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This book provides a comprehensive description of how evangelicals in Northern Ireland interpreted the "Troubles" (1966-2007) in the light of how they read the Bible. The rich and diverse landscape of Northern Irish evangelicalism during the "Troubles" is ideally suited to this study of both the light and dark sides of apocalyptic eschatology. Searle demonstrates how the notion of apocalypse shaped evangelical and fundamentalist interpretations of the turbulent events that characterized this dark yet fascinating period in the history of Northern Ireland. The book uses this case study to offer a timely reflection on some of the most pressing issues in contemporary negotiations between culture and religion. Given the current resurgence of religious fundamentalism in the wake of 9/11, together with popular conceptions of a "clash of civilizations" and the so-called War on Terror, this book is not only an engaging academic study; it also resonates with some of the defining cultural issues of our time.
Leading Luther scholars offer students and other non-specialists an accessible way to engage the big ideas of Luther's thinking.
The Reformation led those who embraced Martin Luther's teachings to revise virtually every aspect of their faith and to reorder their daily lives in view of their new beliefs. Nowhere was this more true than with death. By the beginning of the sixteenth century the Medieval Church had established a sophisticated mechanism for dealing with death and its consequences. The Protestant reformers rejected this new mechanism. To fill the resulting gap and to offer comfort to the dying, they produced new liturgies, new church orders, and new handbooks on dying. This study focuses on the earliest of the Protestant handbooks, beginning with Luther's Sermon on Preparing to Die in 1519 and ending with J...
Liberation theology has, since its beginnings over forty years ago, placed the poor at the heart of theology and revealed the ideologies underlying both society and church. Meanwhile, over this period, the progressive church appears to have stagnated and the poor of Latin America have turned increasingly to neo-Pentecostalism. 'The Poor in Liberation Theology' questions whether the effect of liberation theology is to provide a pathway to God or really to construct idols out of the poor. Combining the conceptual language of the philosophers Jean-Luc Marion and Emmanuel Levinas with the methodology of the liberation theologian Clodovis Boff, the volume outlines how liberation theology can work to ensure the poor do not become an ideological construct but remain icons of God. Drawing on a wealth of material from Latin American and Europe, the book demonstrates the continuing validity and importance of liberation theology and its further potential when engaged with contemporary philosophy.
The present volume aims at a clarification and a discussion of the church in the 16th century: What did the reformers think about the essence and origin of the holy, apostolic and Catholic church? What was seen as the aim of it, its task and mission? Can human beings see the true church or not? Does it have one existence in this world and another in the world to come? Furthermore, the concept of church is indissolubly connected to the theological concepts of sin, faith, justification, sanctification, and salvation, and the study of the church also involves reflection upon the nature and scope of the sacraments, the role of the clergy, the aim of church-buildings, the significance of church p...
A comprehensive look at the background and context, the content, and the impact of Martin Luther's Theology, written by an international team of theologians and historians.
Wer wissen will, was Seelsorge ist, hat die Qual der Wahl. Gibt es doch eine verwirrende Vielfalt an Konzepten, Lehren und Schulen. Wie auch in anderen praktisch-theologischen Teildisziplinen hat sich die Theorie ausdifferenziert und in verschiedenen kirchlichen Arbeitsfeldern etabliert. Lässt sich in der Theorie ein theologisches Fundament ausmachen? Gibt es einen gemeinsamen Nenner in der Praxis? Wer es wissen will, findet in diesem Buch eine kompakte und konzentrierte Antwort. Die Beiträge reflektieren Seelsorge als ein vielseitiges Arbeitsfeld der Gemeinde fachlich fundiert und in exemplarischer Konkretheit. Mit Beiträgen von Bernd Beuscher, Corinna Dahlgrün, Wolfgang Drechsel, Dörte Gebhard, Eberhard Hauschildt, Michael Klessmann, Ralph Kunz, Kerstin Lammer, Michael Meyer-Blanck, Christian Möller, Christoph Morgenthaler, Isabelle Noth, Ilona Nord und Traugott Roser.
Das Lutherjahrbuch ist das bedeutendste Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung und wird im Auftrag der Luther-Gesellschaft e.V. herausgegeben. Der 85. Jahrgang dokumentiert die Plenarvorträge, Seminare und Podiumsstatements des 13. Internationalen Kongresses für Lutherforschung, welcher 2017 in Wittenberg unter dem Motto "1517. Luther zwischen Tradition und Erneuerung" tagte. Ausgewählte Buchbesprechungen und die für Lehre und Forschung nützliche Lutherbibliographie orientieren darüber hinaus über bedeutende Publikationen zur Luther- und Reformationsforschung.
Das Hiobbuch ist nach wie vor ein wichtiges Thema der alttestamentlichen Exegese. Als Beispiel für ein kritisches Weisheitsbuch ist es durch einen sehr komplizierten Entstehungsprozess gekennzeichnet. Die Forschungsdebatte um die Entstehung des Hiobbuches involviert zahlreiche literarische Fragestellungen, die ihrerseits eine Vielfalt redaktioneller Ansätze bedingen, welche den Entstehungsprozess des Buches zu rekonstruieren versuchen. Die vorliegende Studie fußt auf aktuellen redaktionsgeschichtlichen Forschungsbeiträgen. Der Autor versucht im Rahmen einer umfassenden Untersuchung der Traditions- und Redaktionsgeschichte des Hiobbuches eine Redaktionsschicht – „kritisch-theologis...