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Brains and Machines: Towards a unified Ethics of AI and Neuroscience provides a comprehensive overview of concepts and ethical issues at the intersection of two emerging technological trends in the 21st century: AI and neurotechnology. In line with recent advances across both fields, debates about philosophical, ethical, regulatory and social issues raised by neuroscience and AI have considerably expanded in the past decade. Yet, despite many intersections and fruitful interactions between the two scientific domains, ethical debates about neuroscience and AI have mostly moved in parallel. This volume assembles voices from various disciplines to provide a more unified view and offer novel per...
Practical advice for legal professionals to optimize cognitive fitness and protect their brain from the damaging effects of chronic stress.
Learn how to pack up the family for a life-changing, long-term journey filled with education and adventure. Winner of three Independent Book and Publisher Awards! If you’ve ever dreamed about an epic family adventure and heading out on the road for a few months or more, Wonder Year is for you. Part inspiration and part how-to, this book demystifies the seemingly outrageous prospect of embarking on a long-term family trip and using the world as a classroom for your kids—a trailblazing approach known as worldschooling. Packed with practical information, Wonder Year offers invaluable guidance to help transform your dream into a well-planned reality for your family. Woven throughout the book...
Growing evidence of the vital role reading for pleasure plays in children and young people’s academic outcomes and socio-emotional wellbeing has placed it high on the agenda in both educational policy and practice. This valuable collection draws upon a range of disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches, to explore how reading for pleasure is experienced and enacted, and highlights the implications and benefits of such volitional reading in the lives and learning of children and young people. It offers contributions from leading international researchers on current evidence and literature within the field, identifying the causes and consequences of reading for pleasure, and fr...
This handbook provides an in-depth overview of Clinical Neuropsychology, focusing on the assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of cognitive disorders.
Focussing on the ways in which cannabis has been demonized, sacralized and normalized, Christopher Partridge analyses the complex and often difficult relationship Western societies have had with the plant since the nineteenth century. After an introduction to cannabis and its uses, the book discusses how and why it was constructed as a profane influence and a marker of deviance. It then examines the emergence of medicinal cannabis, showing how this has contributed to its normalization and even its sacralization. Finally, there is a discussion of sacred cannabis, which looks at its use within modern occultism, Rastafari and several cannabis churches. Overall, the book provides a cultural history of cannabis in the modern world, which exposes the underlying reasons for the various and changing attitudes to this popular psychoactive substance.
Se dagli Stati Uniti arriva l'allarme fentanyl, anche in Italia la diffusione di droghe tra gli adolescenti, dalla cannabis agli psicofarmaci usati per sballare, sta scatenando un'epidemia di dipendenze. Non ci sono mai stati così tanti pazienti affetti da disturbi legati al consumo di droga come in questi ultimi anni e l'età in cui si sviluppano le prime patologie si abbassa ormai alla preadolescenza. Cadere nel circolo vizioso della soddisfazione-astinenza-brama è un gioco pericoloso e paradossale che ci spinge a bramare ciò che ci fa male. Eppure, gli antidoti esistono e uno dei più potenti è il sentimento della vita che viene trasmesso al bambino nei suoi primissimi mesi, ma che pu...
Pandemic Response and the Cost of Lockdowns brings the vast analytical apparatus of the humanities and social sciences to the task of critically analysing the political decisions taken in 2020–21. The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic left little time for critical debate about the impact of lockdowns. Across the world, governments claimed to "follow the science", but they rarely paid attention to the humanities and social sciences. Indeed, the absence of these perspectives is symptomatic of a longer-term trend in the marginalisation of the humanities and social sciences in policymaking and public debate. This book exposes the tragic consequences of this omission in 2020–21 and dem...
Your mental health is as important as your physical health and, in times of stress, it's vital to have enhanced cognition and reserves of resilience. This book is packed with practical tips, based on scientific evidence, that will teach you how to implement lifestyle strategies that will improve your brain health, cognition, and overall wellbeing. Covering the benefits of exercise, diet, sleep, social interactions, kindness, mindfulness, and learning, you will discover how adopting habits to improve these areas of your life at an early age will lead to a longer, healthier life. Embracing these simple strategies to prioritise your brain health and wellbeing is essential for a fulfilling life, with lifestyle choices playing a significant role in promoting resilience, creativity, and overall quality of life across all ages. For anyone seeking to lead a fulfilling life through happiness, health, and personal growth, this is the book for you.