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Teacher Ethics and Teaching Quality in Scandinavian Schools
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Teacher Ethics and Teaching Quality in Scandinavian Schools

This edited volume explores the idea that educational success in Scandinavian countries can be attributed to the inherent connectedness of teacher ethics and teaching quality, providing inspiration to teachers and school systems outside Scandinavia. Acknowledging that Scandinavian school systems are known for mirroring the welfare systems and democratic societies with respect for both institutions and individuals, this book explores new educational demands, possibilities, and research developments taking place in Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden that place the education system, and teachers’ professional development and identities, under pressure. Chapters address...

Novelty, Innovation and Transformation in Educational Ethnographic Research
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 233

Novelty, Innovation and Transformation in Educational Ethnographic Research

This edited volume tackles the theoretical, empirical and methodological questions of how novelty can be determined in and through educational ethnographic research. Responding to the increasing need for new and innovative methodological and theoretical foundations for the field, chapters draw on a variety of empirical, critically examined data sets such as observation protocols of pedagogical practice, digital communication and visual representations to bridge the gap between empirical and theoretical approaches, ultimately combining different traditions and discourses within educational ethnography. Collating perspectives and accounts from over 30 authors based in European centers of excel...

Migration, Micro-Business and Tourism in Thailand
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 168

Migration, Micro-Business and Tourism in Thailand

This book investigates the social, economic, and political embeddedness of street vendors in urban tourist contexts in Thailand. Based on extensive field research, it presents a detailed analysis of urban-directed mobility patterns and revealing strategies and dilemmas in the urban souvenir business. Focusing on the development of urban ethnic minority souvenir stalls run mostly by people belonging to the group of ‘hilltribes’, the author explains the spatial expansion of ethnic businesses and assesses the economic and political obstacles micro-entrepreneurs are confronted with.

Ethnography in Higher Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 196

Ethnography in Higher Education

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-11-26
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  • Publisher: Springer VS

Ethnographic research in higher education is gaining momentum. In the last 10 years, we saw a great increase in publications, and more and more researchers endorse ethnography because of its distinctive qualities and its productivity for research in higher education: Ethnography is commended for its unique approach to social practices through continuous and immediate experience in field work, and its unfragmented methodical attention to situations, interactions, and experiences. This unique approach is explored in the present book, which brings together researchers from Europe, America, and Australia, and includes current ethnographic studies on higher education, reflections on teaching ethnography, and innovative approaches in ethnographic methods.

Applications, Tools and Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 688

Applications, Tools and Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012
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  • Publisher: IOS Press

Single processing units have now reached a point where further major improvements in their performance are restricted by their physical limitations. This is causing a slowing down in advances at the same time as new scientific challenges are demanding exascale speed. This has meant that parallel processing has become key to High Performance Computing (HPC). This book contains the proceedings of the 14th biennial ParCo conference, ParCo2011, held in Ghent, Belgium. The ParCo conferences have traditionally concentrated on three main themes: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications. Nowadays though, the focus has shifted from traditional multiprocessor topologies to heterogeneous and manycore...

Working Today for a Better Tomorrow in Ethiopia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 254

Working Today for a Better Tomorrow in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has long prioritized creating more and better jobs as core to its sustainable and inclusive development. However, steady growth in the gross domestic product and gains in agricultural productivity in recent decades have not translated into better opportunities nor increased earnings for much of the population. The 2021 Labor Force Survey data reveal labor trends since 1999 and underscore these realities. Moreover, COVID-19 and other shocks have reinforced the disconnect between positive macroeconomic trends at a national level and stagnant incomes at the household level. Working Today for a Better Tomorrow in Ethiopia: Jobs for Poor and Vulnerable Households outlines how Ethiopia ca...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 242


Geomedien haben im Zuge der aktuellen Konstitution des Internets und der Nutzung mobiler Endgeräte nahezu Omnipräsenz im Alltag erlangt. Sie binden das soziale Web enger in lebensweltliche Kontexte ein, indem sie Information und Bedeutung an sinnlich-leiblich erfahrbare Orte knüpfen. Zusammen mit einer Pluralisierung von Deutungen durch die aktuelle Prosumentenkultur im Internet führt dies zu einer Transformation der Auffassungen von Räumlichkeit. Dies hat Konsequenzen sowohl für alltägliches räumliches Handeln als auch für raumbezogene Verstehensprozesse und damit für geographische Bildung. Die Autoren zeigen die Vielfalt der sozialen Implikationen des Zusammentreffens von geo@web auf und bieten erste Wege zur Orientierung in diesem neuen, komplexen Feld der Forschung und Praxis an.

Sociology of Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1057

Sociology of Education

The sociology of education is a rich interdisciplinary field that studies schools as their own social world as well as their place within the larger society. The field draws contributions from education, sociology, human development, family studies, economics, politics and public policy. Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide introduces students to the social constructions of our educational systems and their many players, including students and their peers, teachers, parents, the broader community, politicians and policy makers. The roles of schools, the social processes governing schooling, and impacts on society are all critically explored. Despite an abundance of textbooks and specializ...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 202


Die Forschungsinseln der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung sind vielzählig und vielgestaltig und der gesamte Archipel aktueller österreichischer Erwachsenenbildungsforschung ist wohl nicht überschaubar. Dieses Buch ist eine erste Erkundung von Themenfeldern, die aktuell an österreichischen Forschungseinrichtungen bearbeitet werden oder die ihren Blick auf österreichische Bedingungen richten. Dieser regionale Bezug macht vielfältige Forschungsaktivitäten vor Ort sichtbar, aber zugleich bleibt der Versuch, einen Archipel abgrenzen zu wollen, brüchig und entsprechend weisen die vorliegenden Texte auch weit darüber hinaus. Die Beiträge wurden alle von Autor*innengruppen verfasst, damit möglichst viele Forscher*innen, es sind beinahe 40, zu Wort kommen können, und sie widmen sich systematischen Überblicken über Themen- und Forschungsfelder sowie grundlegenden Diskursen oder spezifischen Handlungsbereichen in der Erwachsenenbildung. Das Buch versammelt somit zahlreiche Beobachtungen auf unterschiedliche Inseln und von verschiedensten Inseln aus, auch wenn es noch viele weitere zu erkunden gäbe.

Wissen, was gut ist
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 187

Wissen, was gut ist

Was sind die Ziele moralischer Bildung? Angesichts aktueller moralischer Herausforderungen, so ein naheliegender Gedanke, müssen wir zukünftigen Generationen gezielt vermitteln, dass einige Rede- und Verhaltensweisen schlichtweg moralisch problematisch sind, und dass es spezifische moralische Prinzipien gibt, die es zu berücksichtigen gilt. Gleichzeitig provoziert eine solche Überlegung unmittelbar die Sorge, dass es sich bei der Vermittlung spezifischer moralischer Ansichten um eine Form illegitimer Bevormundung handeln würde – sollte es bei moralischer Bildung nicht vielmehr um die Befähigung zur eigenständigen Reflexion moralischer Problemzusammenhänge gehen? Vor dem Hintergrund...