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Modern theory of elliptic operators, or simply elliptic theory, has been shaped by the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem created 40 years ago. Reviewing elliptic theory over a broad range, 32 leading scientists from 14 different countries present recent developments in topology; heat kernel techniques; spectral invariants and cutting and pasting; noncommutative geometry; and theoretical particle, string and membrane physics, and Hamiltonian dynamics. The first of its kind, this volume is ideally suited to graduate students and researchers interested in careful expositions of newly-evolved achievements and perspectives in elliptic theory. The contributions are based on lectures presented at a works...
This book gives an introduction to index theory for symplectic matrix paths and its iteration theory, as well as applications to periodic solution problems of nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. The applications of these concepts yield new approaches to some outstanding problems. Particular attention is given to the minimal period solution problem of Hamiltonian systems and the existence of infinitely many periodic points of the Poincaré map of Lagrangian systems on tori.
In the present work the author generalizes the construction of monopole Floer homology due to Kronheimer and Mrowka to the case of a gradient flow with Morse-Bott singularities. Focusing then on the special case of a three-manifold equipped equipped with a structure which is isomorphic to its conjugate, the author defines the counterpart in this context of Manolescu's recent Pin(2)-equivariant Seiberg-Witten-Floer homology. In particular, the author provides an alternative approach to his disproof of the celebrated Triangulation conjecture.
The authors provide a complete classification of globally generated vector bundles with first Chern class $c_1 \leq 5$ one the projective plane and with $c_1 \leq 4$ on the projective $n$-space for $n \geq 3$. This reproves and extends, in a systematic manner, previous results obtained for $c_1 \leq 2$ by Sierra and Ugaglia [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 213 (2009), 2141-2146], and for $c_1 = 3$ by Anghel and Manolache [Math. Nachr. 286 (2013), 1407-1423] and, independently, by Sierra and Ugaglia [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 218 (2014), 174-180]. It turns out that the case $c_1 = 4$ is much more involved than the previous cases, especially on the projective 3-space. Among the bundles appearing in our classification one can find the Sasakura rank 3 vector bundle on the projective 4-space (conveniently twisted). The authors also propose a conjecture concerning the classification of globally generated vector bundles with $c_1 \leq n - 1$ on the projective $n$-space. They verify the conjecture for $n \leq 5$.
The authors construct Heegaard Floer theory for 3-manifolds with connected boundary. The theory associates to an oriented, parametrized two-manifold a differential graded algebra. For a three-manifold with parametrized boundary, the invariant comes in two different versions, one of which (type D) is a module over the algebra and the other of which (type A) is an A∞ module. Both are well-defined up to chain homotopy equivalence. For a decomposition of a 3-manifold into two pieces, the A∞ tensor product of the type D module of one piece and the type A module from the other piece is ^HF of the glued manifold. As a special case of the construction, the authors specialize to the case of three-manifolds with torus boundary. This case can be used to give another proof of the surgery exact triangle for ^HF. The authors relate the bordered Floer homology of a three-manifold with torus boundary with the knot Floer homology of a filling.
The authors consider unitary simple vertex operator algebras whose vertex operators satisfy certain energy bounds and a strong form of locality and call them strongly local. They present a general procedure which associates to every strongly local vertex operator algebra V a conformal net AV acting on the Hilbert space completion of V and prove that the isomorphism class of AV does not depend on the choice of the scalar product on V. They show that the class of strongly local vertex operator algebras is closed under taking tensor products and unitary subalgebras and that, for every strongly local vertex operator algebra V, the map W↦AW gives a one-to-one correspondence between the unitary subalgebras W of V and the covariant subnets of AV.
This paper introduces time-continuous numerical schemes to simulate stochastic differential equations (SDEs) arising in mathematical finance, population dynamics, chemical kinetics, epidemiology, biophysics, and polymeric fluids. These schemes are obtained by spatially discretizing the Kolmogorov equation associated with the SDE in such a way that the resulting semi-discrete equation generates a Markov jump process that can be realized exactly using a Monte Carlo method. In this construction the jump size of the approximation can be bounded uniformly in space, which often guarantees that the schemes are numerically stable for both finite and long time simulation of SDEs.
This paper is concerned with a complete asymptotic analysis as $E \to 0$ of the Munk equation $\partial _x\psi -E \Delta ^2 \psi = \tau $ in a domain $\Omega \subset \mathbf R^2$, supplemented with boundary conditions for $\psi $ and $\partial _n \psi $. This equation is a simple model for the circulation of currents in closed basins, the variables $x$ and $y$ being respectively the longitude and the latitude. A crude analysis shows that as $E \to 0$, the weak limit of $\psi $ satisfies the so-called Sverdrup transport equation inside the domain, namely $\partial _x \psi ^0=\tau $, while boundary layers appear in the vicinity of the boundary.
In this paper the author studies elliptic PDEs on compact Gromov-Hausdorff limit spaces of Riemannian manifolds with lower Ricci curvature bounds. In particular the author establishes continuities of geometric quantities, which include solutions of Poisson's equations, eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators, generalized Yamabe constants and eigenvalues of the Hodge Laplacian, with respect to the Gromov-Hausdorff topology. The author applies these to the study of second-order differential calculus on such limit spaces.