannot be described in a few sentences or one small book, but one should understand that all this great work of creation and evolution is done by some great subtle organization, which is in the great divine form.”
Mastering Arabic Vocabulary provides a structured vocabulary course for undergraduate and advanced students of Arabic. Arranged thematically, and by root, the course presents the key vocabulary that a well-informed Arabic speaker should have at their disposal when discussing diverse topics from business and politics to culture, society, science and technology. The course includes a wealth of exercises throughout to support learners from passive recognition to an increase in their active vocabulary. With free MP3s available online to allow learners to familiarise themselves with the pronunciation of each word provided in the book, Mastering Arabic Vocabulary is the ideal reference source for students of Arabic to build and expand their vocabulary.
This book offers a translation of the seven thousand verses of the second book of the medieval Hindu text, the Ganesa Purana, one of two Puranas dedicated to the important elephant-headed god. In this book the reader is given many narratives about Ganesas ascent to earth in order to kill demonic figures who threaten to overthrow the correct world order. In addition, these narratives contain myths about Ganesa's birth and family as well as some extended and quite humorous myths about ideal devotees of the god.The translation is preceded by a long introduction offering a geographical and historical context for the GanesaPurana. Following the translation are very extensive notes which bring our points of philological interest, but focus mainly on the literary structure of the text and the methods used to present the many myths and narratives in a coherent and fully integrated manner.
Reflecting on one of Hinduism's most popular prayer for positive energyAcclaimed mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik demystifies the Hanuman Chalisa for the contemporary reader. His unique approach makes the ancient hymn accessible combined as it is with his trademark illustrations.Every time we experience negativity in the world and within ourselves every time we encounter jealousy rage and frustration manifesting as violation and violence we hear or read the Hanuman Chalisa. Composed over four hundred years ago by Tulsidas its simple words in Awadhi a dialect of Hindi and its simple metre musically and very potently evoke the mythology history and mystery of Hanuman the much-loved Hindu deity through whom Vedic wisdom reached the masses. As verse follows verse our frightened crumpled mind begins to expand with knowledge and insight and our faith in humanity both within and without is restored.