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"If churches belong to no one, what is their purpose? Mary K. Farag persuasively demonstrates that three interest groups cared about this question in late antiquity: law-makers, Christian leaders, and wealthy lay-persons. Most of the time, their answers co-existed, sitting side-by-side like tectonic plates. Yet the plates did not always sit still, and it is events on their colliding boundaries that account for familiar Christian controversies in novel ways. What Makes a Church Sacred? argues that scholarship misunderstands well-known religious figures by ignoring the legal issues they faced. In this seminal text, Farag nuances the scholarly conversations on sacred space, gift-giving, wealth, and poverty in the late antique Mediterranean world, making use not only of Latin and Greek sources, but also Coptic and Arabic evidence"--
After America's Iraq adventure devolved into a debacle, a chorus of commentators and analysts noted that the U.S. military had no plan to fight a counterinsurgency campaign. Given the failure of conventional tactics, America in the last two years has redoubled its efforts to develop a new strategy to fight the Iraqi insurgency, and has gone so far to place our leading counterinsurgency expert, General David Petraeus, in charge of the Iraq theater. In sum, there seems to be a growing consensus that for better or worse, counterinsurgency will be a core tactic in future American military campaigns. Iraq, of course, presents special problems to the U.S. because of the intensity of religious beli...
The essays in the present volume celebrate the work of Margaret M. Mitchell (University of Chicago) by engaging, extending, and challenging her ground-breaking research in three areas: (1) the letters of Paul the Apostle, both authentic and pseudepigraphic; (2) the emergence and rapid development of early Christian literary culture over the first few centuries of the cult’s existence; and (3) Late Antique interpretive practices and perspectives, particularly among patristic readers of the scriptures.
"Kevin Mattison argues that Deuteronomy was designed to amend the Covenant Code (Exod 20:22-23:19). He proposes a model of amendment, which draws on existing models of replacement and supplementation to provide a more complete explanation of Deuteronomy's rewriting of the Covenant Code"--back cover.
Human leadership is a multifaceted topic in the Hebrew Bible. This holds true not only for the final form of the texts, but also for their literary history. A large range of distributions emerges from the successive sharpening or modification of different aspects of leadership. While some of them are combined to a complex figuration of leadership, others remain reserved for certain individuals. Furthermore, it can be considered a consensus within the scholarly debate, that concepts of leadership have a certain connection to the history of ancient Israel which is, though, hard to ascertain. Up to now, all these aspects of (human) leadership have been treated in a rather isolated manner. Again...
Mit der Vorstellung vom Kirchengebäude als heiligem Raum untersucht die vorliegende Studie eine zentrale Denkfigur mittelalterlicher Gesellschaftsdeutung, die „ecclesia“. Anhand auf das Kirchengebäude bezogener normativer, liturgischer und exegetisch-theologischer Quellen verfolgt sie den tiefgreifenden Wandlungsprozess eines politisch-religiösen Gesellschaftskonzepts von der Spätantike zum Frühmittelalter. Sie zeichnet nach, wie sich durch die Verknüpfung der Spiritualität mit der Materialität des Kultes eine Transformation des bestehenden politischen Ordnungsmodells wie auch religionsgeschichtliche Veränderungen ergaben. Im Zuge beider verschränkten sich fortan die Vorstellungen des Kirchengebäudes als heiligem Ort und der Entfaltung einer „wahrhaft christlichen Gesellschaft“. Die Studie beleuchtet so die bisher kaum untersuchte Verbindung zwischen Gesellschaftsdeutung und materieller Kultwirklichkeit und beschreibt die Entwicklungsdynamik, mit der sich eine epochal wirkmächtige Ekklesiologie herausbildete.
Die Mitgliederzahlen der Kirchen gehen zurück, Kirchgemeinden fusionieren, Kirchgebäude werden umgenutzt, die Verhältnisse von Kirche und Staat neu austariert. Ist die Rede von der Volkskirche im Horizont solcher Transformationsprozesse überhaupt noch sinnvoll? Der Begriff Volkskirche dient nicht nur zur Beschreibung und Orientierung kirchlicher Praxis, sondern besitzt auch Potenziale für ein zukunftsfähiges theologisches Kirchenverständnis. Genau dies zeigen die Autorinnen und Autoren auf, indem sie Volkskirche empirisch erforschen, ihre Geschichte, praktisch-theologische Modelle und Theologien der Volkskirche untersuchen und Thesen zu einer Ekklesiologie der Volkskirche entwickeln.
How was peace brought about at different time periods? What methods were employed in attempts to secure peace? The entries within this volume provide answers to these questions, focusing on the period from the 16th Century until after the Cold War. They highlight concerns that are of high relevance in the present day, such as those of the non-violent treatment of religious differences, to which early modern peace politics found noteworthy answers, or of the challenges regarding peace politics that arise from the people's right to self-determination. Inspired by the North Rhine-Westphalian upper secondary school curriculum for the subject of history, this volume addresses teachers and researchers in the field of history and historical didactics, as well as a wider readership who is interested in historical peace research.