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Front Lines of Community
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 376

Front Lines of Community

Based on the premise that a society’s sense of commonality depends upon media practices, this study examines how Hollywood responded to the crisis of democracy during the Second World War by creating a new genre - the war film. Developing an affective theory of genre cinema, the study’s focus on the sense of commonality offers a new characterization of the relationship between politics and poetics. It shows how the diverse ramifications of genre poetics can be explored as a network of experiental modalities that make history graspable as a continuous process of delineating the limits of community.

Cinematic Corpographies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 206

Cinematic Corpographies

  • Categories: Art

Writing on the relationship between war and cinema has largely been dominated by an emphasis on optics and weaponised vision. However, as this analysis of the Hollywood war film will show, a wider sensory field is powerfully evoked in this genre. Contouring war cinema as representing a somatic experience of space, the study applies a term recently developed by Derek Gregory within the theoretical framework of Critical Geography. What he calls “corpography” implies a constant re-mapping of landscape through the soldier’s body. These assumptions can be used as a connection between already established theories of cartographic film narration and ideas of (neo)phenomenological film experience, as they also entail the involvement of the spectator’s body in sensuously grasping what is staged as a mediated experience of war. While cinematic codes of war have long been oriented almost exclusively to the visual, the notion of corpography can help to reframe the concept of film genre in terms of expressive movement patterns and genre memory, avoiding reverting to the usual taxonomies of generic texts.

Filmische Poetiken der Schuld
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 616

Filmische Poetiken der Schuld

Wie werden komplexe Sinn-, Identitäts- und Wertekonstruktionen in den zeitlichen und dynamischen Mustern medialer Formen und Praktiken hergestellt? Wie generieren und transformieren filmische Bilder die affektiv grundierten Strukturen, in denen der Wertehorizont eines Gemeinwesens vermessen, bestätigt oder revidiert wird? In dieser Arbeit wird die These vertreten, dass die konkreten zeitlichen und dynamischen Strukturen der Filme je kulturell und historisch spezifisch zu verortende Muster der Welterfahrung hervorbringen. Anhand des (kollektiven) Schuldgefühls, dem Affekt der Irreversibilität, zeigt diese Arbeit, wie eine ästhetische Modulation moralischer Gefühle als das Kalkül audiov...

Die Altertums- und Kunstwissenschaften an der Freien Universität Berlin
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 208

Die Altertums- und Kunstwissenschaften an der Freien Universität Berlin

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-09-16
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  • Publisher: V&R Unipress

The seventh, and final, volume of »Contributions on the Academic History of the Free University of Berlin« (»Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Freien Universität Berlin«) focusses on Ancient Studies and Art Sciences at the Free University of Berlin. It deals with the following departments: Classical Archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, Indian Philology and Art History, Indo-European Studies, Theatre Studies and Film Studies.The volume is complemented by two additional contributions: one by Heinz Rieter on the Faculty of Law and Economics and the first decade of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, and one by Gisela Simmat on the Faculty of Business and Economics.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 438


Every year, the Bibliography catalogues the most important new publications, historiographical monographs, and journal articles throughout the world, extending from prehistory and ancient history to the most recent contemporary historical studies. Within the systematic classification according to epoch, region, and historical discipline, works are also listed according to author’s name and characteristic keywords in their title.

The US Sports Film: A Genre of American Dream Time
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 308

The US Sports Film: A Genre of American Dream Time

Sports and film are media that create time. They are temporal not only in the sense that they are defined and regulated by certain temporalities as a result of processes of social negotiation, but also in the sense of modulating and intervening in these processes in the first place. They are determined by multiple temporalities referring to and aligning along perceptual corporeality; but at the same time, they also produce time through and along temporalities of bodily expression and perception. Thus, as much as we perceive and understand sports and film by means of our culturally coded conceptions of time, this comprehension is itself already the product of these media’s fabrication and m...

The American Civil War and the Hollywood War Film
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 197

The American Civil War and the Hollywood War Film

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-29
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  • Publisher: Springer

Throughout film history, war films have been in constant dialogue with both previous depictions of war and contemporary debates and technology. War films remember older war film cycles and draw upon the resources of the present day to say something new about the nature of war. The American Civil War was viscerally documented through large-scale panorama paintings, still photography, and soldier testimonials, leaving behind representational principles that would later inform the development of the war film genre from the silent era up to the present. This book explores how each of these representational modes cemented different formulas for providing war stories with emotional content.

Meaning-Making and Political Campaign Advertising
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 359

Meaning-Making and Political Campaign Advertising

Although recent linguistic and media-studies' research has increasingly dealt with forms of imagery beyond language, such as in audiovisual formats, only little attention has been paid to the specific media character of audiovisual images. This raises a theoretical as well as methodological problem: How can processes of figurative meaning making in audiovisual media be adequately conceptualized and described? The book intends to bridge this research gap with an analysis of campaign commercials, a hitherto largely underexplored object of study in metaphor and metonymy research. To achieve this goal, a transdisciplinary film-analytical and cognitive-linguistic account of audiovisual figurativi...

Kognition und Reflexion: Zur Theorie filmischen Denkens
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 360

Kognition und Reflexion: Zur Theorie filmischen Denkens

Wenn audiovisuelle Bewegtbilder als Medien historischer, kultureller oder politischer Diskurse analysiert werden – sei es in kulturwissenschaftlichen oder in sozialwissenschaftlichen Studien – stehen zumeist repräsentierte Sachverhalte audiovisueller Bilder zur Diskussion, die sich ohne jede analytische Operation feststellen und benennen lassen. Nimmt man aber den Gedanken ernst, dass unser Sinnesapparat ein Produkt der Geschichte der Medien menschlicher Wahrnehmung ist, dann ist das Sehen, Hören, Fühlen zunächst eine Frage des Mediengebrauchs. Der Diskurs audiovisueller Bewegtbilder ist daher auf Seiten der Medienrezeption zu verorten: Sie entfaltet sich als eine kulturelle Praxis, in der Menschen ihre subjektive Wahrnehmungswirklichkeit als Teil einer gemeinsam geteilten Welt zu fassen suchen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es, anhand einer Theorie der Poetologie filmischen Denkens und insbesondere der "Cinematic Metaphor" darzulegen, wie filmische Bilder ein Verstehen und Denken generieren, das neue Differenzen und Modalitäten in diese geteilte Wirklichkeit einführt.

Genre und Gemeinsinn
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 440

Genre und Gemeinsinn

Das vorliegende Buch präsentiert eine Affekttheorie des Genrekinos, die das Verhältnis von Politik und Poetik im Begriff des Gemeinsinns neu figuriert. Ausgehend von der These, dass das ‚Gefühl für das Gemeinschaftliche‘ einer Gesellschaft abhängig ist von medialen Praktiken politischer Vergemeinschaftung, wird der Kriegseinsatz Hollywoods im Zweiten Weltkrieg untersucht. Im Ergebnis entsteht ein neues Genre, das auf die Krise der Demokratie während des Zweiten Weltkrieges reagiert. Im Zentrum dieses Genres stehen weder die Kriegsereignisse in ihrer Faktizität, noch die Kriegshelden und ihre Heldentaten; im Zentrum steht vielmehr das Leiden des einzelnen Soldaten. In den medialen ...