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Our Frontier Is the World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 393

Our Frontier Is the World

Mischa Honeck's Our Frontier Is the World is a provocative account of how the Boy Scouts echoed and enabled American global expansion in the twentieth century.The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has long been a standard bearer for national identity. The...

Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 434

Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War

Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War examines one of the most active but least remembered groups of terrorists of the Cold War: radical anti-Yugoslav Croatian separatists. Operating in countries as widely dispersed as Sweden, Australia, Argentina, West Germany, and the United States, Croatian extremists were responsible for scores of bombings, numerous attempted and successful assassinations, two guerilla incursions into socialist Yugoslavia, and two airplane hijackings during the height of the Cold War. In Australia alone, Croatian separatists carried out no less than sixty-five significant acts of violence in one ten-year period. Diaspora Croats developed ...

Globalizing the Soybean
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 221

Globalizing the Soybean

Globalizing the Soybean asks how the soybean conquered the West and analyzes why and how the crop gained entry into agriculture and industry in regions beyond Asia in the first half of the twentieth century. Historian Ines Prodöhl describes the soybean’s journey centered on three hubs: Northeast China, as the crop’s main growing area up to the Second World War; Germany, to where most of the beans in the interwar period were shipped; and the United States, which became the leading cultivator of soy worldwide during the 1940s. This book explores the German and U.S. adoption of the soybean being closely tied to global economic and political changes, such as the two world wars and the Great...

Lifelines of Our Society
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 333

Lifelines of Our Society

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-08-01
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

A comprehensive history and examination of global infrastructures and the outsized role they play in our lives. Infrastructure is essential to defining how the public functions, yet there is little public knowledge regarding why and how it became today’s strongest global force over government and individual lives. Who should build and maintain infrastructures? How are they to be protected? And why are they all in such bad shape? In Lifelines of Our Society, Dirk van Laak offers broad audiences a history of global infrastructures—focused on Western societies, over the past two hundred years—that considers all their many paradoxes. He illustrates three aspects of infrastructure: their de...

Re/imaginations of Disability in State Socialism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Re/imaginations of Disability in State Socialism

Die Geschichte von Menschen mit Behinderungen, die in den staatssozialistischen Gesellschaften lebten, ist bislang weitestgehend unerforscht. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes beheben dieses Desiderat. Sie bieten erstmals eine interdisziplinäre, internationale, systematische und vergleichende Perspektive auf Disability in den ehemaligen Ostblockstaaten, gehen dabei über den üblichen, begrenzten Fokus auf die UdSSR hinaus und bringen Disability mit anderen sozialen Kategorien – Ethnizität, Jugend, Geschlecht und Sexualität – ins Gespräch.

Fear of the Family
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 313

Fear of the Family

Fear of the Family offers a comprensive postwar history of guest worker migration to the Federal Republic of Germany, particularly from Greece, Turkey, and Italy. It analyzes the West German government's policies formulated to get migrants to work in the country during the prime of their productive years but to try to block them from bringing their families or becoming an expense for the state.

Cities Contested
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 383

Cities Contested

Die 1970er-Jahre gelten in der deutschen Zeitgeschichte als Epoche eines tief greifenden sozialen Wandels, eines "Strukturbruchs " im Übergang von der Industriemoderne zur postfordistischen Gesellschaft. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes widmen sich diesem Jahrzehnt erstmals aus einer stadthistorischen Perspektive und stellen dabei Entwicklungen in Westdeutschland und Italien einander gegenüber. In Fallstudien zu Städten vom Ruhrgebiet bis Sizilien wird untersucht, wie sich die Umbrüche dieser Zeit im Brennpunkt von städtischem Raum und städtischer Gesellschaft verdichten, als "urbane Krise" wahrgenommen und verhandelt werden und sich in Konflikten in der städtischen Politik sowie Kämpfen in und um die Stadt manifestieren.

Beyond Coal and Steel
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 325

Beyond Coal and Steel

In the 1970s, the economic and social foundations of Western Europe underwent an unprecedented transformation. Old industries like coal and steel disappeared, millions of people lost their jobs and formerly flourishing towns and cities went into decline. Traditional political agendas gave way to new social problems and concerns. What happened to industrial citizens – their workplaces, their careers and their homes? How did social rights and political participation of workers change when markets became global, management lean and financial capital dominant? How did companies change and how were personal skills and work tasks reinvented under the impact of new technologies? How did workers â...

Fern von Afrika
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 572

Fern von Afrika

Das Buch beschaftigt sich anhand einer Fallstudie zum lothringischen Industrierevier von Longwy mit einem in der offentlichen Diskussion heute viel beachteten Teil der Zuwanderung in die westeuropaischen Lander nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: der Migration aus den nordafrikanischen Landern Algerien, Marokko und Tunesien nach Frankreich. Mit den Schwerpunkten Einburgerungspraxis, sozialpolitische Betreuung und Entwicklung spezifischer Erinnerungskulturen stehen drei zentrale Aspekte der Migrationsgeschichte im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung.

Europe, Migration and Identity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 115

Europe, Migration and Identity

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-10-14
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This volume explores connections between migration studies and research in the history of Europeanization and Europeaness, areas which have generated much interest in recent years. Beyond histories of European political integration and the intellectual and elite movements that have supported this process, scholars increasingly pay attention to the constructed nature of Europeaness and European identities, and to the multiplicity of ways in which this construction happens. Migrants can be a particularly useful lens on Europeanization processes as they provide a perspective from the periphery in two ways: by providing a view literally from the outside as in the case of those who left the conti...