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The Politics of Electoral Reform in Central Europe since 1989
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 163

The Politics of Electoral Reform in Central Europe since 1989

This book on the politics of electoral reform in Central Europe since 1989 explains by whom, why, and how the electoral rules were changed in Central Europe in the post-Communist period. Examining the contextual factors affecting, underlying, and/or initiating these changes, the book identifies main actors, their motivations, and other circumstances surrounding the electoral reform processes. It further explores their political consequences, particularly on proportionality and personalization. Based on a detailed analysis of electoral reform processes in Czechoslovakia, Czechia, Hungary, and Slovakia over the past thirty years, the book discusses how the politics of electoral reform in Centr...

Parties as Governments in Eurasia, 1913–1991
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 280

Parties as Governments in Eurasia, 1913–1991

This book examines the political parties which emerged on the territories of the former Ottoman, Qing, Russian, and Habsburg empires and not only took over government power but merged with government itself. It discusses how these parties, disillusioned with previous constitutional and parliamentary reforms, justified their takeovers with programs of controlled or supervised economic and social development, including acting as the mediators between the various social and ethnic groups in the respective territories. It pays special attention to nation-building through the party, to institutions (both constitutional and de facto), and to the global and comparative aspects of one-party regimes....

Political Communication and European Parliamentary Elections in Times of Crisis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 298

Political Communication and European Parliamentary Elections in Times of Crisis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-12-30
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book tackles the 2014 European Parliamentary election as an event, phenomenon and process from an interdisciplinary but coherent perspective. This edited volume includes research by prestigious academics from the former communist countries in question, all of which have only recently become EU members. The contributors consider whether there is a crisis of Euroscepticism, or, for that matter, extremism of any kind in each country discussed. In doing so, the volume seeks to analyse the future of the European Union itself. It will appeal to scholars and graduate students interested in elections and voting behaviour, comparative European politics, and political communication.

Faces on the Ballot
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 353

Faces on the Ballot

One of the key shifts in contemporary politics is the trend towards greater personalization. Collective actors such as political parties are losing relevance. Citizens are slowly dealigning from these actors, and individual politicians are therefore growing in importance in elections, in government, within parties, and in media reporting of politics. A crucial question concerns how this new pattern could be restructuring politics over the long run - notably, whether the personalization of politics is changing the institutional architecture of contemporary democracies. The authors show that the trend towards personalization is indeed changing core democratic institutions. Studying the evoluti...

Populismus in Ostmitteleuropa
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 670

Populismus in Ostmitteleuropa

Der in Europa erstarkende Populismus steht seit Jahren im Fokus wissenschaftlicher Debatten. Im Unterschied zum westeuropäischen Rechtspopulismus wird dem Populismus aus Ostmitteleuropa wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, und komparative Studien werden selten durchgeführt. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden in den Inhalten, Funktionslogiken und Ausbreitung der Populismen in der Slowakei, in Tschechien und Österreich. Populisten in den drei historisch verflochtenen Nachbarländern ähneln sich in ihrer Rhetorik – sie sind jedoch nicht alle als Rechtspopulisten zu klassifizieren und einander gleichzusetzen. Diese vergleichende Studie untersucht die Populismen a...

The Rise of Populism in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 225

The Rise of Populism in Central and Eastern Europe

Cognisant of the ongoing pandemic and political turmoil across Europe, this timely book examines the growing influence of populist movements in Central and Eastern Europe. Simona Kukovič and Petr Just bring together contributions from experts working in the fields of political science and sociology to study the roots and ramifications of populism in this historically turbulent region.

Political Corruption in a World in Transition
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

Political Corruption in a World in Transition

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-31
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  • Publisher: Vernon Press

This book argues that the mainstream definitions of corruption, and the key expectations they embed concerning the relationship between corruption, democracy, and the process of democratization, require reexamination. Even critics who did not consider stable institutions and legal clarity of veteran democracies as a cure-all, assumed that the process of widening the influence on government decision making and implementation allows non-elites to defend their interests, define the acceptable sources and uses of wealth, and demand government accountability. This had proved correct, especially insofar as ‘petty corruption’ is involved. But the assumption that corruption necessarily involves ...

Communists and Their Victims
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 280

Communists and Their Victims

In Communists and Their Victims, Roman David identifies and examines four classes of justice measures—retributive, reparatory, revelatory, and reconciliatory—to discover which, if any, rectified the legacy of human rights abuses committed during the communist era in the Czech Republic. Conducting interviews, focus groups, and nationwide surveys between 1999 and 2015, David looks at the impact of financial compensation and truth-sharing on victims' healing and examines the role of retribution in the behavior and attitudes of communists and their families. Emphasizing the narratives of former political prisoners, secret collaborators, and former Communist Party members, David tests the pot...

Dějiny města Veselí nad Lužnicí a okolí
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 200

Dějiny města Veselí nad Lužnicí a okolí

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1927
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Spoutaný parlament
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 186

Spoutaný parlament

Kniha se věnuje parlamentu v období, kdy nemohl naplňovat své základní poslání – být otevřeným fórem pro střet různých zájmových skupin, vládnoucích a opozičních politických stran. Byl „spoután“ prostřednictvím jednotné kandidátky Národní fronty, v níž pevně vládla KSČ. Jedná se o téma neprávem opomíjené. Přestože parlament řadu tradičních funkcí mezi lety 1948–1989 evidentně neplnil, měl jiné významné funkce – zejména byl mnoha způsoby důležitou oporou vládnoucí diktatury. Co do rozsahu jde navíc o významnou kapitolu dějin českého parlamentu, který navzdory střídání režimů vykazuje silné prvky kontinuity. Tak jako lze příčiny proměn parlamentu po druhé světové válce vysledovat již v předválečném období, i náš současný parlament chtě nechtě vychází z toho, jak fungoval před rokem 1989. Cílem knihy je přispět k lepšímu pochopení tohoto dědictví.