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A study of how coins, riches and lands were gained and distributed among the soldiers, warriors, and mercenaries in the Antiquity and Early Medieval times. Land was the ideal store of wealth in the ancient Mediterranean world. It brought social respectability, and its possession allowed participation in the politics of the cities governed by landowning elites. Crucial defense of the interests of a given polity through armed services often involved the distribution of lands to laborers still not integrated in these societies. Mediterranean urban dynamics also involved paid labor and were always in need of short-contract manpower, including skilled soldiers and warriors. For short-time militar...
The region of Boiotia was one of the most powerful regions in Greece between the Peloponnesian War and the rise of Macedonian power under Philip II and Alexander the Great. Its influence stretched across most of the Greek mainland and, at times, across the Aegean; its fourth-century leaders were of legendary ability. But the Boiotian hegemony over Greece was short lived, and less than four decades after the Boiotians defeated the Spartans at the battle of Leuktra in 371 B.C., Alexander the Great destroyed Thebes, Boiotia's largest city, and left the fabric of Boiotian power in tatters. Boiotia in the Fourth Century B.C. works from the premise that the traditional picture of hegemony and grea...
This volume focuses on the eastern mediterranean seaboard and hinterland, from the Aegean to Egypt, as well as Mesopotamia and the Iranian plateau, during the time of Alexander in the 320s BC to the beginnings of Roman domination three centuries later. This period and place has such a great diversity of cultures as well as being rich in documentary sources and so provides the scholar with a wonderful "world" in which to explore changing patterns of behaviour, evolution of institutions, and the circulation and exchange of materials and services over a period and region large enough to allow a number of economies to flourish.
Herausgegeben von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Das Griechische Münzwerk gehört zu den Traditionsunternehmen der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Es dient in erster Linie editorischen Aufgaben und hat derzeit zum Ziel, die antiken Münzen der Münzstätten Nordgriechenlands in Form von Corpora zu erschließen und für die Publikation der numismatischen Forschungsergebnisse Sorge zu tragen. Chronologisch wird dabei ein Zeitraum von der zweiten Hälfte des 6. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis zur Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. erfasst. Zur Arbeitsstelle der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften:
List of members in 4 sér., t. 22 (1919)
Que mangeaient les Babyloniens en 1700 avant J.C.? Où sont nées les premières lasagnes ? Comment préparait-on le houmous au 15e siècle en Égypte ou la limonade au temps du Grand Condé ? Max Miller, créateur et animateur de l’émission YouTube à succès Tasting History, sillonne les siècles avec enthousiasme pour explorer ces plats abandonnés à l’Histoire et les accommoder à la cuisine moderne. À ses côtés, parcourez le monde avec 65 recettes venues du passé, restituez à votre tour dans votre assiette toutes les saveurs de l’Histoire et régalez vos invités avec autant d’anecdotes surprenantes. Un livre drôle, érudit, gourmand, pour tous les curieux et passionnés.
Forfatterens mål med denne bog er: 1) Analyse af de gældende teorier for international politik og hvad der heri er lagt størst vægt på. 2) Konstruktion af en teori for international politik som kan kan råde bod på de mangler, der er i de nu gældende. 3) Afprøvning af den rekonstruerede teori på faktiske hændelsesforløb.