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Foreign policies have always played an important role in the movements of migrants. A number of essays in this volume show how the foreign policies of the United States and Germany have directly or inadvertently contributed to the influx from the former Yugoslavia, Mexico, the Caribbean, and the former Soviet Union. Now being faced with growing resistance to admit foreigners into their countries, both governments have once again been using foreign-policy instruments in an effort to change the conditions in the refugees' countries of origin which forced people to leave. This volume addresses questions such as which policies can influence governments to improve their human rights, protect minorities, end internal strife, reduce the level of violence, or improve economic conditions so that large numbers of people need not leave their homes.
Multilevel Citizenship challenges the dominant conception of citizenship as legal and political equality within a sovereign state, demonstrates how citizenship is constructed by political and legal practices, and explores alternative forms of membership in substate, suprastate, and nonstate political communities.
A genealogy of Cecil Virgil Cook, Jr (1913-1970) and a history of the ancestry of Cecil Cook, extending backward some four hundred years, through various family lines and surnames. The principal surnames covered include (but are not limited to) COOK, FARMER, DORLAND, GOODE, FLOOD, BONDURANT, JONES, KEINADT (KAINADT, KOINER, KOYNER, COINERT AND COINER), DILLER, DORRIS, IRELAND, FELLOWS, SLAGLE, GRADELESS (GRAYLESS GRAYLEY), VAN ARSDALEN, MOORE, COTTON, CHENEY, CARMEAN (CREMEEN), CHEATHAM, HAWKINS, CROCKETT (CROSKETAGNE), DE SAIX, VAN METER (VAN METEREN), BODINE, DUBOIS, RENTFRO. The individuals represented by these surnames are placed in their context, with attention paid to events in which they played a part (the settlement of the earliest colonies, Indian Wars, the American Revolutionay War and Civil War, slavery and Reconstruction). Connections are also traced in Europe, primarily in England and France, in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Includes statistical tables and graphs.
"In contrast to most migration studies that focus on specific "foreigner" groups in Germany, this study simultaneously compares and contrasts the legal, political, social, and economic opportunity structures facing diverse categories of the ethnic minorities who have settled in the country since the 1950s. It reveals the contradictory, and usually self-defeating, nature of German policies intended to keep "migrants" out - allegedly in order to preserve a German Leitkultur (with which very few of its own citizens still identify). The main barriers to effective integration - and socioeconomic revitalization in general - sooner lie in the country's obsolete labor market regulations and bureaucratic procedures. Drawing on local case studies, personal interviews, and national surveys, the author describes "the human faces" behind official citizenship and integration practices in Germany, and in doing so demonstrates that average citizens are much more multi-cultural than they realize."--BOOK JACKET.
Staaten rahmen und gestalten Migrationsprozesse, kanalisieren Migrationsbewegungen und kategorisieren Migrantinnen und Migranten. Unterschiedliche staatliche Akteure beschränken oder erweitern die Handlungsspielräume von Menschen, die danach streben, ihre Arbeits-, Erwerbs-, Siedlungs-, Bildungs- oder Ausbildungschancen mithilfe von Bewegungen zwischen geographischen und sozialen Räumen zu verbessern oder sich neue Chancen zu erschließen. Die Kontroll-, Steuerungs- und Regulierungsanstrengungen staatlicher Institutionen können Freiheit und Freizügigkeit von Einzelnen oder Kollektiven so weit beschränken, dass Formen von Zwangsmigration die regionale Mobilität dominieren. Das Handbuch...