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This volume offers new perspectives on a crucial figure of nineteenth-century cultural history – the flâneur. Recent writing on the flâneur has given little sustained attention to the widespread adaptation of the flâneur outside Paris, let alone outside France and indeed Europe, whether in the form of historic antecedents, modern sequels, or contemporary echoes. Yet it is clear that the allure of the flâneur’s persona has led to its translation and adoption far beyond Parisian boulevards and passages, and this in different media and literary genres. This volume maps some of the flâneur’s travels and transpositions. How far the flâneur is dependent on Paris as a milieu is opened u...
In early modern times, the city of Seville was the most important entrept̥ between the Old and the New World, attracting numerous merchants from all of Europe. They provided the American market with European merchandise, especially with textiles and metalware from Flanders and France. This book investigates the networks of Flemish and French merchants in Seville, displaying overall structures of trade as well as collective strategies of both merchant colonies.
In the age of European expansion, pearls became potent symbols of imperial supremacy. Pearls for the Crown demonstrates how European art legitimated racialized hierarchies and inequitable notions about humanity and nature that still hold sway today. When Christopher Columbus encountered pristine pearl beds in southern Caribbean waters in 1498, he procured the first source of New World wealth for the Spanish Crown, but he also established an alternative path to an industry that had remained outside European control for centuries. Centering her study on a selection of key artworks tied to the pearl industry, Mónica Domínguez Torres examines the interplay of materiality, labor, race, and powe...
Estudiar Potosí, el centro minero del Alto Perú que inundó de plata los caminos y rutas que vinculaban a América con Europa y a Europa con Asia en el siglo XVI y la primera mitad del siglo XVII, parecería no tener sentido, gracias a las innumerables investigaciones acerca de su importancia en la economía mundial. Sin embargo, en esta investigación se estudian la condición colonial de la ciudad de Potosí y algunos aspectos de la formación de los mercados locales, regionales e internacionales; el rol de la megaminería en el medio ambiente, los sistemas de trabajo, los mercados, la salud y el malestar de quienes vivían en los socavones extrayendo el mineral; así como la descomposic...
Este libro trata de la apreciación y la valoración de los grabados antiguos, en especial en relación con sus aspectos estéticos, técnicos y expresivos. A partir de una selección de obras de la colección del autor, realizadas por los más destacados grabadores de la historia, se nos explican los logros artísticos de las estampas en su realidad material, como obras que poseen determinadas cualidades visuales que podemos admirar. Muchos artistas del pasado demostraron su talento creando complejas y sutiles imágenes a través del grabado, un tipo de arte, sin embargo, no siempre bien comprendido y que suscita dudas y malentendidos. El arte del grabado antiguo pretende contribuir a su mejor conocimiento, y ofrece las claves para poder apreciarlo y disfrutarlo.
In Silver by Fire, Silver by Mercury: A Chemical History of Silver Refining in New Spain and Mexico, 16th to 19th Centuries, Saul Guerrero combines historical research with geology and chemistry to refute the current prevailing narrative of a primitive effort dominated by mercury and its copious emissions to the air. Based on quantitative historical data, visual records and geochemical fundamentals, Guerrero analyses the chemical and economic reasons why two refining processes had to share production, creating along the way major innovations in the chemical recipes, milling equipment, mercury recycling practice, and industrial architecture and operations. Their main environmental impact was lead fume and the depletion of woodlands from smelting, and the transformation of mercury into calomel during the patio process.
"This unique volume illustrates and discusses in detail more than 160 extraordinary fine and decorative art works of the colonial Andes, including examples of the intricate Inca weavings and metalwork that preceded the colonial era as well as a few of the remarkably inventive forms this art took after independence from Spain. An international array of scholars and experts examines the cultural context, aesthetic preoccupations, and diverse themes of art from the viceregal period, particularly the florid patternings and the fanciful beasts and hybrid creatures that have come to characterize colonial Andean art."--Jacket.
La princesa Amalie de Sajonia, hija mayor del príncipe Maximiliano de Sajonia, emprendió un viaje a España junto con su padre, de octubre de 1824 a mayo de 1825, para reunirse con su hermana menor, la reina María Josefa, tercera esposa de Fernando VII. Aparte de ser una gran música (alumna de Carl María von Weber) que compuso, entre otras obras, doce óperas, la princesa Amalie fue también una reconocida escritora, sobre todo de comedias, traducidas a varios idiomas. Le gustaba asimismo viajar y redactar diarios de sus viajes. Estos manuscritos se encuentran en el Hauptstaatsarchiv de Dresde, entre ellos el de su viaje a España, cuya edición alemana fue publicada en 2021 por Edition Serena, Moritzburg. En ella se basa el presente libro.
Introducing fresh archival evidence, author Lisa Banner here demonstrates how Francisco Gómez de Sandoval y Rojas, first Duke of Lerma, served as a vital link in Habsburg architectural patronage. She traces how Lerma embarked on a career of renovating or building religious foundations in seventeenth-century Spain; and shows how his architectural patronage and involvement connected the foundations of Lerma indelibly with the traditions of noble patronage in Habsburg Spain.