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The Rhetoric of Official Apologies: Critical Essays focuses on the many challenges associated with performing a speech act on behalf of a collective and the concomitant issues of rhetorically tackling the multiple political, social, and philosophical issues at stake when a collective issues an official apology to a group of victims. Contributors address questions of whether collective remorse is possible or credible, how official apologies can be evaluated, who can issue apologies on behalf of whom, and whether there are certain kinds of wrongdoing that simply can’t be addressed in the form of an official apology. Collectively, the book speaks to the relevance of conceptualizing official apologies more broadly as serving multiple rhetorical purposes that span ceremonial and political genres and represent a potentially powerful form of collective self-reflection necessary for political and social advancement.
Winner of the National Communication Association’s Public Relations Division 2023 Outstanding Book Award This handbook is a resource for students, faculty, and researchers who are focused on understanding the role communication plays in the formation and execution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Bringing together authors who are thought-leaders and emerging scholars from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives, it examines the issues central to CSR communication including: theoretical underpinnings, form and content of CSR messaging, the boundaries of engagement, and the tensions associated with CSR communication. It offers a unique combination of functiona...
Practical, clear, comprehensible, concise and comprehensive, this work presents the subject of compliance as it applies to institutions of all types in the public sector. The new edition provides assistance with practical guidance and implementation for establishing and expanding a forward-looking compliance system. The handbook covers the basics of compliance in the field of public administration and, reflecting these, associated requirements for compliance management that differ from those in the private sector due to a variety of special features. In addition to this practical core, the book also draws attention in particular to specific aspects of compliance in public companies.
The second edition of Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street offers a modern guide for how to adapt public relations strategies, messages, and tactics for countries and cultures around the globe. Drawing on interviews with public relations professionals in over 30 countries as well as the author’s own experience, the book explains how to build and manage a global public relations team, how to handle global crisis communication, and how to practice global public relations on behalf of corporations, non-profit organizations, and governments. It takes readers on a tour of the world, explaining how to adapt their campaigns for Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, and Sub-Saharan...
Mit dieser Festschrift ehren Kollegen und Wegbegleiter das Leben und Werk von Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Theis-Berglmair. Als Anlass dient ihr 65.\,Geburtstag, als Grund jedoch ihre herausragenden Qualitäten als Forscherin, Lehrerin und Mensch. Alles eine Frage der Organisation. Anna Maria Theis-Berglmairs Wirken verwandelt diesen floskelhaften Satz in einen Sinnspruch mit Gravität. Mit ihrer Forschung zur Organisationskommunikation setzte sie im deutschsprachigen Raum ebenso Trends wie bei ihrer Pionierarbeit zur Internetkommunikation. Als Hochschullehrerin berührte sie die Karrieren und Leben Tausender und prägte ihre Persönlichkeiten. Als Kollegin und Freundin ist sie eine Riesin, auf deren Schultern wir alle stehen. Wie sie das alles schaffen konnte? Alles eine Frage der Organisation eben! Die Festschrift enthält Texte zur Organisationskommunikation von Beatrice Dernbach (Nürnberg), Romy Fröhlich (München), Gero Himmelsbach (München/Bamberg), Manfred Rühl (Bamberg), Dennis Schoeneborn (Kopenhagen), Gabriele Siegert zusammen mit Stefanie Hangartner (Zürich), Rudolf Stöber (Bamberg), Peter Szyszka (Hannover), Kristina Wied zusammen mit Florian Mayer (Bamberg).
This new edition continues to give students a foundation in the principles of digital audience engagement and data metrics across platforms, preparing them to adapt to the quickly evolving world of digital media. It takes students through the processes of social listening, strategic design, creative engagement, and evaluation, with expert insights from social media professionals. Thoroughly updated, this second edition includes: • new strategies to guide students in the initial campaign planning phase • added content on influencers, social care teams, and newsjacking • coverage of research evaluation, the implications of findings, and articulating the ROI • expanded discussion of eth...
Inhalt: Lisa Rhein, Sina Lautenschläger: Editorial: Kritik an Wissen Dorothee Jahaj, Nina Janich: Nach bestem Wissen – Zum Umgang mit unsicherem Wissen im Kontext wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung Martin Böhnert, Paul Reszke: Das Wissen der anderen: Epistemische Systeme, Verstehensumgebungen und Plausibilität Niklas Simon: Zur Topik der öffentlichen Wissenskritik am Beispiel des deutschen Pestizid-Diskurses Nina-Maria Klug: Kritik an standardisiertem Wissen rassistischer Art Martha Kuhnhenn: Gekaufte Wissenschaft? Zur Relevanz transparenter Autor*innenschaft in Risikodiskursen
This handbook provides a single reference resource for communication for development and social change. Increasingly, one considers communication to be crucial to effectively tackle the major problems of today. Hence, the question being addressed in this handbook is, is there a right communication strategy? Perspectives on sustainability, participation, and culture in communication have changed over time in line with the evolution of development approaches and trends, and in response to the need for effective applications of communication methods and tools to new issues and priorities. Divided into prominent themes comprising relevant chapters written by experts in the field and reviewed by ...
The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication provides a comprehensive review of research in the strategic communication domain and offers educators and graduate-level students a compilation of approaches to and studies of varying aspects of the field. The volume provides insights into ongoing discussions that build an emerging body of knowledge. Focusing on the metatheoretical, philosophical, and applied aspects of strategic communication, the parts of the volume cover: • Conceptual foundations, • Institutional and organizational dimensions, • Implementing strategic communication, and • Domains of practice An international set of authors contributes to this volume, illustrating the broad arena in which this work is taking place. A timely volume surveying the current state of scholarship, this Handbook is essential reading for scholars in strategic communication at all levels of experience.
A small group founded Amnesty International in 1961 to translate human rights principles into action. Diplomacy of Conscience provides a rich account of how the organization pioneered a combination of popular pressure and expert knowledge to advance global human rights. To an extent unmatched by predecessors and copied by successors, Amnesty International has employed worldwide publicity campaigns based on fact-finding and moral pressure to urge governments to improve human rights practices. Less well known is Amnesty International's significant impact on international law. It has helped forge the international community's repertoire of official responses to the most severe human rights viol...