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Pain Assessment and Pharmacologic Management, by highly renowned authors Chris Pasero and Margo McCaffery, is destined to become the definitive resource in pain management in adults. It provides numerous reproducible tables, boxes, and figures that can be used in clinical practice, and emphasizes the benefits of a multimodal analgesic approach throughout. In addition, Patient Medication Information forms for the most commonly used medications in each analgesic group can be copied and given to patients. This title is an excellent resource for nurses to become certified in pain management. - Presents best practices and evidence-based guidelines for assessing and managing pain most effectively ...
La juventud es una etapa compleja y cambiante en la que se afianza la construcción de la identidad personal, laboral, social. En ese periodo de tránsito a la vida adulta se consolida un proyecto de vida independiente que requiere altos niveles de autonomía. Profesionales de diferentes ámbitos -educativo, social y psicológico fundamentalmente- se plantean como objetivo de sus intervenciones fortalecer esos procesos de autonomía juvenil y, para ello, requieren de instrumentos que les ayuden a evaluarlos. Ante esta necesidad, los grupos de investigación Psicología, Ciclo, Vital y Derechos de la Universidad Santo Tomás (Colombia) y el Grupo internacional TABA sobre Inclusión Social y Derechos Humanos de la UNED (España) han construido esta Escala de Autonomía en el Tránsito a la Vida Adulta (EDATVA). Se trata de un instrumento estandarizado, de fácil cumplimentación, con 19 ítems distribuidos en cuatro dimensiones -capacidad de autoorganización, capacidad crítica, comprensión del...
El Proyecto Acompaña de Cruz Roja Española atiende cada año a miles de jóvenes que alcanzan la mayoría de edad y que han crecido bajo el Sistema de Protección a la Infancia, separados de sus familias y que egresan del sistema teniendo que afrontar una emancipación precoz y forzosa, que los predispone a una situación de riesgo de exclusión social. A través del Proyecto Acompaña se apoya también a jóvenes en situación de riesgo que no han estado formalmente bajo el Sistema de Protección a la Infancia y a adolescentes y jóvenes migrantes no acompañados o en situaciones de grave dificultad social. Este libro recoge fielmente los trabajos del Grupo de investigación sobre Inclusi...
Medidas de Desempenho Físico e Funcional da Pessoa Idosa reúne os principais componentes da avaliação física e funcional dessa parcela crescente da população brasileira, incluindo testes e escalas para instrumentalização da prática clínica e de pesquisa. Nesta obra são discutidas questões especificamente relacionadas com a avaliação do desempenho funcional – incluindo a necessidade de identificar quem é o cliente, o foco ampliado de avaliação, muito além das atividades da vida diária, e fatores gerais e específicos no processo de avaliação.
Climate Change and Cities bridges science-to-action for climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts in cities around the world.
This book is a study of earnings management, aimed at scholars and professionals in accounting, finance, economics, and law. The authors address research questions including: Why are earnings so important that firms feel compelled to manipulate them? What set of circumstances will induce earnings management? How will the interaction among management, boards of directors, investors, employees, suppliers, customers and regulators affect earnings management? How to design empirical research addressing earnings management? What are the limitations and strengths of current empirical models?
This book, now in a second revised edition, casts light on the often complex diagnosis of musculoskeletal tumors and tumor-like conditions by drawing on the experience of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute during more than 100 years of treatment and research in the field. The different entities are described from a multidisciplinary perspective, highlighting clinical, radiological, and histological correlations. Particular emphasis is placed on differential diagnosis, which often needs to take into account nontumoral conditions. The recent identification of further significant biological and genetic features, and the impact of these discoveries on the classification of round cell tumors, vascular lesions, and spindle/pleomorphic entities in bone, is also extensively discussed. The Rizzoli case archive dates back to September 1900 and contains the original material relating to more than 29,000 bone lesions and 11,000 soft tissue lesions. It is a fabulously rich resource, and this book will be invaluable for pathologists, radiologists, and clinicians at all levels of experience.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
This unique collection of chapters takes the reader on a tour to explore innovative preservice and inservice teacher education practices from many regions of the United States, Canada and the world. Each of the chapters-organized under four headings-offers an authentic, documentary account of successful initiatives that break the traditional mold of teacher education.