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The definitive account of the historic diplomatic agreement that provided a blueprint for ending the Cold War The Helsinki Final Act was a watershed of the Cold War. Signed by thirty-five European and North American leaders at a summit in Finland in the summer of 1975, the document presented a vision for peace based on common principles and cooperation across the Iron Curtain. The Final Act is the first in-depth history of the diplomatic saga that produced this important agreement. This gripping book explains the Final Act's emergence from the parallel crises of the Soviet bloc and the West during the 1960s and the conflicting strategies that animated the negotiations. Drawing on research in eight countries and multiple languages, The Final Act shows how Helsinki provided a blueprint for ending the Cold War and building a new international order.
As Mr. Smith has noted in the Introduction to this work, "There is little so rare in German-American genealogy as a complete emigrant passenger list from Bremen." As most researchers know, the Bremen lists were destroyed during the fire storm of that city during World War II. In the case of this work, however, Mr. Smith was able to recover fourteen Bremen lists because they had been reprinted in the obscure weekly newspaper from Rudolstadt, Thuringia, entitled the "Allgemeine Auswanderungs-Zeitung" (which can be found in the rare-book collection at Yale University). The compiler has transcribed the names of all persons bound for America from each of the fourteen lists. The emigrants, who are arranged alphabetically, are identified by place of origin and sometimes by the number of persons in the passenger's family or the names of traveling companions.
Steht nur noch ein Eignungstest zwischen Ihnen und Ihrem Traumberuf? Keine Panik! Liam Healy zeigt Ihnen, wie Eignungstests aufgebaut sind, warum sie überhaupt gemacht werden und wie Sie sich am besten vorbereiten. Hier finden Sie über 1000 Fragen mit Antworten aus den Bereichen Mathematik, Sprache, Abstraktionsfähigkeit, technisches Verständnis und Persönlichkeit, die Ihnen einen Eindruck vermitteln, was Sie erwartet. Beherzigen Sie die Tipps, wie Sie am Tag des Tests die Ruhe bewahren, und gehen Sie völlig entspannt in Ihren Eignungstest.
Die private Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung gehört zu den bedeutendsten Versicherungen auf dem Versicherungsmarkt. Trotz ihrer existentiellen Bedeutung finden sich im VVG und in den Musterbedingungen des GDV nur rudimentäre Regelungen zu den mannigfaltigen Rechtsfragen, sodass die derzeitige Rechtslage vornehmlich von der (höchstrichterlichen) Rechtsprechung geprägt und nicht selten mit erheblichen Unsicherheiten behaftet ist. So bestehen weiterhin eine Vielzahl an offenen Rechtsfragen, die im Zuge der Aufnahme der Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung in das VVG im Jahr 2008 weder einer gesetzlichen Regelung zugeführt wurden, noch derweil eine höchstrichterliche Klärung erfahren haben. Anh...
Vols. for 1979- contain "Mitteilungen des Vereins für Schlesische Kirchengeschichte e.V."
Trust, but Verify uses trust—with its emotional and predictive aspects—to explore international relations in the second half of the Cold War, beginning with the late 1960s. The détente of the 1970s led to the development of some limited trust between the United States and the Soviet Union, which lessened international tensions and enabled advances in areas such as arms control. However, it also created uncertainty in other areas, especially on the part of smaller states that depended on their alliance leaders for protection. The contributors to this volume look at how the "emotional" side of the conflict affected the dynamics of various Cold War relations: between the superpowers, within the two ideological blocs, and inside individual countries on the margins of the East–West confrontation.
Using previously classified documents and original interviews, The Other Alliance examines the channels of cooperation between American and West German student movements throughout the 1960s and early 1970s, and the reactions these relationships provoked from the U.S. government. Revising the standard narratives of American and West German social mobilization, Martin Klimke demonstrates the strong transnational connections between New Left groups on both sides of the Atlantic. Klimke shows that the cold war partnership of the American and German governments was mirrored by a coalition of rebelling counterelites, whose common political origins and opposition to the Vietnam War played a vital ...
Reinhard Hauff (*1939) begann in der Fernsehindustrie, in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren wurde er zu einem der bekanntesten Regisseure des deutschen Kinos. Reinhard Hauff geriet als Quereinsteiger in die bundesdeutsche Unterhaltungsbranche, lernte bei Michael Pfleghar und Rolf von Sydow, inszenierte den Kabarettisten Hanns Dieter Hüsch und drehte zupackende Personality Shows u. a. über Janis Joplin und Wilson Pickett , bevor er eine Wende vollzog, um sich mit dokumentarischen Arbeiten wie "Untermann – Obermann" (1969) oder "Offener Haß gegen Unbekannt" (1970) dezidiert der sozialen Wirklichkeit zu stellen. Seine Filme in dieser Zeit, wie "Die Verrohung des Franz Blum" (1974) und "Paule Pa...
Drawing on the sociology of Max Weber, Barbara Thériault investigates today's relations toward difference within German police forces. Accompanying and interviewing police officers whose job it is to contribute to the acknowledgement of difference, the sociologist outlines three ideal types of actors – an empathetic, a principled, and an opportunist one – and the motives underlying their actions. A fourth type, the specialist, is conspicuously absent. Why is that so? Solving this enigma helps depicting the relations to difference within police forces: it points to a specific »spirit« of diversity and a singular way to apprehend the individual in Germany.