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"The Second World War was a common experience of cultural and historical rupture for many European countries, but studies of this period and its after-images often remain locked in national frameworks. Jones' comparative study of national memory cultures argues for a more nuanced view of responses to shared issues of remembrance. Focusing on the 1960s and 1970s, two decades of great change and debate in French and German discourses of memory, it investigates literary representations of the Second World War, and in particular the Holocaust, from France and both Germanies. The study encompasses thirteen works representing a variety of genres and divergent perspectives, and authors include Jorge Semprun, Peter Weiss, Georges Perec and Bernward Vesper. Addressing the underlying theme of travel as a means of exploring the past, it contrasts the journeys made by deportees and post-war visitors to the camps with the use of the journey as a literary device."
55 years of struggle for women's ordination in the Roman Catholic Church - this lifelong effort by the theologian Ida Raming - together with her pioneering compatriots, some of whom have passed away - are described in this documentation. She is deeply convinced that a fundamental renewal of the church can only be achieved together with women who are no longer subject to discrimination - and not without them. Beginning with the Vatican Council (1962 - 1965), this endeavor has stretched across several phases of church history all the way into the present. Numerous documents bearing witness to internal church developments, conflicts and international movements are related in a vivid, gripping manner from the perspective of the author. The international Women Priests Movement (RCWP/ARCWP), its inception and development, is also described in this context. This documentation offers an excellent aid in studying the epoch of church history dating from 1962.
American society is often characterized as a “guilt culture,” as opposed to non-Western “shame cultures.” But is this distinction still valid today? Through examples like shaming penalties in criminal law, “fat shaming,” and cyberbullying on the social media, The Rise of the Shame Society: America’s Change from a Guilt Culture into a Shame Culture shows how shame is increasingly invading our lives, leading to feelings of humiliation and depression. Marcel Van Herpen identifies three causes of this phenomenon: new childrearing methods, the advent of the social media, and a transformation of Western individualism. He weighs the arguments for and against a shame society and conclu...
How important is conscience for the Christian moral life? In this book, Matthew Levering surveys twentieth-century Catholic moral theology to construct an argument against centering ethics on conscience. He instead argues that conscience must be formed by the revealed truths of Scripture as interpreted and applied in the church. Levering shows how conscience-centered ethics came to be—both prior to and following the Second Vatican Council—and how important voices from both the Catholic and Protestant communities criticized the primacy of conscience in favor of an approach that considers conscience within the broader framework of the Christian moral organism. Rather than engaging with cur...
Krisen offenbaren die Fragilität der Ordnung und fordern die Macht heraus. Wie gehen autoritäre Regime mit ihnen um? Welche Stärken und Schwächen zeigen sie in der Krisenbewältigung, verglichen mit demokratischen Ordnungen? Wie lässt sich ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit und Persistenz erklären? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes verbinden die Sichtweisen von Politikwissenschaft, Geschichte, Literaturwissenschaft, Soziologie und Regionalwissenschaften auf gegenwärtige und untergegangene Regime in Afrika, Ost- und Zentralasien, Ost- und Westeuropa und Lateinamerika. Die Fallstudien beleuchten die Verdichtung autoritärer Herrschaft in der Krise, die meist zwei konträre Ziele verfolgt: die Stabilität zu erhalten und die eigene Herrschaft zu erneuern.
In this short primer, Gorski and Perry explain what white Christian nationalism is and is not; when it first emerged and how it has changed; where it's headed and why it threatens democracy. Tracing the development of this ideology over the course of three centuries and especially its influence over the last three decades, they show how white Christian nationalism motivates the anti-democratic, authoritarian, and violent impulses on display in our current political moment.
This book examines how German-language authors have intervened in contemporary debates on the obligation to extend hospitality to asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants; the terrorist threat post-9/11; globalisation and neo-liberalism; the opportunities and anxieties of intensified mobility across borders; and whether transnationalism necessarily implies the end of the nation state and the dawn of a new cosmopolitanism. The book proceeds through a series of close readings of key texts of the last twenty years, with an emphasis on the most recent works. Authors include Terézia Mora, Richard Wagner, Olga Grjasnowa, Marlene Streeruwitz, Vladimir Vertlib, Navid Kermani, Felicitas Hoppe, Daniel Kehlmann, Ilija Trojanow, Christian Kracht, and Christa Wolf, representing the diversity of contemporary German-language writing. Through a careful process of juxtaposition and differentiation, the individual chapters demonstrate that writers of both minority and nonminority backgrounds address transnationalism in ways that certainly vary but which also often overlap in surprising ways.
Exegesis has long been characterized by a broad disciplinary diversity, but also ambiguity – combining biblical studies, exegesis, early Jewish studies, early Christian studies, Ancient Near Eastern studies, Greco-Roman, and classical studies in various ways. This is to say nothing of the more recent development of contextual and engaged exegesis as reflected in feminist, liberation, postcolonial and queer Biblical exegesis. Furthermore, how and why scholars study the Bible varies, not only across confessional or cultural contexts, but across institutional-academic contexts. The book engages these complex methodological questions about the interrelations of context, institutions, and knowl...
The central theme of this volume is the work of Sabahattin Ali, the Turkish author and translator from German into Turkish who achieved posthumous success with his novel Kürk Mantolu Madonna (The Madonna in the Fur Coat). Our contributors analyze this novel, which takes place largely in Germany, and several other texts by Ali in the context of world literature, (cultural) translation, and intertextuality. Their articles go far beyond the intercultural love affair that has typically dominated the discussion of Madonna. Other articles consider Zafer Şenocak’s essay collection Deutschsein and transcultural learning through picture books. An interview with Selim Özdoğan rounds out the issue.
Das Buch "Kirche unzensiert" bietet mit 250 Texten eine Auswahl aus Pressemitteilungen, die von Pater Rolf Hermann Lingen, Dorsten, in 16 Jahren (07.11.2007 bis 02.11.2023) auf Presseportalen (je nach Portal erst nach redaktioneller Vorprüfung und ggf. Freischaltung durch den jeweiligen Seitenbetreiber) verbreitet wurden. Diese Pressemeldungen sind kurze Stellungnahmen und Hinweise angesichts jeweils aktueller Themen und sollen dabei immer jeweils als Einzeltexte auch hinreichende Hintergrundinformationen zum Kontext bieten. Überschneidungen und Wiederholungen sind nicht immer ausgeschlossen, auch das gehört zum dokumentarischen Charakter dieser Sammlung. Es gibt verschiedene Grundthemen,...