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This is the most complete English edition of Kant's correspondence that has ever been compiled. The letters are concerned with philosophical and scientific topics but many also treat personal, historical, and cultural matters. On one level the letters chart Kant's philosophical development. On another level they expose quirks and foibles, and reveal a good deal about Kant's friendships and philosophical battles with some of the prominent thinkers of the time: Herder, Hamann, Mendelssohn, and Fichte.
The purpose of this anthology is to bring together in one volume some of the texts published in the series "Werkprofile", which focus on Kant’s relationship to his philosophical contemporaries and predecessors, and to make them accessible to a wider audience in English. In doing so, the volume is aimed at those who have an interest in better understanding the premises of Kant's philosophy, its historical context, and the development of many of Kant’s fundamental ideas. As it is often hard to glean philosophical motivation directly from reading Kant’s texts, understanding Kant’s commitment to answering certain questions and his silence on others, requires a historical approach. This b...
Sex, love, and friendship play an integral role in Immanuel Kant’s conception of human life. Against common prejudices, Kant provides substantial contributions to the philosophical discussion of these topics. This unique collection of essays sheds light on how the notions function in Kant’s philosophy, both individually and in conjunction with each other. The essays examine intertwined issues such as theory of sexuality, marriage (including same-sex marriage), morality and sexual objectification, love and autonomy, love of human beings, the conceptual structure of love, friendship, misanthropy, and the highest good. The contributors include internationally well-known experts in the field. They approach the topics diversely from historical, philosophical, critical, and interpretative perspectives. The collection will be an invaluable resource for Kant scholars and for anyone interested in affective social relations in the history of philosophy and beyond.
"Detours" explores the reception of Kant's works in Vienna, Austria and Eastern Europe from a historical point of view and focuses on six topics: Kant and Censorship, Kant and Karl Leonhard Reinhold, who was the first Kantian born in Vienna and became a precursor for German and Austrian Kant reception in Jena, Kant and Eastern Europe, Kant and his Poets, Kant and Phenomenology and Kant and the Vienna Circle. In this way, the ambivalent perception of Kant in Austria becomes clearer: On the one hand Kant was censored and criticized harshly but on the other hand Kant's philosophy was studied actively in the "underground".
„Ţinta mea este de a-i convinge pe toţi cei care cred că merită să te îndeletniceşti cu metafizica de faptul că este neapărat necesar ca ei să-şi întrerupă pentru o vreme orice activitate, să nu mai ţină seama de cele ce s-au înfăptuit până în prezent şi să-şi pună mai întâi de toate întrebarea: «Este metafizica, în genere, posibilă?»“ „Nu este însă ceva chiar nemaiauzit ca, după o îndelungată strădanie în câmpul unei anumite ştiinţe, atunci când lumea se minunează cât a ajuns ea de departe, să-i treacă totuşi, în cele din urmă, cuiva prin minte întrebarea: dacă şi în ce chip o asemenea ştiinţă este în genere posibilă? Căci ra...
This volume is a revised and improved edition of the auction catalogue of Kierkegaard’s private library. The catalogue has long served as one of the most valuable tools in Kierkegaard studies and has been actively used by commentators, translators and researchers for tracing the various sources of Kierkegaard’s thought. With the catalogue in hand, one can determine with some degree of probability what books he read and what editions he used for his information about specific authors. The present volume represents the fourth printing of the catalogue, and it differs from its predecessors in many respects. The previous editions contained incomplete, erroneous and inconsistent bibliographical information about the works in the catalogue. The primary goal of the present edition was to obtain all of the books and check their title pages for the precise bibliographical information. The result is an accurate and reliable edition of the catalogue that conforms to the needs of Kierkegaard studies in the digital age.
Although influential in his own day, Karl Leonhard Reinhold's contribution to late 18th and early 19th century thought has long been overshadowed by the towering presence of Immanuel Kant, the thinker whose ideas he helped to interpret and disseminate. Today, however, a more nuanced understanding of Reinhold's contribution to post-Kantian thought is emerging. Apart from his exposition of Kant's critical philosophy, which played a significant role in the development of German idealism, Reinhold's role in the intellectual movement of Enlightenment and his contributions to early linguistic philosophy are now receiving scholarly attention. In the English-speaking world, where few translations of...
Viewing Samuel Taylor Coleridge's pursuit of continental intellectualism through the lens of cosmopolitanism, Maximiliaan van Woudenberg examines the so-called 'German Mania' of the writer in the context of the intellectual history of the university. At a time when the confessional model of Oxbridge precluded a liberal education in England, van Woudenberg argues, Coleridge's pursuit of continental methodologies and networks encountered at the University of Göttingen anticipated the foundation of the modern von Humboldt research-university model. Founded by the Hanoverian rulers of Great Britain, this cosmopolitan institution of knowledge successfully fostered cross-cultural interchange betw...